Expose Run from pmuxlib (renamed from pmuxproc)

Brian Picciano 2 years ago
parent cfc6166135
commit 8fb99b53d7
  1. 2
  2. 191
  3. 158
  4. 49
  5. 29
  6. 33

@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ stubborn-pinger › rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 11.161/11.161/11.161/0.000 ms
... Ctrl-C ...
pmux ~ interrupt signal received, killing all sub-processes
stubborn-pinger » i will never stop, you will have to SIGKILL me!
pinger ~ exit code -1, process exited: signal: interrupt
pinger ~ stopped process handler
@ -75,5 +74,4 @@ stubborn-pinger › rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 14.793/14.793/14.793/0.000 ms
stubborn-pinger ~ forcefully killing process
stubborn-pinger ~ exit code -1, process exited: signal: killed
stubborn-pinger ~ stopped process handler
pmux ~ exited gracefully, ciao!

@ -1,164 +1,19 @@
package main
import (
// pname used by pmux itself for logging.
const pmuxPName = "pmux"
// characters used to denote different kinds of logs
const (
logSepStdout = '›'
logSepStderr = '»'
logSepSys = '~'
type logger struct {
timeFmt string
l *sync.Mutex
out io.Writer
outBuf *bufio.Writer
// maxPNameLen is a pointer because it changes when WithPrefix is called.
maxPNameLen *uint64
pname string
sep rune
func newLogger(
out io.Writer,
sep rune,
timeFmt string,
) *logger {
pname := pmuxPName
maxPNameLen := uint64(len(pname))
l := &logger{
timeFmt: timeFmt,
maxPNameLen: &maxPNameLen,
l: new(sync.Mutex),
out: out,
outBuf: bufio.NewWriter(out),
pname: pname,
sep: sep,
return l
func (l *logger) withSep(sep rune) *logger {
l2 := *l
l2.sep = sep
return &l2
func (l *logger) withPName(pname string) *logger {
l2 := *l
l2.pname = pname
defer l2.l.Unlock()
if pnameLen := uint64(len(pname)); pnameLen > *l2.maxPNameLen {
*l2.maxPNameLen = pnameLen
return &l2
func (l *logger) Close() {
defer l.l.Unlock()
if syncer, ok := l.out.(interface{ Sync() error }); ok {
_ = syncer.Sync()
} else if flusher, ok := l.out.(interface{ Flush() error }); ok {
_ = flusher.Flush()
// this generally shouldn't be necessary, but we could run into cases (e.g.
// during a force-kill) where further Prints are called after a Close. These
// should just do nothing.
l.out = ioutil.Discard
l.outBuf = bufio.NewWriter(l.out)
func (l *logger) println(line string) {
defer l.l.Unlock()
if l.timeFmt != "" {
"%s %c ",
"%s%s%c %s\n",
strings.Repeat(" ", int(*l.maxPNameLen+1)-len(l.pname)),
func (l *logger) Println(line string) {
func (l *logger) Printf(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
l.Println(fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...))
type processConfig struct {
pmuxproc.Config `yaml:",inline"`
Name string `yaml:"name"`
type config struct {
TimeFormat string `yaml:"timeFormat"`
Processes []processConfig `yaml:"processes"`
func (cfg config) init() (config, error) {
if len(cfg.Processes) == 0 {
return config{}, errors.New("no processes defined")
return cfg, nil
func main() {
cfgPath := flag.String("c", "./pmux.yml", "Path to config yaml file")
@ -169,58 +24,24 @@ func main() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("couldn't read cfg file at %q: %v", *cfgPath, err))
var cfg config
var cfg pmuxlib.Config
if err := yaml.Unmarshal(cfgB, &cfg); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("couldn't parse cfg file: %v", err))
} else if cfg, err = cfg.init(); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("initializing config: %v", err))
stdoutLogger := newLogger(os.Stdout, logSepStdout, cfg.TimeFormat)
defer stdoutLogger.Close()
stderrLogger := newLogger(os.Stderr, logSepStderr, cfg.TimeFormat)
defer stderrLogger.Close()
sysLogger := stderrLogger.withSep(logSepSys)
defer sysLogger.Println("exited gracefully, ciao!")
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
go func() {
sigCh := make(chan os.Signal, 2)
signal.Notify(sigCh, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
sig := <-sigCh
sysLogger.Printf("%v signal received, waiting for child processes to exit", sig)
sysLogger.Printf("forcefully exiting pmux process, there may be zombie child processes being left behind, good luck!")
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "forcefully exiting pmux process, there may be zombie child processes being left behind, good luck!")
var wg sync.WaitGroup
defer wg.Wait()
for _, cfgProc := range cfg.Processes {
go func(procCfg processConfig) {
defer wg.Done()
stdoutLogger := stdoutLogger.withPName(procCfg.Name)
stderrLogger := stderrLogger.withPName(procCfg.Name)
sysLogger := sysLogger.withPName(procCfg.Name)
defer sysLogger.Printf("stopped process handler")
sysLogger.Println("starting process")
ctx, stdoutLogger, stderrLogger, sysLogger, procCfg.Config,
pmuxlib.Run(ctx, cfg)

