Fork 0

Refactor merr, remove almost everything else

Brian Picciano 3 years ago
parent 3e2713a850
commit 360d41e2b8
  1. 1
  2. 11
  3. 11
  4. 2
  5. 122
  6. 29
  7. 14
  8. 176
  9. 55
  10. 186
  11. 410
  12. 246
  13. 152
  14. 50
  15. 29
  16. 246
  17. 17
  18. 84
  19. 54
  20. 184
  21. 44
  22. 97
  23. 39
  24. 11
  25. 2
  26. 168
  27. 124
  28. 44
  29. 54
  30. 40
  31. 79
  32. 373
  33. 174
  34. 75
  35. 22
  36. 247
  37. 158
  38. 69
  39. 18
  40. 212
  41. 176
  42. 41
  43. 48
  44. 107
  45. 70
  46. 49
  47. 21
  48. 211
  49. 61
  50. 67
  51. 105
  52. 59
  53. 138
  54. 67
  55. 213
  56. 49
  57. 69
  58. 19
  59. 42
  60. 30
  61. 2
  62. 118
  63. 118

@ -1 +0,0 @@

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
FROM golang:1.12 AS builder
COPY . .
RUN GOBIN=$(pwd)/bin CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go install -a -installsuffix cgo ./cmd/...
FROM alpine:latest
RUN apk --no-cache add ca-certificates
WORKDIR /app/bin
COPY --from=builder /app/bin /app/bin
ENV PATH="/app/bin:${PATH}"
CMD echo "Available commands:" && ls

@ -1,16 +1,7 @@
# mediocre-go-lib
This is a collection of packages which I use across many of my personal
projects. All packages intended to be used start with an `m`, packages not
starting with `m` are for internal use within this set of packages.
## Usage notes
* In general, all checking of equality of errors, e.g. `err == io.EOF`, done on
errors returned from the packages in this project should be done using
`merr.Equal`, e.g. `merr.Equal(err, io.EOF)`. The `merr` package is used to
wrap errors and embed further metadata in them, like stack traces and so
## Styleguide

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- read through all docs, especially package docs, make sure they make sense
- write examples

@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
package main
totp-proxy is a reverse proxy which implements basic time-based one-time
password (totp) authentication for any website.
It takes in a JSON object which maps usernames to totp secrets (generated at
a site like https://freeotp.github.io/qrcode.html), as well as a url to
proxy requests to. Users are prompted with a basic-auth prompt, and if they
succeed their totp challenge a cookie is set and requests are proxied to the
import (
func main() {
cmp := m.RootServiceComponent()
cookieName := mcfg.String(cmp, "cookie-name",
mcfg.ParamUsage("String to use as the name for cookies"))
cookieTimeout := mcfg.Duration(cmp, "cookie-timeout",
mcfg.ParamDefault(mtime.Duration{1 * time.Hour}),
mcfg.ParamUsage("Timeout for cookies"))
var userSecrets map[string]string
mcfg.JSON(cmp, "users", &userSecrets,
mcfg.ParamUsage("JSON object which maps usernames to their TOTP secret strings"))
var secret mcrypto.Secret
secretStr := mcfg.String(cmp, "secret",
mcfg.ParamUsage("String used to sign authentication tokens. If one isn't given a new one will be generated on each startup, invalidating all previous tokens."))
mrun.InitHook(cmp, func(context.Context) error {
if *secretStr == "" {
*secretStr = mrand.Hex(32)
mlog.From(cmp).Info("generating secret")
secret = mcrypto.NewSecret([]byte(*secretStr))
return nil
proxyHandler := new(struct{ http.Handler })
proxyURL := mcfg.String(cmp, "dst-url",
mcfg.ParamUsage("URL to proxy requests to. Only the scheme and host should be set."))
mrun.InitHook(cmp, func(context.Context) error {
u, err := url.Parse(*proxyURL)
if err != nil {
return merr.Wrap(err, cmp.Context())
proxyHandler.Handler = mhttp.ReverseProxy(u)
return nil
authHandler := http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// TODO mlog.FromHTTP?
ctx := r.Context()
unauthorized := func() {
mlog.From(cmp).Debug("connection is unauthorized")
w.Header().Add("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic")
authorized := func() {
mlog.From(cmp).Debug("connection is authorized, rewriting cookies")
sig := mcrypto.SignString(secret, "")
http.SetCookie(w, &http.Cookie{
Name: *cookieName,
Value: sig.String(),
MaxAge: int((*cookieTimeout).Seconds()),
proxyHandler.ServeHTTP(w, r)
if cookie, _ := r.Cookie(*cookieName); cookie != nil {
mlog.From(cmp).Debug("authenticating with cookie",
mctx.Annotate(ctx, "cookie", cookie.String()))
var sig mcrypto.Signature
if err := sig.UnmarshalText([]byte(cookie.Value)); err == nil {
err := mcrypto.VerifyString(secret, sig, "")
if err == nil && time.Since(sig.Time()) < (*cookieTimeout).Duration {
if user, pass, ok := r.BasicAuth(); ok && pass != "" {
mlog.From(cmp).Debug("authenticating with user",
mctx.Annotate(ctx, "user", user))
if userSecret, ok := userSecrets[user]; ok {
if totp.Validate(pass, userSecret) {
mhttp.InstListeningServer(cmp, authHandler)

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
if [ "$(ps aux | grep '[p]ubsub-emulator')" = "" ]; then
echo "starting pubsub emulator"
yes | gcloud beta emulators pubsub start >/dev/null 2>&1 &
$(gcloud beta emulators pubsub env-init)
if [ "$(ps aux | grep '[c]loud-datastore-emulator')" = "" ]; then
echo "starting datastore emulator"
yes | gcloud beta emulators datastore start >/dev/null 2>&1 &
$(gcloud beta emulators datastore env-init)
if [ "$(ps aux | grep '[b]igtable-emulator')" = "" ]; then
echo "starting bigtable emulator"
yes | gcloud beta emulators bigtable start --host-port >/dev/null 2>&1 &
$(gcloud beta emulators bigtable env-init)
if ! (sudo systemctl status mysqld 1>/dev/null); then
echo "starting mysqld"
sudo systemctl start mysqld
if ! (sudo systemctl status redis 1>/dev/null); then
echo "starting redis"
sudo systemctl start redis

