Implement admin create-network command

This required a lot of re-implementation of how garage gets interacted
with, including updating cluster layout using the admin API and
initialization of the global bucket key.
This commit is contained in:
Brian Picciano 2022-10-16 22:17:26 +02:00
parent 7a25e1b6e6
commit 41e0b56617
8 changed files with 561 additions and 139 deletions

View File

@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ const (
// CreationParams are general parameters used when creating a new network. These
// are available to all hosts within the network via their bootstrap files.
type CreationParams struct {
Domain string `yaml:"domain"`
CIDRs []string `yaml:"cidrs"`
ID string `yaml:"id"`
Domain string `yaml:"domain"`
// Admin is used for accessing all information contained within an admin.tgz.

View File

@ -1,14 +1,22 @@
package entrypoint
import (
func randStr(l int) string {
@ -40,6 +48,294 @@ func readAdmin(path string) (admin.Admin, error) {
return admin.FromReader(f)
func garageInitializeGlobalBucket(
ctx context.Context,
adminClient *garage.AdminClient,
globalBucketCreds garage.S3APICredentials,
) error {
// first attempt to import the key
err := adminClient.Do(ctx, nil, "POST", "/v0/key/import", map[string]string{
"accessKeyId": globalBucketCreds.ID,
"secretAccessKey": globalBucketCreds.Secret,
"name": "shared-global-bucket-key",
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("importing global bucket key into garage: %w", err)
// create global bucket
err = adminClient.Do(ctx, nil, "POST", "/v0/bucket", map[string]string{
"globalAlias": garage.GlobalBucket,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("creating global bucket: %w", err)
// retrieve newly created bucket's id
var getBucketRes struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
err = adminClient.Do(
ctx, &getBucketRes,
"GET", "/v0/bucket?globalAlias="+garage.GlobalBucket, nil,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("fetching global bucket id: %w", err)
// allow shared global bucket key to perform all operations
err = adminClient.Do(ctx, nil, "POST", "/v0/bucket/allow", map[string]interface{}{
"bucketId": getBucketRes.ID,
"accessKeyId": globalBucketCreds.ID,
"permissions": map[string]bool{
"read": true,
"write": true,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("granting permissions to shared global bucket key: %w", err)
return nil
var subCmdAdminCreateNetwork = subCmd{
name: "create-network",
descr: "Creates a new cryptic-net network, outputting the resulting admin.tgz to stdout",
do: func(subCmdCtx subCmdCtx) error {
flags := subCmdCtx.flagSet(false)
daemonYmlPath := flags.StringP(
"config-path", "c", "",
"Optional path to a daemon.yml file to load configuration from.",
dumpConfig := flags.Bool(
"dump-config", false,
"Write the default configuration file to stdout and exit.",
domain := flags.StringP(
"domain", "d", "",
"Domain name that should be used as the root domain in the network.",
subnetStr := flags.StringP(
"subnet", "s", "",
"CIDR which denotes the subnet that IPs hosts on the network can be assigned.",
hostName := flags.StringP(
"name", "n", "",
"Name of the host which will be the first host in the network",
if err := flags.Parse(subCmdCtx.args); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("parsing flags: %w", err)
env := subCmdCtx.env
if *dumpConfig {
return writeBuiltinDaemonYml(env, os.Stdout)
if *domain == "" || *subnetStr == "" || *hostName == "" {
return errors.New("--domain, --subnet, and --name are required")
*domain = strings.TrimRight(strings.TrimLeft(*domain, "."), ".")
ip, subnet, err := net.ParseCIDR(*subnetStr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("parsing %q as a CIDR: %w", *subnetStr, err)
if err := validateHostName(*hostName); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid hostname %q: %w", *hostName, err)
adminCreationParams := admin.CreationParams{
ID: randStr(32),
Domain: *domain,
runtimeDirPath := env.RuntimeDirPath
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "will use runtime directory %q for temporary state\n", runtimeDirPath)
if err := os.MkdirAll(runtimeDirPath, 0700); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("creating directory %q: %w", runtimeDirPath, err)
defer func() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "cleaning up runtime directory %q\n", runtimeDirPath)
if err := os.RemoveAll(runtimeDirPath); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error removing temporary directory %q: %v", runtimeDirPath, err)
