# Creating a daemon.yml File The `cryptic-net daemon` process has generally sane defaults and does not need to be configured for most users. However, in some cases it does, so this document describes how to use the `daemon.yml` file to handle those cases. ## Create daemon.yml First, create a `daemon.yml` file. You can create a new `daemon.yml` with default values filled in by doing: ``` cryptic-net daemon --dump-config > /path/to/daemon.yml ``` If you open that file in a text editor you can view all default values that `cryptic-net daemon` ships with, as well as documentation for all configurable parameters. Feel free to edit this file as needed. ## Using daemon.yml With the `daemon.yml` created and configured, you can configure your daemon process to use it by passing it as the `-c` argument: ``` sudo cryptic-net daemon -c /path/to/daemon.yml ``` If you are an operator then your host should be running its `cryptic-net daemon` process in systemd (see [Getting Started](getting-started.md) if not), and you will need to modify the `cryptic-net.service` accordingly.