@ -1,17 +1,3 @@
module github.com/mediocregopher/mediocre-go-lib/v2
go 1.15
require (
cloud.google.com/go v0.36.0
github.com/boombuler/barcode v1.0.0 // indirect
github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql v1.4.0
github.com/jmoiron/sqlx v1.2.0
github.com/mediocregopher/radix/v3 v3.3.2
github.com/pquerna/otp v1.1.0
github.com/stretchr/testify v1.3.0
golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20190213061140-3a22650c66bd // indirect
google.golang.org/api v0.1.0
google.golang.org/grpc v1.18.0
gopkg.in/mgo.v2 v2.0.0-20180705113604-9856a29383ce


@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
package jstream
import (
type delimReader struct {
r io.Reader
delim byte
rest []byte
func (dr *delimReader) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
if dr.delim != 0 {
return 0, io.EOF
n, err := dr.r.Read(b)
if i := bytes.IndexAny(b[:n], bbDelims); i >= 0 {
dr.delim = b[i]
dr.rest = append([]byte(nil), b[i+1:n]...)
return i, err
return n, err
type byteBlobReader struct {
dr *delimReader
dec io.Reader
func newByteBlobReader(r io.Reader) *byteBlobReader {
dr := &delimReader{r: r}
return &byteBlobReader{
dr: dr,
dec: base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding, dr),
func (bbr *byteBlobReader) Read(into []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := bbr.dec.Read(into)
if bbr.dr.delim == bbEnd {
return n, io.EOF
} else if bbr.dr.delim == bbCancel {
return n, ErrCanceled
return n, err
// returns the bytes which were read off the underlying io.Reader but which
// haven't been consumed yet.
func (bbr *byteBlobReader) buffered() io.Reader {
return bytes.NewBuffer(bbr.dr.rest)

@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
package jstream
import (
. "testing"
type bbrTest struct {
wsSuffix []byte // whitespace
body []byte
shouldCancel bool
intoSize int
func randBBRTest(minBodySize, maxBodySize int) bbrTest {
var whitespace = []byte{' ', '\n', '\t', '\r'}
genWhitespace := func(n int) []byte {
ws := make([]byte, n)
for i := range ws {
ws[i] = whitespace[mrand.Intn(len(whitespace))]
return ws
body := mrand.Bytes(minBodySize + mrand.Intn(maxBodySize-minBodySize))
return bbrTest{
wsSuffix: genWhitespace(mrand.Intn(10)),
body: body,
intoSize: 1 + mrand.Intn(len(body)+1),
func (bt bbrTest) msgAndArgs() []interface{} {
return []interface{}{"bt:%#v len(body):%d", bt, len(bt.body)}
func (bt bbrTest) mkBytes() []byte {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
enc := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding, buf)
if bt.shouldCancel {
} else {
return buf.Bytes()
func (bt bbrTest) do(t *T) bool {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(bt.mkBytes())
bbr := newByteBlobReader(buf)
into := make([]byte, bt.intoSize)
outBuf := new(bytes.Buffer)
_, err := io.CopyBuffer(outBuf, bbr, into)
if bt.shouldCancel {
return assert.Equal(t, ErrCanceled, err, bt.msgAndArgs()...)
if !assert.NoError(t, err, bt.msgAndArgs()...) {
return false
if !assert.Equal(t, bt.body, outBuf.Bytes(), bt.msgAndArgs()...) {
return false
fullRest := append(bbr.dr.rest, buf.Bytes()...)
if len(bt.wsSuffix) == 0 {
return assert.Empty(t, fullRest, bt.msgAndArgs()...)
return assert.Equal(t, bt.wsSuffix, fullRest, bt.msgAndArgs()...)
func TestByteBlobReader(t *T) {
// some sanity tests
body: []byte{2, 3, 4, 5},
intoSize: 4,
body: []byte{2, 3, 4, 5},
intoSize: 3,
body: []byte{2, 3, 4, 5},
shouldCancel: true,
intoSize: 3,
// fuzz this bitch
for i := 0; i < 50000; i++ {
bt := randBBRTest(0, 1000)
if !bt.do(t) {
bt.shouldCancel = true
if !bt.do(t) {
func BenchmarkByteBlobReader(b *B) {
type bench struct {
bt bbrTest
body []byte
buf *bytes.Reader
cpBuf []byte
mkTestSet := func(minBodySize, maxBodySize int) []bench {
n := 100
benches := make([]bench, n)
for i := range benches {
bt := randBBRTest(minBodySize, maxBodySize)
body := bt.mkBytes()
benches[i] = bench{
bt: bt,
body: body,
buf: bytes.NewReader(nil),
cpBuf: make([]byte, bt.intoSize),
return benches
testRaw := func(b *B, benches []bench) {
j := 0
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if j >= len(benches) {
j = 0
io.CopyBuffer(ioutil.Discard, benches[j].buf, benches[j].cpBuf)
testBBR := func(b *B, benches []bench) {
j := 0
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
if j >= len(benches) {
j = 0
bbr := newByteBlobReader(benches[j].buf)
io.CopyBuffer(ioutil.Discard, bbr, benches[j].cpBuf)
benches := []struct {
name string
minBodySize, maxBodySize int
{"small", 0, 1000},
{"medium", 1000, 10000},
{"large", 10000, 100000},
{"xlarge", 100000, 1000000},
for i := range benches {
b.Run(benches[i].name, func(b *B) {
set := mkTestSet(benches[i].minBodySize, benches[i].maxBodySize)
b.Run("raw", func(b *B) {
testRaw(b, set)
b.Run("bbr", func(b *B) {
testBBR(b, set)

