Brian Picciano 5e08061cd6 Factor out garage-entrypoint
The daemon entrypoint now starts the garage child processes directly,
without the extra step of indirection
2022-10-16 20:48:33 +02:00

206 lines
5.0 KiB

package entrypoint
import (
crypticnet "cryptic-net"
func copyBootstrapToDataDir(env *crypticnet.Env, r io.Reader) error {
path := env.DataDirBootstrapPath()
dirPath := filepath.Dir(path)
if err := os.MkdirAll(dirPath, 0700); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("creating directory %q: %w", dirPath, err)
f, err := os.Create(path)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("creating file %q: %w", path, err)
_, err = io.Copy(f, r)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("copying bootstrap file to %q: %w", path, err)
if err := env.LoadBootstrap(path); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("loading bootstrap from %q: %w", path, err)
return nil
func mergeDaemonIntoBootstrap(env *crypticnet.Env) error {
daemon := env.ThisDaemon()
host := env.Bootstrap.ThisHost()
host.Nebula.PublicAddr = daemon.VPN.PublicAddr
host.Garage = nil
if allocs := daemon.Storage.Allocations; len(allocs) > 0 {
host.Garage = new(bootstrap.GarageHost)
for _, alloc := range allocs {
host.Garage.Instances = append(host.Garage.Instances, bootstrap.GarageHostInstance{
RPCPort: alloc.RPCPort,
S3APIPort: alloc.S3APIPort,
WebPort: alloc.WebPort,
env.Bootstrap.Hosts[host.Name] = host
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err := env.Bootstrap.WithHosts(env.Bootstrap.Hosts).WriteTo(buf); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing new bootstrap file to buffer: %w", err)
if err := copyBootstrapToDataDir(env, buf); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("copying new bootstrap file to data dir: %w", err)
return nil
func waitForNebulaArgs(env *crypticnet.Env, args ...string) []string {
thisHost := env.Bootstrap.ThisHost()
return append([]string{"wait-for-ip", thisHost.Nebula.IP}, args...)
func waitForGarageArgs(env *crypticnet.Env, args ...string) []string {
thisHost := env.Bootstrap.ThisHost()
allocs := env.ThisDaemon().Storage.Allocations
if len(allocs) == 0 {
return waitForNebulaArgs(env, args...)
var preArgs []string
for _, alloc := range allocs {
preArgs = append(
net.JoinHostPort(thisHost.Nebula.IP, strconv.Itoa(alloc.RPCPort)),
return append(preArgs, args...)
func nebulaEntrypointPmuxProcConfig() pmuxlib.ProcessConfig {
return pmuxlib.ProcessConfig{
Name: "nebula",
Cmd: "cryptic-net-main",
Args: []string{
func garageWriteChildConf(
env *crypticnet.Env,
alloc crypticnet.DaemonYmlStorageAllocation,
) (
string, error,
) {
if err := os.MkdirAll(alloc.MetaPath, 0750); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("making directory %q: %w", alloc.MetaPath, err)
thisHost := env.Bootstrap.ThisHost()
peer := garage.Peer{
IP: thisHost.Nebula.IP,
RPCPort: alloc.RPCPort,
S3APIPort: alloc.S3APIPort,
pubKey, privKey := peer.RPCPeerKey()
nodeKeyPath := filepath.Join(alloc.MetaPath, "node_key")
nodeKeyPubPath := filepath.Join(alloc.MetaPath, "node_keypub")
if err := os.WriteFile(nodeKeyPath, privKey, 0400); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("writing private key to %q: %w", nodeKeyPath, err)
} else if err := os.WriteFile(nodeKeyPubPath, pubKey, 0440); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("writing public key to %q: %w", nodeKeyPubPath, err)
garageTomlPath := filepath.Join(
env.RuntimeDirPath, fmt.Sprintf("garage-%d.toml", alloc.RPCPort),
err := garage.WriteGarageTomlFile(garageTomlPath, garage.GarageTomlData{
MetaPath: alloc.MetaPath,
DataPath: alloc.DataPath,
RPCSecret: env.Bootstrap.GarageRPCSecret,
RPCAddr: net.JoinHostPort(thisHost.Nebula.IP, strconv.Itoa(alloc.RPCPort)),
APIAddr: net.JoinHostPort(thisHost.Nebula.IP, strconv.Itoa(alloc.S3APIPort)),
WebAddr: net.JoinHostPort(thisHost.Nebula.IP, strconv.Itoa(alloc.WebPort)),
BootstrapPeers: env.Bootstrap.GarageRPCPeerAddrs(),
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("creating garage.toml file at %q: %w", garageTomlPath, err)
return garageTomlPath, nil
func garageChildrenPmuxProcConfigs(env *crypticnet.Env) ([]pmuxlib.ProcessConfig, error) {
var pmuxProcConfigs []pmuxlib.ProcessConfig
for _, alloc := range env.ThisDaemon().Storage.Allocations {
childConfPath, err := garageWriteChildConf(env, alloc)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("writing child config file for alloc %+v: %w", alloc, err)
pmuxProcConfigs = append(pmuxProcConfigs, pmuxlib.ProcessConfig{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("garage-%d", alloc.RPCPort),
Cmd: "garage",
Args: []string{"-c", childConfPath, "server"},
SigKillWait: 1 * time.Minute,
return pmuxProcConfigs, nil
func garageApplyLayoutDiffPmuxProcConfig(env *crypticnet.Env) pmuxlib.ProcessConfig {
return pmuxlib.ProcessConfig{
Name: "garage-apply-layout-diff",
Cmd: "bash",
Args: waitForGarageArgs(env, "bash", "garage-apply-layout-diff"),
NoRestartOn: []int{0},