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// Package daemon implements the isle daemon, which is a long-running service
// managing all isle background tasks and sub-processes for a single network.
package daemon
import (
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2024-06-22 15:49:56 +00:00
// CreateHostOpts are optional parameters to the CreateHost method.
type CreateHostOpts struct {
2024-07-21 15:03:59 +00:00
// IP address of the new host. An IP address will be randomly chosen if one
// is not given here.
IP netip.Addr
// CanCreateHosts indicates that the bootstrap produced by CreateHost should
// give the new host the ability to create new hosts as well.
CanCreateHosts bool
// Daemon presents all functionality required for client frontends to interact
// with isle, typically via the unix socket.
type Daemon interface {
// CreateNetwork will initialize a new network using the given parameters.
// - name: Human-readable name of the network.
// - domain: Primary domain name that network services are served under.
// - ipNet: An IP subnet, in CIDR form, which will be the overall range of
// possible IPs in the network. The first IP in this network range will
// become this first host's IP.
// - hostName: The name of this first host in the network.
// The daemon on which this is called will become the first host in the
// network, and will have full administrative privileges.
ctx context.Context, name, domain string,
ipNet nebula.IPNet,
hostName nebula.HostName,
) error
// JoinNetwork joins the Daemon to an existing network using the given
// Bootstrap.
// Errors:
// - ErrAlreadyJoined
JoinNetwork(context.Context, JoiningBootstrap) error
// GetBootstraps returns the currently active Bootstrap.
GetBootstrap(context.Context) (bootstrap.Bootstrap, error)
2024-07-12 14:03:37 +00:00
// GetGarageClientParams returns a GarageClientParams for the current
// network state.
GetGarageClientParams(context.Context) (GarageClientParams, error)
2024-07-12 15:05:39 +00:00
// RemoveHost removes the host of the given name from the network.
RemoveHost(context.Context, nebula.HostName) error
// CreateHost creates a bootstrap for a new host with the given name and IP
// address.
ctx context.Context,
hostName nebula.HostName,
opts CreateHostOpts,
) (
JoiningBootstrap, error,
// CreateNebulaCertificate creates and signs a new nebula certficate for an
// existing host, given the public key for that host. This is currently
// mostly useful for creating certs for mobile devices.
// Errors:
// - ErrHostNotFound
ctx context.Context,
hostName nebula.HostName,
hostPubKey nebula.EncryptingPublicKey,
) (
nebula.Certificate, error,
// Shutdown blocks until all resources held or created by the daemon,
// including child processes it has started, have been cleaned up.
// If this returns an error then it's possible that child processes are
// still running and are no longer managed.
Shutdown() error
// Opts are optional parameters which can be passed in when initializing a new
// Daemon instance. A nil Opts is equivalent to a zero value.
type Opts struct {
// Stdout and Stderr are what the associated outputs from child processes
// will be directed to.
Stdout, Stderr io.Writer
EnvVars EnvVars // Defaults to that returned by GetEnvVars.
func (o *Opts) withDefaults() *Opts {
if o == nil {
o = new(Opts)
if o.Stdout == nil {
o.Stdout = os.Stdout
if o.Stderr == nil {
o.Stderr = os.Stderr
if o.EnvVars == (EnvVars{}) {
o.EnvVars = GetEnvVars()
return o
const (
daemonStateNoNetwork = iota
type daemon struct {
logger *mlog.Logger
daemonConfig Config
envBinDirPath string
opts *Opts
secretsStore secrets.Store
garageAdminToken string
l sync.RWMutex
state int
children *Children
currBootstrap bootstrap.Bootstrap
shutdownCh chan struct{}
wg sync.WaitGroup
// NewDaemon initializes and returns a Daemon instance which will manage all
// child processes and state required by the isle service, as well as an HTTP
// socket over which RPC calls will be served.
// Inner Children instance(s) will be wrapped such that they will be
// automatically shutdown and re-created whenever there's changes in the network
// which require the configuration to be changed (e.g. a new nebula lighthouse).