@ -1,410 +0,0 @@
// Package jstream defines and implements the JSON Stream protocol
// Purpose
// The purpose of the jstream protocol is to provide a very simple layer on top
// of an existing JSON implementation to allow for streaming arbitrary numbers
// of JSON objects and byte blobs of arbitrary size in a standard way, and to
// allow for embedding streams within each other.
// The order of priorities when designing jstream is as follows:
// 1) Protocol simplicity
// 2) Implementation simplicity
// 3) Efficiency, both in parsing speed and bandwidth
// The justification for this is that protocol simplicity generally spills into
// implementation simplicity anyway, and accounts for future languages which
// have different properties than current ones. Parsing speed isn't much of a
// concern when reading data off a network (the primary use-case here), as RTT
// is always going to be the main blocker. Bandwidth can be a concern, but it's
// one better solved by wrapping the byte stream with a compressor.
// jstream protocol
// The jstream protocol is carried over a byte stream (in go: an io.Reader). To
// read the protocol a JSON object is read off the byte stream and inspected to
// determine what kind of jstream element it is.
// Multiple jstream elements are sequentially read off the same byte stream.
// Each element may be separated from the other by any amount of whitespace,
// with whitespace being defined as spaces, tabs, carriage returns, and/or
// newlines.
// jstream elements
// There are three jstream element types:
// * JSON Value: Any JSON value
// * Byte Blob: A stream of bytes of unknown, and possibly infinite, size
// * Stream: A heterogenous sequence of jstream elements of unknown, and
// possibly infinite, size
// JSON Value elements are defined as being JSON objects with a `val` field. The
// value of that field is the JSON Value.
// { "val":{"foo":"bar"} }
// Byte Blob elements are defined as being a JSON object with a `bytesStart`
// field with a value of `true`. Immediately following the JSON object are the
// bytes which are the Byte Blob, encoded using standard base64. Immediately
// following the encoded bytes is the character `$`, to indicate the bytes have
// been completely written. Alternatively the character `!` may be written
// immediately after the bytes to indicate writing was canceled prematurely by
// the writer.
// { "bytesStart":true }wXnxQHgUO8g=$
// { "bytesStart":true }WGYcTI8=!
// The JSON object may also contain a `sizeHint` field, which gives the
// estimated number of bytes in the Byte Blob (excluding the trailing
// delimiter). The hint is neither required to exist or be accurate if it does.
// The trailing delimeter (`$` or `!`) is required to be sent even if the hint
// is sent.
// Stream elements are defined as being a JSON object with a `streamStart` field
// with a value of `true`. Immediately following the JSON object will be zero
// more jstream elements of any type, possibly separated by whitespace. Finally
// the Stream is ended with another JSON object with a `streamEnd` field with a
// value of `true`.
// { "streamStart":true }
// { "val":{"foo":"bar"} }
// { "bytesStart":true }7TdlDQOnA6isxD9C$
// { "streamEnd":true }
// A Stream may also be prematurely canceled by the sending of a JSON object
// with the `streamCancel` field set to `true` (in place of one with `streamEnd`
// set to `true`).
// The Stream's original JSON object (the "head") may also have a `sizeHint`
// field, which gives the estimated number of jstream elements in the Stream.
// The hint is neither required to exist or be accurate if it does. The tail
// JSON object (with the `streamEnd` field) is required even if `sizeHint` is
// given.
// One of the elements in a Stream may itself be a Stream. In this way Streams
// may be embedded within each other.
// Here's an example of a complex Stream, which carries within it two different
// streams and some other elements:
// { "streamStart":true }
// { "val":{"foo":"bar" }
// { "streamStart":true, "sizeHint":2 }
// { "val":{"foo":"baz"} }
// { "val":{"foo":"biz"} }
// { "streamEnd":true }
// { "bytesStart":true }X7KCpLIjqIBJt9vA$
// { "streamStart":true }
// { "bytesStart":true }0jT+kNCuxHywUYy0$
// { "bytesStart":true }LUqjR6OACB2p1BG4$
// { "streamEnd":true }
// { "streamEnd":true }
// Finally, the byte stream off of which the jstream is based (i.e. the
// io.Reader) is implicitly treated as a Stream, with the Stream ending when the
// byte stream is closed.
package jstream
// TODO figure out how to expose the json.Encoder/Decoders so that users can set
// custom options on them (like UseNumber and whatnot)
import (
// byte blob constants
const (
bbEnd = '$'
bbCancel = '!'
bbDelims = string(bbEnd) + string(bbCancel)
// Type is used to enumerate the types of jstream elements
type Type string
// The jstream element types
const (
TypeJSONValue Type = "jsonValue"
TypeByteBlob Type = "byteBlob"
TypeStream Type = "stream"
// ErrWrongType is an error returned by the Decode* methods on Decoder when the
// wrong decoding method has been called for the element which was read. The
// error contains the actual type of the element.
type ErrWrongType struct {
Actual Type
func (err ErrWrongType) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("wrong type, actual type is %q", err.Actual)
var (
// ErrCanceled is returned when reading either a Byte Blob or a Stream,
// indicating that the writer has prematurely canceled the element.
ErrCanceled = errors.New("canceled by writer")
// ErrStreamEnded is returned from Next when the Stream being read has been
// ended by the writer.
ErrStreamEnded = errors.New("stream ended")
type element struct {
Value json.RawMessage `json:"val,omitempty"`
BytesStart bool `json:"bytesStart,omitempty"`
StreamStart bool `json:"streamStart,omitempty"`
StreamEnd bool `json:"streamEnd,omitempty"`
StreamCancel bool `json:"streamCancel,omitempty"`
SizeHint uint `json:"sizeHint,omitempty"`
// Element is a single jstream element which is read off a StreamReader.
// If a method is called which expects a particular Element type (e.g.
// DecodeValue, which expects a JSONValue Element) but the Element is not of
// that type then an ErrWrongType will be returned.
// If there was an error reading the Element off the StreamReader that error is
// kept in the Element and returned from any method call.
type Element struct {
// Err will be set if the StreamReader encountered an error while reading
// the next Element. If set then the Element is otherwise unusable.
// Err may be ErrCanceled or ErrStreamEnded, which would indicate the end of
// the stream but would not indicate the StreamReader is no longer usable,
// depending on the behavior of the writer on the other end.
Err error
// needed for byte blobs and streams
sr *StreamReader
// Type returns the Element's Type, or an error
func (el Element) Type() (Type, error) {
if el.Err != nil {
return "", el.Err
} else if el.element.StreamStart {
return TypeStream, nil
} else if el.element.BytesStart {
return TypeByteBlob, nil
} else if len(el.element.Value) > 0 {
return TypeJSONValue, nil
return "", errors.New("malformed Element, can't determine type")
func (el Element) assertType(is Type) error {
typ, err := el.Type()
if err != nil {
return err
} else if typ != is {
return ErrWrongType{Actual: typ}
return nil
// Value attempts to unmarshal a JSON Value Element's value into the given
// receiver.
// This method should not be called more than once.
func (el Element) Value(i interface{}) error {
if err := el.assertType(TypeJSONValue); err != nil {
return err
return json.Unmarshal(el.element.Value, i)
// SizeHint returns the size hint which may have been optionally sent for
// ByteBlob and Stream elements, or zero. The hint is never required to be
// sent or to be accurate.
func (el Element) SizeHint() uint {
return el.element.SizeHint
// Bytes returns an io.Reader which will contain the contents of a ByteBlob
// element. The io.Reader _must_ be read till io.EOF or ErrCanceled before the
// StreamReader may be used again.
// This method should not be called more than once.
func (el Element) Bytes() (io.Reader, error) {
if err := el.assertType(TypeByteBlob); err != nil {
return nil, err
return el.sr.readBytes(), nil
// Stream returns the embedded stream represented by this Element as a
// StreamReader. The returned StreamReader _must_ be iterated (via the Next
// method) till ErrStreamEnded or ErrCanceled is returned before the original
// StreamReader may be used again.
// This method should not be called more than once.
func (el Element) Stream() (*StreamReader, error) {
if err := el.assertType(TypeStream); err != nil {
return nil, err
return el.sr, nil
// StreamReader represents a Stream from which Elements may be read using the
// Next method.
type StreamReader struct {
orig io.Reader
// only one of these can be set at a time
dec *json.Decoder
bbr *byteBlobReader
// NewStreamReader takes an io.Reader and interprets it as a jstream Stream.
func NewStreamReader(r io.Reader) *StreamReader {
return &StreamReader{orig: r}
// pulls buffered bytes out of either the json.Decoder or byteBlobReader, if
// possible, and returns an io.MultiReader of those and orig. Will also set the
// json.Decoder/byteBlobReader to nil if that's where the bytes came from.
func (sr *StreamReader) multiReader() io.Reader {
if sr.dec != nil {
buf := sr.dec.Buffered()
sr.dec = nil
return io.MultiReader(buf, sr.orig)
} else if sr.bbr != nil {
buf := sr.bbr.buffered()
sr.bbr = nil
return io.MultiReader(buf, sr.orig)
return sr.orig
// Next reads, decodes, and returns the next Element off the StreamReader. If
// the Element is a ByteBlob or embedded Stream then it _must_ be fully consumed
// before Next is called on this StreamReader again.
// The returned Element's Err field will be ErrStreamEnd if the Stream was
// ended, or ErrCanceled if it was canceled, and this StreamReader should not be
// used again in those cases.
// If the underlying io.Reader is closed the returned Err field will be io.EOF.
func (sr *StreamReader) Next() Element {
if sr.dec == nil {
sr.dec = json.NewDecoder(sr.multiReader())
var el element
var err error
if err = sr.dec.Decode(&el); err != nil {
// welp
} else if el.StreamEnd {
err = ErrStreamEnded
} else if el.StreamCancel {
err = ErrCanceled
if err != nil {
return Element{Err: err}
return Element{sr: sr, element: el}
func (sr *StreamReader) readBytes() *byteBlobReader {
sr.bbr = newByteBlobReader(sr.multiReader())
return sr.bbr
// StreamWriter represents a Stream to which Elements may be written using any
// of the Encode methods.
type StreamWriter struct {
w io.Writer
enc *json.Encoder
// NewStreamWriter takes an io.Writer and returns a StreamWriter which will
// write to it.
func NewStreamWriter(w io.Writer) *StreamWriter {
return &StreamWriter{w: w, enc: json.NewEncoder(w)}
// EncodeValue marshals the given value and writes it to the Stream as a
// JSONValue element.
func (sw *StreamWriter) EncodeValue(i interface{}) error {
b, err := json.Marshal(i)
if err != nil {
return err
return sw.enc.Encode(element{Value: b})
// EncodeBytes copies the given io.Reader, until io.EOF, onto the Stream as a
// ByteBlob element. This method will block until copying is completed or an
// error is encountered.
// If the io.Reader returns any error which isn't io.EOF then the ByteBlob is
// canceled and that error is returned from this method. Otherwise nil is
// returned.
// sizeHint may be given if it's known or can be guessed how many bytes the
// io.Reader will read out.
func (sw *StreamWriter) EncodeBytes(sizeHint uint, r io.Reader) error {
if err := sw.enc.Encode(element{
BytesStart: true,
SizeHint: sizeHint,
}); err != nil {
return err
enc := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding, sw.w)
if _, err := io.Copy(enc, r); err != nil {
// if canceling doesn't work then the whole connection is broken and
// it's not worth doing anything about. if nothing else the brokeness of
// it will be discovered the next time it is used.
return err
} else if err := enc.Close(); err != nil {
return err
} else if _, err := sw.w.Write([]byte{bbEnd}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// EncodeStream encodes an embedded Stream element onto the Stream. The callback
// is given a new StreamWriter which represents the embedded Stream and to which
// any elemens may be written. This methods blocks until the callback has
// returned.
// If the callback returns nil the Stream is ended normally. If it returns
// anything else the embedded Stream is canceled and that error is returned from
// this method.
// sizeHint may be given if it's known or can be guessed how many elements will
// be in the embedded Stream.
func (sw *StreamWriter) EncodeStream(sizeHint uint, fn func(*StreamWriter) error) error {
if err := sw.enc.Encode(element{
StreamStart: true,
SizeHint: sizeHint,
}); err != nil {
return err
} else if err := fn(sw); err != nil {
// as when canceling a byte blob, we don't really care if this errors
sw.enc.Encode(element{StreamCancel: true})
return err
return sw.enc.Encode(element{StreamEnd: true})