if err := writeMergedDaemonYml(env, *daemonYmlPath); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("merging and writing daemon.yml file: %w", err)
daemon := env.ThisDaemon()
if len(daemon.Storage.Allocations) < 3 {
return fmt.Errorf("daemon.yml with at least 3 allocations was not provided")
nebulaCACert, err := nebula.NewCACert(*domain, subnet)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("creating nebula CA cert: %w", err)
nebulaHostCert, err := nebula.NewHostCert(nebulaCACert, *hostName, ip)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("creating nebula cert for host: %w", err)
env.Bootstrap = bootstrap.Bootstrap{
AdminCreationParams: adminCreationParams,
Hosts: map[string]bootstrap.Host{
*hostName: bootstrap.Host{
Name: *hostName,
Nebula: bootstrap.NebulaHost{
IP: ip.String(),
HostName: *hostName,
NebulaHostCert: nebulaHostCert,
GarageRPCSecret: randStr(32),
GarageGlobalBucketS3APICredentials: garage.NewS3APICredentials(),
// this will also write the bootstrap file
if err := mergeDaemonIntoBootstrap(env); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("merging daemon.yml into bootstrap data: %w", err)
// TODO this can be gotten rid of once nebula-entrypoint is rolled into
// daemon itself
for key, val := range env.ToMap() {
if err := os.Setenv(key, val); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to set %q to %q: %w", key, val, err)
garageChildrenPmuxProcConfigs, err := garageChildrenPmuxProcConfigs(env)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("generating garage children configs: %w", err)
pmuxConfig := pmuxlib.Config{
Processes: append(
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(env.Context)
pmuxDoneCh := make(chan struct{})
log.Printf("starting child processes")
go func() {
pmuxlib.Run(ctx, pmuxConfig)
defer func() {
log.Printf("waiting for child processes to exit")
var garageAdminClient *garage.AdminClient
garageAdminClients := map[string]*garage.AdminClient{}
for _, alloc := range daemon.Storage.Allocations {
garageAdminAddr := net.JoinHostPort(ip.String(), strconv.Itoa(alloc.AdminPort))
garageAdminClient = garage.NewAdminClient(
garageAdminClients[garageAdminAddr] = garageAdminClient
log.Printf("waiting for garage instances to come online")
for garageAdminAddr, garageAdminClient := range garageAdminClients {
if err := garageAdminClient.Wait(ctx); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("waiting for garage instance %q to start up: %w", garageAdminAddr, err)
log.Printf("applying initial garage layout")
err = garageApplyLayout(
*hostName, ip.String(),
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("applying initial garage layout: %w", err)
log.Printf("initializing garage shared global bucket")
err = garageInitializeGlobalBucket(
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("initializing garage shared global bucket: %w", err)
garageS3Client, err := env.Bootstrap.GlobalBucketS3APIClient()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("initializing garage shared global bucket client: %w", err)
log.Printf("writing data for this host into garage")
err = bootstrap.PutGarageBoostrapHost(ctx, garageS3Client, env.Bootstrap.ThisHost())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("putting host data into garage: %w", err)
log.Printf("cluster initialized successfully, writing admin.tgz to stdout")
err = admin.Admin{
CreationParams: adminCreationParams,
NebulaCACert: nebulaCACert,
GarageRPCSecret: env.Bootstrap.GarageRPCSecret,
GarageGlobalBucketS3APICredentials: env.Bootstrap.GarageGlobalBucketS3APICredentials,
GarageAdminBucketS3APICredentials: garage.NewS3APICredentials(),
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing admin.tgz to stdout")
return nil
var subCmdAdminMakeBootstrap = subCmd{
name: "make-bootstrap",
descr: "Creates a new bootstrap.tgz file for a particular host and writes it to stdout",
@ -92,7 +388,12 @@ var subCmdAdminMakeBootstrap = subCmd{
return fmt.Errorf("couldn't find host into for %q in garage, has `cryptic-net hosts add` been run yet?", *name)
nebulaHostCert, err := nebula.NewHostCert(adm.NebulaCACert, host.Name, host.Nebula.IP)
ip := net.ParseIP(host.Nebula.IP)
if ip == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid IP stored with host %q: %q", *name, host.Nebula.IP)
nebulaHostCert, err := nebula.NewHostCert(adm.NebulaCACert, host.Name, ip)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("creating new nebula host key/cert: %w", err)