// During such an inner restart all methods will return ErrRestarting, except
// Shutdown which will block until the currently executing restart is finished
// and then shutdown cleanly from there.
// While still starting up the Daemon for the first time all methods will return
// ErrInitializing, except Shutdown which will block until initialization is
// canceled.
func NewDaemon(
ctx context.Context,
logger *mlog.Logger,
daemonConfig Config,
envBinDirPath string,
opts *Opts,
) (
Daemon, error,
) {
var (
d = &daemon{
logger: logger,
daemonConfig: daemonConfig,
envBinDirPath: envBinDirPath,
opts: opts.withDefaults(),
garageAdminToken: randStr(32),
shutdownCh: make(chan struct{}),
bootstrapFilePath = bootstrap.StateDirPath(d.opts.EnvVars.StateDirPath)
if err := d.opts.EnvVars.init(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("initializing daemon directories: %w", err)
var (
secretsPath = filepath.Join(d.opts.EnvVars.StateDirPath, "secrets")
err error
if d.secretsStore, err = secrets.NewFSStore(secretsPath); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"initializing secrets store at %q: %w", secretsPath, err,
var currBootstrap bootstrap.Bootstrap
err = jsonutil.LoadFile(&currBootstrap, bootstrapFilePath)
if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
// daemon has never had a network created or joined
} else if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"loading bootstrap from %q: %w", bootstrapFilePath, err,
} else if err := d.initialize(ctx, currBootstrap); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("initializing with bootstrap: %w", err)
return d, nil
// initialize must be called with d.l write lock held.
func (d *daemon) initialize(
ctx context.Context, currBootstrap bootstrap.Bootstrap,
) error {
// we update this Host's data using whatever configuration has been provided
// by the daemon config. This way the daemon has the most up-to-date
// possible bootstrap. This updated bootstrap will later get updated in
// garage as a background daemon task, so other hosts will see it as well.
currBootstrap, err := coalesceDaemonConfigAndBootstrap(
d.daemonConfig, currBootstrap,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("combining daemon configuration into bootstrap: %w", err)
err = writeBootstrapToStateDir(d.opts.EnvVars.StateDirPath, currBootstrap)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing bootstrap to state dir: %w", err)
d.currBootstrap = currBootstrap
d.state = daemonStateInitializing
d.logger.Info(ctx, "Creating child processes")
d.children, err = NewChildren(
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("creating child processes: %w", err)
d.logger.Info(ctx, "Child processes created")
if err := d.postInit(ctx); err != nil {
d.logger.Error(ctx, "Post-initialization failed, stopping child processes", err)
return fmt.Errorf("performing post-initialization: %w", err)
d.state = daemonStateOk
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
go func() {
defer d.wg.Done()
go func() {
defer d.wg.Done()
d.logger.Debug(ctx, "Daemon restart loop stopped")
return nil
func withCurrBootstrap[Res any](
d *daemon, fn func(bootstrap.Bootstrap) (Res, error),
) (Res, error) {
var zero Res
defer d.l.RUnlock()
currBootstrap, state := d.currBootstrap, d.state
switch state {
case daemonStateNoNetwork:
return zero, ErrNoNetwork
case daemonStateInitializing:
return zero, ErrInitializing
case daemonStateOk:
return fn(currBootstrap)
case daemonStateShutdown:
return zero, errors.New("already shutdown")
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown state %d", d.state))
// reload will check the existing hosts data from currBootstrap against a
// potentially updated set of hosts data, and if there are any differences will
// perform whatever changes are necessary.
func (d *daemon) reload(
ctx context.Context,
currBootstrap bootstrap.Bootstrap,
newHosts map[nebula.HostName]bootstrap.Host,
) error {
var (
newBootstrap = currBootstrap
thisHost = currBootstrap.ThisHost()
newBootstrap.Hosts = newHosts
// the daemon's view of this host's bootstrap info takes precedence over
// whatever is in garage
newBootstrap.Hosts[thisHost.Name] = thisHost
diff, err := calcBootstrapDiff(d.daemonConfig, currBootstrap, newBootstrap)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("calculating diff between bootstraps: %w", err)
} else if diff == (bootstrapDiff{}) {
d.logger.Info(ctx, "No changes to bootstrap detected")
return nil
d.logger.Info(ctx, "Bootstrap has changed, storing new bootstrap")
d.currBootstrap = newBootstrap
var errs []error
// TODO each of these changed cases should block until its respective
// service is confirmed to have come back online.
