# Installation This document will guide you through the process of obtaining and installing Isle on your machine. NOTE currently only linux machines with the following architectures are supported: - `x86_64` (aka `amd64`) - `aarch64` (aka `arm64`) - `i686` (`i686` has not been tested.) More OSs and architectures coming soon! ## Install isle How isle gets installed depends on which Linux distribution you are using. ### Archlinux (also Manjaro) Download the latest `.pkg.tar.zst` package file for your platform from [this link][latest]. Install the package using pacman: ``` sudo pacman -U /path/to/isle-*.pkg.tar.zst ``` ### Other Distributions If a package file is not available for your distribution you can still install an AppImage directly. It is assumed that all commands below are run as root. Download the latest `.AppImage` binary for your platform from [this link][latest], and place it in your `/usr/bin` directory. Create a `daemon.yml` file using default values by doing: ``` mkdir -p /etc/isle/ isle daemon --dump-config > /etc/isle/daemon.yml ``` Create a system user for the isle daemon to run as: ``` useradd -r -s /bin/false -C "isle Daemon" isle ``` If your distro uses systemd, download [the latest systemd service file][serviceFile] and place it in `/etc/systemd/system`. Run `systemctl daemon-reload` to ensure systemd has seen the new service file. If your distro uses an init system other than systemd then you will need to configure that yourself. You can use the systemd service file linked above as a reference. [latest]: https://code.betamike.com/micropelago/isle/releases/latest [serviceFile]: https://code.betamike.com/micropelago/isle/src/branch/main/dist/linux/isle.service ### From Source If you'd like to build your own `isle` binary from scratch, see the [Building Isle](./dev/building.md) document. ## Add Users to the `isle` Group (Optional) If you wish to run isle commands as a user other than root, you can add that user to the `isle` group: ``` sudo usermod -aG isle username ``` ## Start the isle Service Once installed and bootstrapped you can enable and start the isle service by doing: ``` sudo systemctl enable --now isle ``` (NOTE If your distro uses an init system other than systemd then you will need to instead start isle according to that system's requirements.)