View File

@ -4,14 +4,10 @@ import (
crypticnet "cryptic-net"
@ -83,29 +79,6 @@ func waitForNebulaArgs(env *crypticnet.Env, args ...string) []string {
return append([]string{"wait-for-ip", thisHost.Nebula.IP}, args...)
func waitForGarageArgs(env *crypticnet.Env, args ...string) []string {
thisHost := env.Bootstrap.ThisHost()
allocs := env.ThisDaemon().Storage.Allocations
if len(allocs) == 0 {
return waitForNebulaArgs(env, args...)
var preArgs []string
for _, alloc := range allocs {
preArgs = append(
net.JoinHostPort(thisHost.Nebula.IP, strconv.Itoa(alloc.RPCPort)),
return append(preArgs, args...)
func nebulaEntrypointPmuxProcConfig() pmuxlib.ProcessConfig {
return pmuxlib.ProcessConfig{
Name: "nebula",
@ -115,91 +88,3 @@ func nebulaEntrypointPmuxProcConfig() pmuxlib.ProcessConfig {
func garageWriteChildConf(
env *crypticnet.Env,
alloc crypticnet.DaemonYmlStorageAllocation,
) (
string, error,
) {
if err := os.MkdirAll(alloc.MetaPath, 0750); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("making directory %q: %w", alloc.MetaPath, err)
thisHost := env.Bootstrap.ThisHost()
peer := garage.Peer{
IP: thisHost.Nebula.IP,
RPCPort: alloc.RPCPort,
S3APIPort: alloc.S3APIPort,
pubKey, privKey := peer.RPCPeerKey()
nodeKeyPath := filepath.Join(alloc.MetaPath, "node_key")
nodeKeyPubPath := filepath.Join(alloc.MetaPath, "node_keypub")
if err := os.WriteFile(nodeKeyPath, privKey, 0400); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("writing private key to %q: %w", nodeKeyPath, err)
} else if err := os.WriteFile(nodeKeyPubPath, pubKey, 0440); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("writing public key to %q: %w", nodeKeyPubPath, err)
garageTomlPath := filepath.Join(
env.RuntimeDirPath, fmt.Sprintf("garage-%d.toml", alloc.RPCPort),
err := garage.WriteGarageTomlFile(garageTomlPath, garage.GarageTomlData{
MetaPath: alloc.MetaPath,
DataPath: alloc.DataPath,
RPCSecret: env.Bootstrap.GarageRPCSecret,
AdminToken: env.Bootstrap.GarageAdminToken,
RPCAddr: net.JoinHostPort(thisHost.Nebula.IP, strconv.Itoa(alloc.RPCPort)),
APIAddr: net.JoinHostPort(thisHost.Nebula.IP, strconv.Itoa(alloc.S3APIPort)),
AdminAddr: net.JoinHostPort(thisHost.Nebula.IP, strconv.Itoa(alloc.AdminPort)),
BootstrapPeers: env.Bootstrap.GarageRPCPeerAddrs(),
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("creating garage.toml file at %q: %w", garageTomlPath, err)
return garageTomlPath, nil
func garageChildrenPmuxProcConfigs(env *crypticnet.Env) ([]pmuxlib.ProcessConfig, error) {
var pmuxProcConfigs []pmuxlib.ProcessConfig
for _, alloc := range env.ThisDaemon().Storage.Allocations {
childConfPath, err := garageWriteChildConf(env, alloc)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("writing child config file for alloc %+v: %w", alloc, err)
pmuxProcConfigs = append(pmuxProcConfigs, pmuxlib.ProcessConfig{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("garage-%d", alloc.RPCPort),
Cmd: "garage",
Args: []string{"-c", childConfPath, "server"},
SigKillWait: 1 * time.Minute,
return pmuxProcConfigs, nil
func garageApplyLayoutDiffPmuxProcConfig(env *crypticnet.Env) pmuxlib.ProcessConfig {
return pmuxlib.ProcessConfig{
Name: "garage-apply-layout-diff",
Cmd: "bash",
Args: waitForGarageArgs(env, "bash", "garage-apply-layout-diff"),
NoRestartOn: []int{0},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
package entrypoint
import (
crypticnet "cryptic-net"
func waitForGarageArgs(env *crypticnet.Env, args ...string) []string {
thisHost := env.Bootstrap.ThisHost()
allocs := env.ThisDaemon().Storage.Allocations
if len(allocs) == 0 {
return waitForNebulaArgs(env, args...)
var preArgs []string
for _, alloc := range allocs {
preArgs = append(
net.JoinHostPort(thisHost.Nebula.IP, strconv.Itoa(alloc.RPCPort)),
return append(preArgs, args...)
func garageWriteChildConf(