@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
package jstream
import (
. "testing"
type cancelBuffer struct {
lr *io.LimitedReader
func newCancelBuffer(b []byte) io.Reader {
return &cancelBuffer{
lr: &io.LimitedReader{
R: bytes.NewBuffer(b),
N: int64(len(b) / 2),
func (cb *cancelBuffer) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
if cb.lr.N == 0 {
return 0, ErrCanceled
return cb.lr.Read(p)
func TestEncoderDecoder(t *T) {
type testCase struct {
typ Type
val interface{}
bytes []byte
stream []testCase
cancel bool
var randTestCase func(Type, bool) testCase
randTestCase = func(typ Type, cancelable bool) testCase {
// if typ isn't given then use a random one
if typ == "" {
pick := mrand.Intn(5)
switch {
case pick == 0:
typ = TypeStream
case pick < 4:
typ = TypeJSONValue
typ = TypeByteBlob
tc := testCase{
typ: typ,
cancel: cancelable && mrand.Intn(10) == 0,
switch typ {
case TypeJSONValue:
tc.val = map[string]interface{}{
mrand.Hex(8): mrand.Hex(8),
mrand.Hex(8): mrand.Hex(8),
mrand.Hex(8): mrand.Hex(8),
mrand.Hex(8): mrand.Hex(8),
mrand.Hex(8): mrand.Hex(8),
return tc
case TypeByteBlob:
tc.bytes = mrand.Bytes(mrand.Intn(256))
return tc
case TypeStream:
for i := mrand.Intn(10); i > 0; i-- {
tc.stream = append(tc.stream, randTestCase("", true))
return tc
panic("shouldn't get here")
tcLog := func(tcs ...testCase) []interface{} {
return []interface{}{"%#v", tcs}
var assertRead func(*StreamReader, Element, testCase) bool
assertRead = func(r *StreamReader, el Element, tc testCase) bool {
l, success := tcLog(tc), true
typ, err := el.Type()
success = success && assert.NoError(t, err, l...)
success = success && assert.Equal(t, tc.typ, typ, l...)
switch typ {
case TypeJSONValue:
var val interface{}
success = success && assert.NoError(t, el.Value(&val), l...)
success = success && assert.Equal(t, tc.val, val, l...)
case TypeByteBlob:
br, err := el.Bytes()
success = success && assert.NoError(t, err, l...)
success = success && assert.Equal(t, uint(len(tc.bytes)), el.SizeHint(), l...)
all, err := ioutil.ReadAll(br)
if tc.cancel {
success = success && assert.Equal(t, ErrCanceled, err, l...)
} else {
success = success && assert.NoError(t, err, l...)
success = success && assert.Equal(t, tc.bytes, all, l...)
case TypeStream:
innerR, err := el.Stream()
success = success && assert.NoError(t, err, l...)
success = success && assert.Equal(t, uint(len(tc.stream)), el.SizeHint(), l...)
n := 0
for {
el := innerR.Next()
if tc.cancel && el.Err == ErrCanceled {
} else if n == len(tc.stream) {
success = success && assert.Equal(t, ErrStreamEnded, el.Err, l...)
success = success && assertRead(innerR, el, tc.stream[n])
return success
var assertWrite func(*StreamWriter, testCase) bool
assertWrite = func(w *StreamWriter, tc testCase) bool {
l, success := tcLog(tc), true
switch tc.typ {
case TypeJSONValue:
success = success && assert.NoError(t, w.EncodeValue(tc.val), l...)
case TypeByteBlob:
if tc.cancel {
r := newCancelBuffer(tc.bytes)
err := w.EncodeBytes(uint(len(tc.bytes)), r)
success = success && assert.Equal(t, ErrCanceled, err, l...)
} else {
r := bytes.NewBuffer(tc.bytes)
err := w.EncodeBytes(uint(len(tc.bytes)), r)
success = success && assert.NoError(t, err, l...)
case TypeStream:
err := w.EncodeStream(uint(len(tc.stream)), func(innerW *StreamWriter) error {
if len(tc.stream) == 0 && tc.cancel {
return ErrCanceled
for i := range tc.stream {
if tc.cancel && i == len(tc.stream)/2 {
return ErrCanceled
} else if !assertWrite(w, tc.stream[i]) {
return errors.New("we got problems")
return nil
if tc.cancel {
success = success && assert.Equal(t, ErrCanceled, err, l...)
} else {
success = success && assert.NoError(t, err, l...)
return success
do := func(tcs ...testCase) bool {
// we keep a copy of all read/written bytes for debugging, but generally
// don't actually log them
ioR, ioW := io.Pipe()
cpR, cpW := new(bytes.Buffer), new(bytes.Buffer)
r, w := NewStreamReader(io.TeeReader(ioR, cpR)), NewStreamWriter(io.MultiWriter(ioW, cpW))
readCh, writeCh := make(chan bool, 1), make(chan bool, 1)
wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
go func() {
success := true
for _, tc := range tcs {
success = success && assertRead(r, r.Next(), tc)
success = success && assert.Equal(t, io.EOF, r.Next().Err)
readCh <- success
go func() {
success := true
for _, tc := range tcs {
success = success && assertWrite(w, tc)
writeCh <- success
//log.Printf("data written:%q", cpW.Bytes())
//log.Printf("data read: %q", cpR.Bytes())
if !(<-readCh && <-writeCh) {
assert.FailNow(t, "test case failed", tcLog(tcs...)...)
return false
return true
// some basic test cases
do() // empty stream
do(randTestCase(TypeJSONValue, false))
do(randTestCase(TypeByteBlob, false))
randTestCase(TypeJSONValue, false),
randTestCase(TypeJSONValue, false),
randTestCase(TypeJSONValue, false),
randTestCase(TypeJSONValue, false),
randTestCase(TypeByteBlob, false),
randTestCase(TypeJSONValue, false),
randTestCase(TypeByteBlob, false),
randTestCase(TypeByteBlob, false),
randTestCase(TypeByteBlob, false),
randTestCase(TypeJSONValue, false),
randTestCase(TypeStream, false),
randTestCase(TypeJSONValue, false),
// some special cases, empty elements which are canceled
do(testCase{typ: TypeStream, cancel: true})
do(testCase{typ: TypeByteBlob, cancel: true})
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
tc := randTestCase(TypeStream, false)