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
package pmuxlib
import (
// pname used by pmux itself for logging.
const pmuxPName = "pmux"
// characters used to denote different kinds of logs
const (
logSepStdout = '›'
logSepStderr = '»'
logSepSys = '~'
// Logger is used by RunProcess to log process details in realtime. You can use
// a new(NullLogger) if you don't care.
type Logger interface {
Printf(string, ...interface{})
// NullLogger is an implementation of Logger which doesn't do anything.
type NullLogger struct{}
func (*NullLogger) Println(string) {}
func (*NullLogger) Printf(string, ...interface{}) {}
// PlainLogger implements Logger by writing each line directly to the given
// io.Writer as-is.
type PlainLogger struct {
func (l PlainLogger) Println(line string) {
fmt.Fprintln(l, line)
func (l PlainLogger) Printf(str string, args ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(l, str, args...)
type logger struct {
timeFmt string
l *sync.Mutex
out io.Writer
outBuf *bufio.Writer
// maxPNameLen is a pointer because it changes when WithPrefix is called.
maxPNameLen *uint64
pname string
sep rune
func newLogger(
out io.Writer,
sep rune,
timeFmt string,
) *logger {
pname := pmuxPName
maxPNameLen := uint64(len(pname))
l := &logger{
timeFmt: timeFmt,
maxPNameLen: &maxPNameLen,
l: new(sync.Mutex),
out: out,
outBuf: bufio.NewWriter(out),
pname: pname,
sep: sep,
return l
func (l *logger) withSep(sep rune) *logger {
l2 := *l
l2.sep = sep
return &l2
func (l *logger) withPName(pname string) *logger {
l2 := *l
l2.pname = pname
defer l2.l.Unlock()
if pnameLen := uint64(len(pname)); pnameLen > *l2.maxPNameLen {
*l2.maxPNameLen = pnameLen
return &l2
func (l *logger) Close() {
defer l.l.Unlock()
if syncer, ok := l.out.(interface{ Sync() error }); ok {
_ = syncer.Sync()
} else if flusher, ok := l.out.(interface{ Flush() error }); ok {
_ = flusher.Flush()
// this generally shouldn't be necessary, but we could run into cases (e.g.
// during a force-kill) where further Prints are called after a Close. These
// should just do nothing.
l.out = ioutil.Discard
l.outBuf = bufio.NewWriter(l.out)
func (l *logger) println(line string) {
defer l.l.Unlock()
if l.timeFmt != "" {
"%s %c ",
"%s%s%c %s\n",
strings.Repeat(" ", int(*l.maxPNameLen+1)-len(l.pname)),
func (l *logger) Println(line string) {
func (l *logger) Printf(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
l.Println(fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...))