env *crypticnet.Env,
alloc crypticnet.DaemonYmlStorageAllocation,
) (
string, error,
) {
if err := os.MkdirAll(alloc.MetaPath, 0750); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("making directory %q: %w", alloc.MetaPath, err)
thisHost := env.Bootstrap.ThisHost()
peer := garage.Peer{
IP: thisHost.Nebula.IP,
RPCPort: alloc.RPCPort,
S3APIPort: alloc.S3APIPort,
pubKey, privKey := peer.RPCPeerKey()
nodeKeyPath := filepath.Join(alloc.MetaPath, "node_key")
nodeKeyPubPath := filepath.Join(alloc.MetaPath, "node_keypub")
if err := os.WriteFile(nodeKeyPath, privKey, 0400); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("writing private key to %q: %w", nodeKeyPath, err)
} else if err := os.WriteFile(nodeKeyPubPath, pubKey, 0440); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("writing public key to %q: %w", nodeKeyPubPath, err)
garageTomlPath := filepath.Join(
env.RuntimeDirPath, fmt.Sprintf("garage-%d.toml", alloc.RPCPort),
err := garage.WriteGarageTomlFile(garageTomlPath, garage.GarageTomlData{
MetaPath: alloc.MetaPath,
DataPath: alloc.DataPath,
RPCSecret: env.Bootstrap.GarageRPCSecret,
AdminToken: env.Bootstrap.GarageAdminToken,
RPCAddr: net.JoinHostPort(thisHost.Nebula.IP, strconv.Itoa(alloc.RPCPort)),
APIAddr: net.JoinHostPort(thisHost.Nebula.IP, strconv.Itoa(alloc.S3APIPort)),
AdminAddr: net.JoinHostPort(thisHost.Nebula.IP, strconv.Itoa(alloc.AdminPort)),
BootstrapPeers: env.Bootstrap.GarageRPCPeerAddrs(),
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("creating garage.toml file at %q: %w", garageTomlPath, err)
return garageTomlPath, nil
func garageChildrenPmuxProcConfigs(env *crypticnet.Env) ([]pmuxlib.ProcessConfig, error) {
var pmuxProcConfigs []pmuxlib.ProcessConfig
for _, alloc := range env.ThisDaemon().Storage.Allocations {
childConfPath, err := garageWriteChildConf(env, alloc)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("writing child config file for alloc %+v: %w", alloc, err)
pmuxProcConfigs = append(pmuxProcConfigs, pmuxlib.ProcessConfig{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("garage-%d", alloc.RPCPort),
Cmd: "garage",
Args: []string{"-c", childConfPath, "server"},
SigKillWait: 1 * time.Minute,
return pmuxProcConfigs, nil
func garageApplyLayoutDiffPmuxProcConfig(env *crypticnet.Env) pmuxlib.ProcessConfig {
return pmuxlib.ProcessConfig{
Name: "garage-apply-layout-diff",
Cmd: "bash",
Args: waitForGarageArgs(env, "bash", "garage-apply-layout-diff"),
NoRestartOn: []int{0},
func garageApplyLayout(
ctx context.Context,
adminClient *garage.AdminClient,
hostName, ipStr string,
allocs []crypticnet.DaemonYmlStorageAllocation,
) error {
type peerLayout struct {
Capacity int `json:"capacity"`
Zone string `json:"zone"`
Tags []string `json:"tags"`
clusterLayout := map[string]peerLayout{}
for _, alloc := range allocs {
peer := garage.Peer{
IP: ipStr,
RPCPort: alloc.RPCPort,
S3APIPort: alloc.S3APIPort,
clusterLayout[peer.RPCPeerID()] = peerLayout{
Capacity: alloc.Capacity / 100,
Zone: hostName,
err := adminClient.Do(ctx, nil, "POST", "/v0/layout", clusterLayout)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("staging layout changes: %w", err)
var clusterLayout struct {
Version int `json:"version"`
StagedRoleChanges map[string]peerLayout `json:"stagedRoleChanges"`
if err := adminClient.Do(ctx, &clusterLayout, "GET", "/v0/layout", nil); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("retrieving staged layout change: %w", err)
if len(clusterLayout.StagedRoleChanges) == 0 {
return nil
applyClusterLayout := struct {
Version int `json:"version"`
Version: clusterLayout.Version + 1,
err := adminClient.Do(ctx, nil, "POST", "/v0/layout/apply", applyClusterLayout)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("applying new layout (new version:%d): %w", applyClusterLayout.Version, err)
return nil

