mediocregopher 981fbb8327 Rename trunk branch to main branch
message: |-
  Rename trunk branch to main branch

  The term "trunk" is too close to "branch", imo, and is confusing since its
  inverse term, "thread", isn't related to branch at all. Ultimately I think it's
  best to leave "branch" as a git specific term, and use "main" and "thread" to
  denote the different branch types of dehub.
change_hash: ANitkSWx+QHnxo/d0zg+lrWdeqx1PHqH2GQ2uvyMYZNa
- type: pgp_signature
  pub_key_id: 95C46FA6A41148AC
  body: 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
  account: mediocregopher
2020-03-04 12:14:54 -07:00

36 lines
1.0 KiB

# dehub-server
This directory provides a simple Docker image which can be spun up to run a
dehub-enabled git http server (i.e. one in which incoming commits will be
verified prior to being accepted into the `main` branch).
The docker image is also being hosted on docker hub at `mediocregopher/dehub`.
Proper image tagging/versioning coming soon!
## Usage
Running the following:
docker run \
--name dehub \
-v /opt/dehub/repos:/repos \
-v /opt/dehub/www:/var/www \
-p 8080:80 \
mediocregopher/dehub repo-a repo-b
Will start an http server on port 8080, using `/opt/dehub/repos` to store all
repo folders. It will then initialize repos at `/opt/dehub/repos/repo-a.git` and
`/opt/dehub/repos/repo-b.git`, if they arent already there.
If a volume for `/var/www` is given then that will be used as the root for all
non-git http requests.
## Contributors
The Dockerfile being used is based on
[gitbox](, so thank you to nmarus for
the great work there.