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
// Package pmuxlib implements the process management aspects of the pmux
// process.
package pmuxlib
import (
type Config struct {
TimeFormat string `yaml:"timeFormat"`
Processes []ProcessConfig `yaml:"processes"`
// Run runs the given configuration as if this was a real pmux process.
func Run(ctx context.Context, cfg Config) {
stdoutLogger := newLogger(os.Stdout, logSepStdout, cfg.TimeFormat)
defer stdoutLogger.Close()
stderrLogger := newLogger(os.Stderr, logSepStderr, cfg.TimeFormat)
defer stderrLogger.Close()
sysLogger := stderrLogger.withSep(logSepSys)
defer sysLogger.Println("exited gracefully, ciao!")
var wg sync.WaitGroup
defer wg.Wait()
for _, cfgProc := range cfg.Processes {
go func(procCfg ProcessConfig) {
defer wg.Done()
stdoutLogger := stdoutLogger.withPName(procCfg.Name)
stderrLogger := stderrLogger.withPName(procCfg.Name)
sysLogger := sysLogger.withPName(procCfg.Name)
sysLogger.Println("starting process")
defer sysLogger.Println("stopped process handler")
ctx, stdoutLogger, stderrLogger, sysLogger, procCfg,

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
// Package pmuxproc implements the process management aspects of the pmux
// process.
package pmuxproc
package pmuxlib
import (
@ -15,8 +13,11 @@ import (
// Config is used to configure a process via RunProcess.
type Config struct {
// ProcessConfig is used to configure a process via RunProcess.
type ProcessConfig struct {
// Name of the process to be run. This only gets used by RunPmux.
Name string
// Cmd and Args describe the actual process to run.
Cmd string `yaml:"cmd"`
@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ type Config struct {
NoRestartOn []int `yaml:"noRestartOn"`
func (cfg Config) withDefaults() Config {
func (cfg ProcessConfig) withDefaults() ProcessConfig {
if cfg.MinWait == 0 {
cfg.MinWait = 1 * time.Second
@ -65,10 +66,10 @@ func (cfg Config) withDefaults() Config {
return cfg
// RunProcessOnce runs the process described by the Config (though it doesn't
// use all fields from the Config). The process is killed if the context is
// canceled. The exit status of the process is returned, or -1 if the process
// was never started.
// RunProcessOnce runs the process described by the ProcessConfig (though it
// doesn't use all fields from the ProcessConfig). The process is killed if the
// context is canceled. The exit status of the process is returned, or -1 if the
// process was never started.
// It returns nil if the process exits normally with a zero status. It returns
// an error otherwise.
@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ func (cfg Config) withDefaults() Config {
func RunProcessOnce(
ctx context.Context,
stdoutLogger, stderrLogger, sysLogger Logger,
cfg Config,
cfg ProcessConfig,
) (
int, error,
) {
@ -165,8 +166,8 @@ func RunProcessOnce(
return exitCode, nil
// RunProcess is a process (configured by Config) until the context is canceled,
// at which point the process is killed and RunProcess returns.
// RunProcess is a process (configured by ProcessConfig) until the context is
// canceled, at which point the process is killed and RunProcess returns.
// The process will be restarted if it exits of its own accord. There will be a
// brief wait time between each restart, with an exponential backup mechanism so
@ -177,7 +178,7 @@ func RunProcessOnce(
func RunProcess(
ctx context.Context,
stdoutLogger, stderrLogger, sysLogger Logger,
cfg Config,
cfg ProcessConfig,
) {
cfg = cfg.withDefaults()

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
package pmuxproc
import (
// Logger is used by RunProcess to log process details in realtime. You can use
// a new(NullLogger) if you don't care.
type Logger interface {
Printf(string, ...interface{})
// NullLogger is an implementation of Logger which doesn't do anything.
type NullLogger struct{}
func (*NullLogger) Println(string) {}
func (*NullLogger) Printf(string, ...interface{}) {}
// PlainLogger implements Logger by writing each line directly to the given
// io.Writer as-is.
type PlainLogger struct {
func (l PlainLogger) Println(line string) {
fmt.Fprintln(l, line)
func (l PlainLogger) Printf(str string, args ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(l, str, args...)