
112 lines
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package jsonrpc2
import (
var (
ctxT = reflect.TypeOf((*context.Context)(nil)).Elem()
errT = reflect.TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem()
type methodDispatchFunc func(context.Context, Request) (any, error)
func newMethodDispatchFunc(
method reflect.Value,
) methodDispatchFunc {
paramT := method.Type().In(1)
return func(ctx context.Context, req Request) (any, error) {
var (
ctxV = reflect.ValueOf(ctx)
paramPtrV = reflect.New(paramT)
err := json.Unmarshal(req.Params, paramPtrV.Interface())
if err != nil {
// The JSON has already been validated, so this is not an
// errCodeParse situation. We assume it's an invalid param then,
// unless the error says otherwise via an UnmarshalJSON method
// returning an Error of its own.
if !errors.As(err, new(Error)) {
err = NewInvalidParamsError(
"JSON unmarshaling params into %T: %v", paramT, err,
return nil, err
var (
callResV = method.Call([]reflect.Value{ctxV, paramPtrV.Elem()})
resV = callResV[0]
errV = callResV[1]
if errV.IsNil() {
return resV.Interface(), nil
return nil, errV.Interface().(error)
type dispatcher struct {
methods map[string]methodDispatchFunc
// NewDispatchHandler returns a Handler which will use methods on the passed in
// value to dispatch RPC calls. The passed in value must be a pointer. All
// exported methods which look like:
// MethodName(context.Context, ParamType) (ResponseType, error)
// will be available via RPC calls.
func NewDispatchHandler(i any) Handler {
v := reflect.ValueOf(i)
if v.Kind() != reflect.Pointer {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected pointer but got type %T", i))
v = v.Elem()
var (
t = v.Type()
numMethods = t.NumMethod()
methods = make(map[string]methodDispatchFunc, numMethods)
for i := range numMethods {
var (
method = t.Method(i)
methodV = v.Method(i)
methodT = methodV.Type()
if !method.IsExported() ||
methodT.NumIn() != 2 ||
methodT.In(0) != ctxT ||
methodT.NumOut() != 2 ||
methodT.Out(1) != errT {
methods[method.Name] = newMethodDispatchFunc(methodV)
return &dispatcher{methods}
func (d *dispatcher) ServeRPC(ctx context.Context, req Request) (any, error) {
fn, ok := d.methods[req.Method]
if !ok {
return nil, NewError(
errCodeMethodNotFound, "unknown method %q", req.Method,
return fn(ctx, req)