
158 lines
3.7 KiB

package main
import (
// minio-client keeps a configuration directory which contains various pieces of
// information which may or may not be useful. Unfortunately when it initializes
// this directory it likes to print some annoying logs, so we pre-initialize in
// order to prevent it from doing so.
func initMCConfigDir() (string, error) {
var (
path = filepath.Join(daemonEnvVars.StateDirPath, "mc")
sharePath = filepath.Join(path, "share")
configJSONPath = filepath.Join(path, "config.json")
if err := os.MkdirAll(sharePath, 0700); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("creating %q: %w", sharePath, err)
if err := os.WriteFile(configJSONPath, []byte(`{}`), 0600); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("writing %q: %w", configJSONPath, err)
return path, nil
var subCmdGarageMC = subCmd{
name: "mc",
descr: "Runs the mc (minio-client) binary. The isle garage can be accessed under the `garage` alias",
do: func(ctx subCmdCtx) error {
flags := ctx.flagSet(true)
keyID := flags.StringP(
"key-id", "i", "",
"Optional key ID to use, defaults to that of the shared global key",
keySecret := flags.StringP(
"key-secret", "s", "",
"Optional key secret to use, defaults to that of the shared global key",
if err := flags.Parse(ctx.args); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("parsing flags: %w", err)
clientParams, err := ctx.daemonRPC.GetGarageClientParams(ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("calling GetGarageClientParams: %w", err)
s3APIAddr := clientParams.Peer.S3APIAddr()
if *keyID == "" {
*keyID = clientParams.GlobalBucketS3APICredentials.ID
if *keySecret == "" {
*keySecret = clientParams.GlobalBucketS3APICredentials.Secret
args := flags.Args()
if i := flags.ArgsLenAtDash(); i >= 0 {
args = args[i:]
configDir, err := initMCConfigDir()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("initializing minio-client config directory: %w", err)
args = append([]string{
"--config-dir", configDir,
}, args...)
var (
mcHostVar = fmt.Sprintf(
*keyID, *keySecret, s3APIAddr,
binPath = filepath.Join(envAppDirPath, "bin/mc")
cliEnv = append(
// The garage docs say this is necessary, though nothing bad
// seems to happen if we leave it out *shrug*
if err := syscall.Exec(binPath, args, cliEnv); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(
"calling exec(%q, %#v, %#v): %w",
binPath, args, cliEnv, err,
return nil
var subCmdGarageCLI = subCmd{
name: "cli",
descr: "Runs the garage binary, automatically configured to point to the garage sub-process of a running isle daemon",
do: func(ctx subCmdCtx) error {
clientParams, err := ctx.daemonRPC.GetGarageClientParams(ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("calling GetGarageClientParams: %w", err)
if clientParams.RPCSecret == "" {
return errors.New("this host does not have the garage RPC secret")
var (
binPath = binPath("garage")
args = append([]string{"garage"}, ctx.args...)
cliEnv = append(
if err := syscall.Exec(binPath, args, cliEnv); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(
"calling exec(%q, %#v, %#v): %w",
binPath, args, cliEnv, err,
return nil
var subCmdGarage = subCmd{
name: "garage",
descr: "Runs the garage binary, automatically configured to point to the garage sub-process of a running isle daemon",
do: func(ctx subCmdCtx) error {
return ctx.doSubCmd(