View File

@ -82,3 +82,38 @@ func (c *AdminClient) Do(
return nil
// Wait will block until the instance connected to can see at least
// ReplicationFactor-1 other garage instances. If the context is canceled it
// will return the context error.
func (c *AdminClient) Wait(ctx context.Context) error {
for {
var clusterStatus struct {
KnownNodes map[string]struct {
IsUp bool `json:"is_up"`
} `json:"knownNodes"`
err := c.Do(ctx, &clusterStatus, "GET", "/v0/status", nil)
if ctxErr := ctx.Err(); ctxErr != nil {
return ctxErr
} else if err != nil {
var numUp int
for _, knownNode := range clusterStatus.KnownNodes {
if knownNode.IsUp {
if numUp >= ReplicationFactor-1 {
return nil

View File

@ -1,12 +1,22 @@
package garage
import (
func randStr(l int) string {
b := make([]byte, l)
if _, err := rand.Read(b); err != nil {
return hex.EncodeToString(b)
// IsKeyNotFound returns true if the given error is the result of a key not
// being found in a bucket.
func IsKeyNotFound(err error) bool {
@ -24,6 +34,14 @@ type S3APICredentials struct {
Secret string `yaml:"secret"`
// NewS3APICredentials returns a new usable instance of S3APICredentials.
func NewS3APICredentials() S3APICredentials {
return S3APICredentials{
ID: randStr(8),
Secret: randStr(32),
// NewS3APIClient returns a minio client configured to use the given garage S3 API
// endpoint.
func NewS3APIClient(addr string, creds S3APICredentials) (S3APIClient, error) {

View File

@ -10,4 +10,8 @@ const (
// GlobalBucket is the name of the global garage bucket which is
// accessible to all hosts in the network.
GlobalBucket = "cryptic-net-global"
// ReplicationFactor indicates the replication factor set on the garage
// cluster. We currently only support a factor of 3.
ReplicationFactor = 3

View File

@ -14,15 +14,6 @@ import (
// TODO this should one day not be hardcoded
var ipCIDRMask = func() net.IPMask {
_, ipNet, err := net.ParseCIDR("")
if err != nil {
return ipNet.Mask
// HostCert contains the certificate and private key files which will need to
// be present on a particular host. Each file is PEM encoded.
type HostCert struct {
@ -41,7 +32,7 @@ type CACert struct {
// NewHostCert generates a new key/cert for a nebula host using the CA key
// which will be found in the adminFS.
func NewHostCert(
caCert CACert, hostName, hostIP string,
caCert CACert, hostName string, ip net.IP,
) (
HostCert, error,
) {
@ -66,14 +57,9 @@ func NewHostCert(
expireAt := caCrt.Details.NotAfter.Add(-1 * time.Second)
ip := net.ParseIP(hostIP)
if ip == nil {
return HostCert{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid host ip %q", hostIP)
ipNet := &net.IPNet{
IP: ip,
Mask: ipCIDRMask,
subnet := caCrt.Details.Subnets[0]
if !subnet.Contains(ip) {
return HostCert{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid ip %q, not contained by network subnet %q", ip, subnet)
var hostPub, hostKey []byte
@ -88,8 +74,11 @@ func NewHostCert(
hostCrt := cert.NebulaCertificate{
Details: cert.NebulaCertificateDetails{
Name: hostName,
Ips: []*net.IPNet{ipNet},
Name: hostName,
Ips: []*net.IPNet{{
IP: ip,
Mask: subnet.Mask,
NotBefore: time.Now(),
NotAfter: expireAt,
PublicKey: hostPub,
@ -122,7 +111,7 @@ func NewHostCert(
// NewCACert generates a CACert. The domain should be the network's root domain,
// and is included in the signing certificate's Name field.
func NewCACert(domain string) (CACert, error) {
func NewCACert(domain string, subnet *net.IPNet) (CACert, error) {
pubKey, privKey, err := ed25519.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
@ -135,6 +124,7 @@ func NewCACert(domain string) (CACert, error) {
caCrt := cert.NebulaCertificate{
Details: cert.NebulaCertificateDetails{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s cryptic-net root cert", domain),
Subnets: []*net.IPNet{subnet},
NotBefore: now,
NotAfter: expireAt,
PublicKey: pubKey,