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layout | title | description | nofollow |
post | Follow the Blog | There's lots of ways to do it | true |
There are a few ways to get notified of new posts to the Mediocre Blog.
Method 1: RSS
RSS is the classic way to follow any blog. Simply give any RSS reader the following URL...
...and posts from this blog will show up as soon as they are published.
There are literally thousands of RSS readers out there. Here's some recommendations:
spaRSS is my preferred android RSS reader, but you'll need to install f-droid on your device (a good thing to do anyway, imo).
TODO: an iOS reader, for you Apple users. Someone please email me a recommendation.
Method 2: Twitter
New posts are automatically published to [my Twitter](https://twitter.com/{{ site.twitter_username }}). Simply follow me there and pray the algorithm smiles upon my tweets enough to show them to you! 🙏 🙏 🙏
Method 3: Email
I do solemnly swear to never ever ever:
Email you anything that's not a notification about new blog posts.
Give your email address to anyone for any reason.
Track whether or not you've opened the emails, clicked the links inside, or anything like that. Delete every single one, I don't care.
With that out of the way... if you'd like to receive an email everytime a new post is published just type in your email and hit "Subscribe" below!
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