@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
// Package m implements functionality specific to how I like my programs to
// work. It acts as glue between many of the other packages in this framework,
// putting them together in the way I find most useful.
package m
import (
type cmpKey int
const (
cmpKeyCfgSrc cmpKey = iota
func debugLog(cmp *mcmp.Component, msg string, ctxs ...context.Context) {
level := mlog.DebugLevel
if len(ctxs) > 0 {
if ok, _ := ctxs[0].Value(cmpKeyInfoLog).(bool); ok {
level = mlog.InfoLevel
Level: level,
Description: msg,
Contexts: ctxs,
// RootComponent returns a Component which should be used as the root Component
// when implementing most programs.
// The returned Component will automatically handle setting up global
// configuration parameters like "log-level", as well as parsing those
// and all other parameters when the Init even is triggered on it.
func RootComponent() *mcmp.Component {
cmp := new(mcmp.Component)
// embed confuration source which should be used into the context.
cmp.SetValue(cmpKeyCfgSrc, mcfg.Source(new(mcfg.SourceCLI)))
// set up log level handling
logger := mlog.NewLogger()
mlog.SetLogger(cmp, logger)
// set up parameter parsing
mrun.InitHook(cmp, func(context.Context) error {
src, _ := cmp.Value(cmpKeyCfgSrc).(mcfg.Source)
if src == nil {
return merr.New("Component not sourced from m package", cmp.Context())
} else if err := mcfg.Populate(cmp, src); err != nil {
return merr.Wrap(err, cmp.Context())
return nil
logLevelStr := mcfg.String(cmp, "log-level",
mcfg.ParamUsage("Maximum log level which will be printed."))
mrun.InitHook(cmp, func(context.Context) error {
logLevel := mlog.LevelFromString(*logLevelStr)
if logLevel == nil {
return merr.New("invalid log level", cmp.Context(),
mctx.Annotated("log-level", *logLevelStr))
mlog.SetLogger(cmp, logger)
return nil
return cmp
// RootServiceComponent extends RootComponent so that it better supports long
// running processes which are expected to handle requests from outside clients.
// Additional behavior it adds includes setting up an http endpoint where debug
// information about the running process can be accessed.
func RootServiceComponent() *mcmp.Component {
cmp := RootComponent()
// services expect to use many different configuration sources
cmp.SetValue(cmpKeyCfgSrc, mcfg.Source(mcfg.Sources{
// it's useful to show debug entries (from this package specifically) as
// info logs for long-running services.
cmp.SetValue(cmpKeyInfoLog, true)
// TODO set up the debug endpoint.
return cmp
// MustInit will call mrun.Init on the given Component, which must have been
// created in this package, and exit the process if mrun.Init does not complete
// successfully.
func MustInit(cmp *mcmp.Component) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
debugLog(cmp, "initializing")
if err := mrun.Init(ctx, cmp); err != nil {
mlog.From(cmp).Fatal("initialization failed", merr.Context(err))
debugLog(cmp, "initialization completed successfully")
// MustShutdown is like MustInit, except that it triggers the Shutdown event on
// the Component.
func MustShutdown(cmp *mcmp.Component) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
debugLog(cmp, "shutting down")
if err := mrun.Shutdown(ctx, cmp); err != nil {
mlog.From(cmp).Fatal("shutdown failed", merr.Context(err))
debugLog(cmp, "shutting down completed successfully")
// Exec calls MustInit on the given Component, then blocks until an interrupt
// signal is received, then calls MustShutdown on the Component, until finally
// exiting the process.
func Exec(cmp *mcmp.Component) {
ch := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(ch, os.Interrupt)
s := <-ch
debugLog(cmp, "signal received, stopping", mctx.Annotated("signal", s))
debugLog(cmp, "exiting process")