// TODO it's possible that reload could be called concurrently, and one call
// would override the reloading done by the other.
if diff.dnsChanged {
d.logger.Info(ctx, "Restarting dnsmasq to account for bootstrap changes")
if err := d.children.RestartDNSMasq(newBootstrap); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("restarting dnsmasq: %w", err))
if diff.nebulaChanged {
d.logger.Info(ctx, "Restarting nebula to account for bootstrap changes")
if err := d.children.RestartNebula(newBootstrap); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("restarting nebula: %w", err))
return errors.Join(errs...)
func (d *daemon) postInit(ctx context.Context) error {
if len(d.daemonConfig.Storage.Allocations) > 0 {
d.logger.Info(ctx, "Applying garage layout")
if err := garageApplyLayout(
ctx, d.logger, d.daemonConfig, d.garageAdminToken, d.currBootstrap,
); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("applying garage layout: %w", err)
// This is only necessary during network creation, otherwise the bootstrap
// should already have these credentials built in.
// TODO this is pretty hacky, but there doesn't seem to be a better way to
// manage it at the moment.
_, err := getGarageS3APIGlobalBucketCredentials(ctx, d.secretsStore)
if errors.Is(err, secrets.ErrNotFound) {
d.logger.Info(ctx, "Initializing garage shared global bucket")
garageGlobalBucketCreds, err := garageInitializeGlobalBucket(
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("initializing global bucket: %w", err)
err = setGarageS3APIGlobalBucketCredentials(
ctx, d.secretsStore, garageGlobalBucketCreds,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("storing global bucket creds: %w", err)
d.logger.Info(ctx, "Updating host info in garage")
err = d.putGarageBoostrapHost(ctx, d.currBootstrap)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("updating host info in garage: %w", err)
return nil
func (d *daemon) reloadLoop(ctx context.Context) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(3 * time.Minute)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-ticker.C:
currBootstrap := d.currBootstrap
d.logger.Info(ctx, "Checking for bootstrap changes")
newHosts, err := d.getGarageBootstrapHosts(ctx, currBootstrap)
if err != nil {
d.logger.Error(ctx, "Failed to get hosts from garage", err)
// TODO there's some potential race conditions here, where
// CreateHost could be called at this point, write the new host to
// garage and the bootstrap, but then this reload call removes the
// host from this bootstrap/children until the next reload.
if err := d.reload(ctx, currBootstrap, newHosts); err != nil {
d.logger.Error(ctx, "Reloading with new host data failed", err)
func (d *daemon) CreateNetwork(
ctx context.Context,
name, domain string, ipNet nebula.IPNet, hostName nebula.HostName,
) error {
nebulaCACreds, err := nebula.NewCACredentials(domain, ipNet)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("creating nebula CA cert: %w", err)
var (
creationParams = bootstrap.CreationParams{
ID: randStr(32),
Name: name,
Domain: domain,
garageRPCSecret = randStr(32)
err = setGarageRPCSecret(ctx, d.secretsStore, garageRPCSecret)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("setting garage RPC secret: %w", err)
err = setNebulaCASigningPrivateKey(ctx, d.secretsStore, nebulaCACreds.SigningPrivateKey)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("setting nebula CA signing key secret: %w", err)
hostBootstrap, err := bootstrap.New(
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("initializing bootstrap data: %w", err)
defer d.l.Unlock()
