Brian Picciano c4dd673bf4 Refactor Graph internals to deduplicate OpenEdges
This change required OpenEdges to be passed around as pointers, which in
turn required me to audit how value copying is being done everywhere and
simplify it in a few places. I think I covered all the bases.

The new internals of Graph allow the graph's actual structure to be
reflected within the graph itself. For example, if the OpenEdges of two
ValueIns are equivalent then the same OpenEdge pointer is shared for the
two internally. This applies recursively, so if two OpenEdge tuples
share an inner OpenEdge, they will share the same pointer.

This change is a preliminary requirement for creating a graph mapping
operation. Without OpenEdge deduplication the map operation would end up
operating on the same OpenEdge multiple times, which would be incorrect.
2021-12-29 13:57:14 -07:00

284 lines
6.2 KiB

// Package graph implements a generic directed graph type, with support for
// tuple vertices in addition to traditional "value" vertices.
package graph
import (
// Value is any value which can be stored within a Graph. Values should be
// considered immutable, ie once used with the graph package their internal
// value does not change.
type Value interface {
Equal(Value) bool
String() string
// OpenEdge is an un-realized Edge which can't be used for anything except
// constructing graphs. It has no meaning on its own.
type OpenEdge[V Value] struct {
val *V
tup []*OpenEdge[V]
edgeVal V
func (oe *OpenEdge[V]) equal(oe2 *OpenEdge[V]) bool {
if !oe.edgeVal.Equal(oe2.edgeVal) {
return false
if oe.val != nil {
return oe2.val != nil && (*oe.val).Equal(*oe2.val)
if len(oe.tup) != len(oe2.tup) {
return false
for i := range oe.tup {
if !oe.tup[i].equal(oe2.tup[i]) {
return false
return true
func (oe *OpenEdge[V]) String() string {
vertexType := "tup"
var fromStr string
if oe.val != nil {
vertexType = "val"
fromStr = (*oe.val).String()
} else {
strs := make([]string, len(oe.tup))
for i := range oe.tup {
strs[i] = oe.tup[i].String()
fromStr = fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", strings.Join(strs, ", "))
return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s, %s)", vertexType, fromStr, oe.edgeVal.String())
// WithEdgeValue returns a copy of the OpenEdge with the given Value replacing
// the previous edge value.
// NOTE I _think_ this can be factored out once Graph is genericized.
func (oe *OpenEdge[V]) WithEdgeValue(val V) *OpenEdge[V] {
oeCp := *oe
oeCp.edgeVal = val
return &oeCp
// EdgeValue returns the Value which lies on the edge itself.
func (oe OpenEdge[V]) EdgeValue() V {
return oe.edgeVal
// FromValue returns the Value from which the OpenEdge was created via ValueOut,
// or false if it wasn't created via ValueOut.
func (oe OpenEdge[V]) FromValue() (V, bool) {
if oe.val == nil {
var zero V
return zero, false
return *oe.val, true
// FromTuple returns the tuple of OpenEdges from which the OpenEdge was created
// via TupleOut, or false if it wasn't created via TupleOut.
func (oe OpenEdge[V]) FromTuple() ([]*OpenEdge[V], bool) {
if oe.val != nil {
return nil, false
return oe.tup, true
// ValueOut creates a OpenEdge which, when used to construct a Graph, represents
// an edge (with edgeVal attached to it) coming from the vertex containing val.
func ValueOut[V Value](val, edgeVal V) *OpenEdge[V] {
return &OpenEdge[V]{
val: &val,
edgeVal: edgeVal,
// TupleOut creates an OpenEdge which, when used to construct a Graph,
// represents an edge (with edgeVal attached to it) coming from the vertex
// comprised of the given ordered-set of input edges.
func TupleOut[V Value](ins []*OpenEdge[V], edgeVal V) *OpenEdge[V] {
if len(ins) == 1 {
var (
zero V
in = ins[0]
if edgeVal.Equal(zero) {
return in
if in.edgeVal.Equal(zero) {
return in.WithEdgeValue(edgeVal)
return &OpenEdge[V]{
tup: ins,
edgeVal: edgeVal,
type graphValueIn[V Value] struct {
val V
edge *OpenEdge[V]
func (valIn graphValueIn[V]) equal(valIn2 graphValueIn[V]) bool {
return valIn.val.Equal(valIn2.val) && valIn.edge.equal(valIn2.edge)
// Graph is an immutable container of a set of vertices. The Graph keeps track
// of all Values which terminate an OpenEdge (which may be a tree of Value/Tuple
// vertices).
// NOTE The current implementation of Graph is incredibly inefficient, there's
// lots of O(N) operations, unnecessary copying on changes, and duplicate data
// in memory.
type Graph[V Value] struct {
edges []*OpenEdge[V]
valIns []graphValueIn[V]
func (g *Graph[V]) cp() *Graph[V] {
cp := &Graph[V]{
edges: make([]*OpenEdge[V], len(g.edges)),
valIns: make([]graphValueIn[V], len(g.valIns)),
copy(cp.edges, g.edges)
copy(cp.valIns, g.valIns)
return cp
func (g *Graph[V]) String() string {
var strs []string
for _, valIn := range g.valIns {
strs = append(
fmt.Sprintf("valIn(%s, %s)", valIn.edge.String(), valIn.val.String()),
return fmt.Sprintf("graph(%s)", strings.Join(strs, ", "))
// NOTE this method is used more for its functionality than for any performance
// reasons... it's incredibly inefficient in how it deduplicates edges, but by
// doing the deduplication we enable the graph map operation to work correctly.
func (g *Graph[V]) dedupeEdge(edge *OpenEdge[V]) *OpenEdge[V] {
// check if there's an existing edge which is fully equivalent in the graph
// already, and if so return that.
for i := range g.edges {
if g.edges[i].equal(edge) {
return g.edges[i]
// if this edge is a value edge then there's nothing else to do, return it.
if _, ok := edge.FromValue(); ok {
return edge
// this edge is a tuple edge, it's possible that one of its sub-edges is
// already in the graph. dedupe each sub-edge individually.
tupEdges := make([]*OpenEdge[V], len(edge.tup))
for i := range edge.tup {
tupEdges[i] = g.dedupeEdge(edge.tup[i])
return TupleOut(tupEdges, edge.EdgeValue())
// ValueIns returns, if any, all OpenEdges which lead to the given Value in the
// Graph (ie, all those added via AddValueIn).
// The returned slice should not be modified.
func (g *Graph[V]) ValueIns(val Value) []*OpenEdge[V] {
var edges []*OpenEdge[V]
for _, valIn := range g.valIns {
if valIn.val.Equal(val) {
edges = append(edges, valIn.edge)
return edges
// AddValueIn takes a OpenEdge and connects it to the Value vertex containing
// val, returning the new Graph which reflects that connection.
func (g *Graph[V]) AddValueIn(oe *OpenEdge[V], val V) *Graph[V] {
valIn := graphValueIn[V]{
val: val,
edge: oe,
for i := range g.valIns {
if g.valIns[i].equal(valIn) {
return g
valIn.edge = g.dedupeEdge(valIn.edge)
g = g.cp()
g.valIns = append(g.valIns, valIn)
return g
// Equal returns whether or not the two Graphs are equivalent in value.
func (g *Graph[V]) Equal(g2 *Graph[V]) bool {
if len(g.valIns) != len(g2.valIns) {
return false
for _, valIn := range g.valIns {
for _, valIn2 := range g2.valIns {
if valIn.equal(valIn2) {
continue outer
return false
return true