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
package m
import (
. "testing"
func TestServiceCtx(t *T) {
t.Run("log-level", func(t *T) {
cmp := RootComponent()
// pull the Logger out of the component and set the Handler on it, so we
// can check the log level
var msgs []mlog.Message
logger := mlog.GetLogger(cmp)
logger.SetHandler(func(msg mlog.Message) error {
msgs = append(msgs, msg)
return nil
mlog.SetLogger(cmp, logger)
// create a child Component before running to ensure it the change propagates
// correctly.
cmpA := cmp.Child("A")
params := mcfg.ParamValues{{Name: "log-level", Value: json.RawMessage(`"DEBUG"`)}}
cmp.SetValue(cmpKeyCfgSrc, params)
massert.Length(msgs, 3),
massert.Equal(msgs[0].Level.String(), "DEBUG"),
massert.Equal(msgs[0].Description, "initialization completed successfully"),
massert.Equal(msgs[0].Contexts, []context.Context{cmp.Context()}),
massert.Equal(msgs[1].Level.String(), "INFO"),
massert.Equal(msgs[1].Description, "foo"),
massert.Equal(msgs[1].Contexts, []context.Context{cmpA.Context()}),
massert.Equal(msgs[2].Level.String(), "DEBUG"),
massert.Equal(msgs[2].Description, "bar"),
massert.Equal(msgs[2].Contexts, []context.Context{cmpA.Context()}),

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
// Package mcrypto contains general purpose functionality related to
// cryptography, notably related to unique identifiers, signing/verifying data,
// and encrypting/decrypting data
package mcrypto
import (
// Instead of outputing opaque hex garbage, this package opts to add a prefix to
// the garbage. Each "type" of string returned has its own character which is
// not found in the hex range (0-9, a-f), and in addition each also has a
// version character prefixed as well, in case something wants to be changed
// going forward.
// We keep the constant prefices here to ensure there's no conflicts across
// string types in this package.
const (
uuidV0 = "0u" // u for uuid
sigV0 = "0s" // s for signature
encryptedV0 = "0n" // n for "n"-crypted, harharhar
pubKeyV0 = "0l" // b for pub"l"ic key
privKeyV0 = "0v" // v for pri"v"ate key
func stripPrefix(s, prefix string) (string, bool) {
trimmed := strings.TrimPrefix(s, prefix)
return trimmed, len(trimmed) < len(s)