if d.state != daemonStateNoNetwork {
return ErrAlreadyJoined
if len(d.daemonConfig.Storage.Allocations) < 3 {
return ErrInvalidConfig.WithData(
"At least three storage allocations are required.",
// initialize will unlock d.l
if err = d.initialize(ctx, hostBootstrap); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("initializing daemon: %w", err)
return nil
func (d *daemon) JoinNetwork(
ctx context.Context, newBootstrap JoiningBootstrap,
) error {
defer d.l.Unlock()
if d.state != daemonStateNoNetwork {
return ErrAlreadyJoined
err := secrets.Import(ctx, d.secretsStore, newBootstrap.Secrets)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("importing secrets: %w", err)
// initialize will unlock d.l
if err = d.initialize(ctx, newBootstrap.Bootstrap); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("initializing daemon: %w", err)
return nil
func (d *daemon) GetBootstrap(ctx context.Context) (bootstrap.Bootstrap, error) {
2024-07-12 14:03:37 +00:00
return withCurrBootstrap(d, func(
currBootstrap bootstrap.Bootstrap,
) (
bootstrap.Bootstrap, error,
2024-07-12 14:03:37 +00:00
) {
return currBootstrap, nil
2024-07-12 14:03:37 +00:00
func (d *daemon) GetGarageClientParams(
ctx context.Context,
) (
GarageClientParams, error,
) {
return withCurrBootstrap(d, func(
currBootstrap bootstrap.Bootstrap,
) (
GarageClientParams, error,
) {
return d.getGarageClientParams(ctx, currBootstrap)
2024-07-12 15:05:39 +00:00
func (d *daemon) RemoveHost(ctx context.Context, hostName nebula.HostName) error {
// TODO RemoveHost should publish a certificate revocation for the host
// being removed.
_, err := withCurrBootstrap(d, func(
currBootstrap bootstrap.Bootstrap,
) (
struct{}, error,
) {
garageClientParams, err := d.getGarageClientParams(ctx, currBootstrap)
if err != nil {
return struct{}{}, fmt.Errorf("get garage client params: %w", err)
client := garageClientParams.GlobalBucketS3APIClient()
2024-07-12 15:05:39 +00:00
return struct{}{}, removeGarageBootstrapHost(ctx, client, hostName)
return err
func makeCACreds(
currBootstrap bootstrap.Bootstrap,
caSigningPrivateKey nebula.SigningPrivateKey,
) nebula.CACredentials {
return nebula.CACredentials{
Public: currBootstrap.CAPublicCredentials,
SigningPrivateKey: caSigningPrivateKey,
2024-07-21 15:03:59 +00:00
func chooseAvailableIP(b bootstrap.Bootstrap) (netip.Addr, error) {
var (
cidrIPNet = b.CAPublicCredentials.Cert.Unwrap().Details.Subnets[0]
cidrMask = cidrIPNet.Mask
cidrIPB = cidrIPNet.IP
cidr = netip.MustParsePrefix(cidrIPNet.String())
cidrIP = cidr.Addr()
cidrSuffixBits = cidrIP.BitLen() - cidr.Bits()
inUseIPs = make(map[netip.Addr]struct{}, len(b.Hosts))
for _, host := range b.Hosts {
inUseIPs[host.IP()] = struct{}{}
// first check that there are any addresses at all. We can determine the
// number of possible addresses using the network CIDR. The first IP in a
// subnet is the network identifier, and is reserved. The last IP is the
// broadcast IP, and is also reserved. Hence, the -2.
usableIPs := (1 << cidrSuffixBits) - 2
if len(inUseIPs) >= usableIPs {
return netip.Addr{}, errors.New("no available IPs")
// We need to know the subnet broadcast address, so we don't accidentally
// produce it.
cidrBCastIPB := bytes.Clone(cidrIPB)
for i := range cidrBCastIPB {
cidrBCastIPB[i] |= ^cidrMask[i]
cidrBCastIP, ok := netip.AddrFromSlice(cidrBCastIPB)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid broadcast ip calculated: %x", cidrBCastIP))
// Try a handful of times to pick an IP at random. This is preferred, as it
// leaves less room for two different CreateHost calls to choose the same
// IP.