@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
package mcrypto
import (
var (
errMalformedPublicKey = errors.New("malformed public key")
errMalformedPrivateKey = errors.New("malformed private key")
// NewKeyPair generates and returns a complementary public/private key pair
func NewKeyPair() (PublicKey, PrivateKey) {
return newKeyPair(2048)
// NewWeakKeyPair is like NewKeyPair but the returned pair uses fewer bits
// (though still a reasonably secure amount for data that doesn't need security
// guarantees into the year 3000 whatever).
func NewWeakKeyPair() (PublicKey, PrivateKey) {
return newKeyPair(1024)
func newKeyPair(bits int) (PublicKey, PrivateKey) {
priv, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, bits)
if err != nil {
return PublicKey{priv.PublicKey}, PrivateKey{priv}
// PublicKey is a wrapper around an rsa.PublicKey which simplifies using it and
// adds marshaling/unmarshaling methods.
// A PublicKey automatically implements the Verifier interface.
type PublicKey struct {
func (pk PublicKey) verify(s Signature, r io.Reader) error {
h := sha256.New()
r = sigPrefixReader(r, 32, s.salt, s.t)
if _, err := io.Copy(h, r); err != nil {
return err
if err := rsa.VerifyPSS(&pk.PublicKey, crypto.SHA256, h.Sum(nil), s.sig, nil); err != nil {
ctx := mctx.Annotate(context.Background(), "sig", s)
return merr.Wrap(ErrInvalidSig, ctx)
return nil
func (pk PublicKey) String() string {
nB := pk.N.Bytes()
b := make([]byte, 8+len(nB))
// the exponent is never negative so this is fine
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(b, uint64(pk.E))
copy(b[8:], nB)
return pubKeyV0 + hex.EncodeToString(b)
// KV implements the method for the mlog.KVer interface
func (pk PublicKey) KV() map[string]interface{} {
return map[string]interface{}{"publicKey": pk.String()}
// MarshalText implements the method for the encoding.TextMarshaler interface
func (pk PublicKey) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(pk.String()), nil
// UnmarshalText implements the method for the encoding.TextUnmarshaler
// interface
func (pk *PublicKey) UnmarshalText(b []byte) error {
str := string(b)
strEnc, ok := stripPrefix(str, pubKeyV0)
if !ok || len(strEnc) <= hex.EncodedLen(8) {
ctx := mctx.Annotate(context.Background(), "pubKeyStr", str)
return merr.Wrap(errMalformedPublicKey, ctx)
b, err := hex.DecodeString(strEnc)
if err != nil {
ctx := mctx.Annotate(context.Background(), "pubKeyStr", str)
return merr.Wrap(err, ctx)
pk.E = int(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(b))
pk.N = new(big.Int)
return nil
// MarshalJSON implements the method for the json.Marshaler interface
func (pk PublicKey) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(pk.String())
// UnmarshalJSON implements the method for the json.Unmarshaler interface
func (pk *PublicKey) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var s string
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &s); err != nil {
return err
return pk.UnmarshalText([]byte(s))
// PrivateKey is a wrapper around an rsa.PrivateKey which simplifies using it
// and adds marshaling/unmarshaling methods.
// A PrivateKey automatically implements the Signer interface.
type PrivateKey struct {
func (pk PrivateKey) sign(r io.Reader) (Signature, error) {
salt := make([]byte, 8)
if _, err := rand.Read(salt); err != nil {
t := time.Now()
h := sha256.New()
// sigLen has to be 32 here (bytes returned by sha256) cause of the way the
// VerifyPSS function is
if _, err := io.Copy(h, sigPrefixReader(r, 32, salt, t)); err != nil {
return Signature{}, err
sig, err := rsa.SignPSS(rand.Reader, pk.PrivateKey, crypto.SHA256, h.Sum(nil), nil)
return Signature{sig: sig, salt: salt, t: t}, err
func (pk PrivateKey) String() string {
numBytes := binary.MaxVarintLen64 * 3 // public exponent, N, and D
nB, dB := pk.PublicKey.N.Bytes(), pk.D.Bytes()
numBytes += len(nB) + len(dB)
primes := make([][]byte, len(pk.Primes))
for i, prime := range pk.Primes {
primes[i] = prime.Bytes()
numBytes += binary.MaxVarintLen64 + len(primes[i])
b, ptr := make([]byte, numBytes), 0
ptr += binary.PutUvarint(b[ptr:], uint64(pk.E))
ptr += binary.PutUvarint(b[ptr:], uint64(len(nB)))
ptr += copy(b[ptr:], nB)
ptr += binary.PutUvarint(b[ptr:], uint64(len(dB)))
ptr += copy(b[ptr:], dB)
for _, prime := range primes {
ptr += binary.PutUvarint(b[ptr:], uint64(len(prime)))
ptr += copy(b[ptr:], prime)
return privKeyV0 + hex.EncodeToString(b[:ptr])
// KV implements the method for the mlog.KVer interface
func (pk PrivateKey) KV() map[string]interface{} {
return map[string]interface{}{"privateKey": pk.String()}
// MarshalText implements the method for the encoding.TextMarshaler interface
func (pk PrivateKey) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(pk.String()), nil
// UnmarshalText implements the method for the encoding.TextUnmarshaler
// interface
func (pk *PrivateKey) UnmarshalText(b []byte) error {
str := string(b)
strEnc, ok := stripPrefix(str, privKeyV0)
if !ok {
return merr.Wrap(errMalformedPrivateKey)
b, err := hex.DecodeString(strEnc)
if err != nil {
return merr.Wrap(errMalformedPrivateKey)
e, n := binary.Uvarint(b)
if n <= 0 {
return merr.Wrap(errMalformedPrivateKey)
pk.PublicKey.E = int(e)
b = b[n:]
bigInt := func() *big.Int {
if err != nil {
return nil
l, n := binary.Uvarint(b)
if n <= 0 {
err = merr.Wrap(errMalformedPrivateKey)
b = b[n:]
i := new(big.Int)
b = b[l:]
return i
pk.PublicKey.N = bigInt()
pk.D = bigInt()
for len(b) > 0 && err == nil {
pk.Primes = append(pk.Primes, bigInt())
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// MarshalJSON implements the method for the json.Marshaler interface
func (pk PrivateKey) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(pk.String())
// UnmarshalJSON implements the method for the json.Unmarshaler interface
func (pk *PrivateKey) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var s string
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &s); err != nil {
return err
return pk.UnmarshalText([]byte(s))

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
package mcrypto
import (
. "testing"
func TestKeyPair(t *T) {
pub, priv := NewWeakKeyPair()
// test signing/verifying
str := mrand.Hex(512)
sig := SignString(priv, str)
assert.NoError(t, VerifyString(pub, sig, str))

@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
package mcrypto
import (
// Secret contains a set of bytes which are inteded to remain secret within some
// context (e.g. a backend application keeping a secret from the frontend).
// Secret inherently implements the Signer and Verifier interfaces.
// Secret can be initialized with NewSecret or NewWeakSecret. The Signatures
// produced by these will be of differing lengths, but either can Verify a
// Signature made by the other as long as the secret bytes they are initialized
// with are the same.
type Secret struct {
sigSize uint8 // in bytes, shouldn't be more than 32, cause sha256
secret []byte
// only used during tests
testNow time.Time
// NewSecret initializes and returns an instance of Secret which uses the given
// bytes as the underlying secret.
func NewSecret(secret []byte) Secret {
return Secret{sigSize: 20, secret: secret}
// NewWeakSecret is like NewSecret but the Signatures it produces will be
// shorter and weaker (though still secure enough for most applications).
// Signatures produced by either normal or weak Secrets can be Verified by the
// other.
func NewWeakSecret(secret []byte) Secret {
return Secret{sigSize: 8, secret: secret}
func (s Secret) now() time.Time {
if !s.testNow.IsZero() {
return s.testNow
return time.Now()
func (s Secret) signRaw(
r io.Reader,
sigLen uint8, salt []byte, t time.Time,
) (
[]byte, error,
) {
h := hmac.New(sha256.New, s.secret)
r = sigPrefixReader(r, sigLen, salt, t)
if _, err := io.Copy(h, r); err != nil {
return nil, err
return h.Sum(nil)[:sigLen], nil
func (s Secret) sign(r io.Reader) (Signature, error) {
salt := make([]byte, 8)
if _, err := rand.Read(salt); err != nil {
t := s.now()
sig, err := s.signRaw(r, s.sigSize, salt, t)
return Signature{sig: sig, salt: salt, t: t}, err
func (s Secret) verify(sig Signature, r io.Reader) error {
sigB, err := s.signRaw(r, uint8(len(sig.sig)), sig.salt, sig.t)
if err != nil {
return merr.Wrap(err)
} else if !hmac.Equal(sigB, sig.sig) {
return merr.Wrap(ErrInvalidSig)
return nil