for range 20 {
b := make([]byte, len(cidrIPB))
if _, err := rand.Read(b); err != nil {
return netip.Addr{}, fmt.Errorf("reading random bytes: %w", err)
for i := range b {
b[i] = cidrIPB[i] | (b[i] & ^cidrMask[i])
ip, ok := netip.AddrFromSlice(b)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("generated invalid IP: %x", b))
} else if !cidr.Contains(ip) {
"generated IP %v which is not in cidr %v", ip, cidr,
if ip == cidrIP || ip == cidrBCastIP {
if _, inUse := inUseIPs[ip]; !inUse {
return ip, nil
// If randomly picking fails then just go through IPs one by one until the
// free one is found.
for ip := cidrIP.Next(); ip != cidrBCastIP; ip = ip.Next() {
if _, inUse := inUseIPs[ip]; !inUse {
return ip, nil
panic("All ips are in-use, but somehow that wasn't determined earlier")
func (d *daemon) CreateHost(
ctx context.Context,
hostName nebula.HostName,
opts CreateHostOpts,
) (
JoiningBootstrap, error,
) {
currBootstrap := d.currBootstrap
2024-07-21 15:03:59 +00:00
ip := opts.IP
if ip == (netip.Addr{}) {
var err error
if ip, err = chooseAvailableIP(currBootstrap); err != nil {
return JoiningBootstrap{}, fmt.Errorf(
"choosing available IP: %w", err,
caSigningPrivateKey, err := getNebulaCASigningPrivateKey(
ctx, d.secretsStore,
if err != nil {
return JoiningBootstrap{}, fmt.Errorf("getting CA signing key: %w", err)
var joiningBootstrap JoiningBootstrap
joiningBootstrap.Bootstrap, err = bootstrap.New(
makeCACreds(currBootstrap, caSigningPrivateKey),
if err != nil {
return JoiningBootstrap{}, fmt.Errorf(
"initializing bootstrap data: %w", err,
secretsIDs := []secrets.ID{
if opts.CanCreateHosts {
secretsIDs = append(secretsIDs, nebulaCASigningPrivateKeySecretID)
if joiningBootstrap.Secrets, err = secrets.Export(
ctx, d.secretsStore, secretsIDs,
); err != nil {
return JoiningBootstrap{}, fmt.Errorf("exporting secrets: %w", err)
d.logger.Info(ctx, "Putting new host in garage")
err = d.putGarageBoostrapHost(ctx, joiningBootstrap.Bootstrap)
if err != nil {
return JoiningBootstrap{}, fmt.Errorf("putting new host in garage: %w", err)
// the new bootstrap will have been initialized with both all existing hosts
// (based on currBootstrap) and the host being created.
newHosts := joiningBootstrap.Bootstrap.Hosts
d.logger.Info(ctx, "Reloading local state with new host")
if err := d.reload(ctx, currBootstrap, newHosts); err != nil {
return JoiningBootstrap{}, fmt.Errorf("reloading child processes: %w", err)
return joiningBootstrap, nil
func (d *daemon) CreateNebulaCertificate(
ctx context.Context,
hostName nebula.HostName,
hostPubKey nebula.EncryptingPublicKey,
) (
nebula.Certificate, error,
) {
return withCurrBootstrap(d, func(
currBootstrap bootstrap.Bootstrap,
) (
nebula.Certificate, error,
) {
host, ok := currBootstrap.Hosts[hostName]
if !ok {
return nebula.Certificate{}, ErrHostNotFound
ip := host.IP()
caSigningPrivateKey, err := getNebulaCASigningPrivateKey(
ctx, d.secretsStore,
if err != nil {
return nebula.Certificate{}, fmt.Errorf("getting CA signing key: %w", err)
caCreds := makeCACreds(currBootstrap, caSigningPrivateKey)
return nebula.NewHostCert(caCreds, hostPubKey, hostName, ip)
func (d *daemon) Shutdown() error {
defer d.l.Unlock()
d.state = daemonStateShutdown
if d.children != nil {
return nil