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
package mcrypto
import (
. "testing"
func TestSecretSignVerify(t *T) {
secretRaw := mrand.Bytes(16)
secret := NewSecret(secretRaw)
weakSecret := NewWeakSecret(secretRaw)
var prevStr string
var prevSig, prevWeakSig Signature
for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
now := time.Now().Round(0)
secret.testNow = now
weakSecret.testNow = now
thisStr := mrand.Hex(512)
thisSig := SignString(secret, thisStr)
thisWeakSig := SignString(weakSecret, thisStr)
thisSigStr, thisWeakSigStr := thisSig.String(), thisWeakSig.String()
// sanity checks
assert.Equal(t, now, thisSig.Time())
assert.Equal(t, now, thisWeakSig.Time())
assert.NotEmpty(t, thisSigStr)
assert.NotEmpty(t, thisWeakSigStr)
assert.NotEqual(t, thisSigStr, thisWeakSigStr)
assert.True(t, len(thisSigStr) > len(thisWeakSigStr))
// Either secret should be able to verify either signature
assert.NoError(t, VerifyString(secret, thisSig, thisStr))
assert.NoError(t, VerifyString(weakSecret, thisWeakSig, thisStr))
assert.NoError(t, VerifyString(secret, thisWeakSig, thisStr))
assert.NoError(t, VerifyString(weakSecret, thisSig, thisStr))
if prevStr != "" {
assert.NotEqual(t, prevSig.String(), thisSigStr)
assert.NotEqual(t, prevWeakSig.String(), thisWeakSigStr)
err := VerifyString(secret, prevSig, thisStr)
assert.True(t, merr.Equal(err, ErrInvalidSig))
err = VerifyString(secret, prevWeakSig, thisStr)
assert.True(t, merr.Equal(err, ErrInvalidSig))
prevStr = thisStr
prevSig = thisSig
prevWeakSig = thisWeakSig

@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
package mcrypto
import (
var (
errMalformedSig = errors.New("malformed signature")
// ErrInvalidSig is returned by Signer related functions when an invalid
// signature is used, e.g. it is a signature for different data, or uses a
// different secret key, or has expired
ErrInvalidSig = errors.New("invalid signature")
// Signature marshals/unmarshals an actual signature, produced internally by a
// Signer, along with the timestamp the signing took place and a random salt.
// All signatures produced in this package will have had the timestamp and salt
// included in the signature's input data, and so are also checked by the
// Verifier.
type Signature struct {
sig, salt []byte // neither of these should ever be more than 255 bytes long
t time.Time
// Time returns the timestamp the Signature was generated at
func (s Signature) Time() time.Time {
return s.t
func (s Signature) String() string {
// ts:8 + saltHeader:1 + salt + sigHeader:1 + sig
b := make([]byte, 10+len(s.salt)+len(s.sig))
// It will be year 2286 before the nano doesn't fit in uint64
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(b, uint64(s.t.UnixNano()))
ptr := 8
b[ptr], ptr = uint8(len(s.salt)), ptr+1
ptr += copy(b[ptr:], s.salt)
b[ptr], ptr = uint8(len(s.sig)), ptr+1
copy(b[ptr:], s.sig)
return sigV0 + hex.EncodeToString(b)
// KV implements the method for the mlog.KVer interface
func (s Signature) KV() map[string]interface{} {
return map[string]interface{}{"sig": s.String()}
// MarshalText implements the method for the encoding.TextMarshaler interface
func (s Signature) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(s.String()), nil
// UnmarshalText implements the method for the encoding.TextUnmarshaler
// interface
func (s *Signature) UnmarshalText(b []byte) error {
str := string(b)
strEnc, ok := stripPrefix(str, sigV0)
if !ok || len(strEnc) < hex.EncodedLen(10) {
return merr.Wrap(errMalformedSig)
b, err := hex.DecodeString(strEnc)
if err != nil {
return merr.Wrap(err)
unixNano, b := int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(b[:8])), b[8:]
s.t = time.Unix(0, unixNano).Local()
readBytes := func() []byte {
if err != nil {
return nil
} else if len(b) < 1+int(b[0]) {
err = merr.Wrap(errMalformedSig)
return nil
out := b[1 : 1+b[0]]
b = b[1+b[0]:]
return out
s.salt = readBytes()
s.sig = readBytes()
return err
// MarshalJSON implements the method for the json.Marshaler interface
func (s Signature) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(s.String())
// UnmarshalJSON implements the method for the json.Unmarshaler interface
func (s *Signature) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var str string
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &str); err != nil {
return err
return s.UnmarshalText([]byte(str))
// returns an io.Reader which will first read out information about the
// Signature which is going to be generated for the data, and then the data from
// the io.Reader itself. When used in conjunction with the Signer/Verifier's
// hashing algorithm this ensures that the other data encoded in the Signature
// (the time and salt) are also encompassed in the sig.
func sigPrefixReader(r io.Reader, sigLen uint8, salt []byte, t time.Time) io.Reader {
// ts:8 + saltHeader:1 + salt + sigLen:1
b := make([]byte, 10+len(salt))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(b, uint64(t.UnixNano()))
b[9] = uint8(len(salt))
copy(b[9:9+len(salt)], salt)
b[9+len(salt)] = sigLen
return io.MultiReader(bytes.NewBuffer(b), r)
// Signer is some entity which can generate signatures for arbitrary data and
// can later verify those signatures
type Signer interface {
sign(io.Reader) (Signature, error)
// Verifier is some entity which can verify Signatures produced by a Signer for
// some arbitrary data
type Verifier interface {
// returns an error if io.Reader returns one ever, or if the Signature
// couldn't be verified
verify(Signature, io.Reader) error
// Sign reads all data from the io.Reader and signs it using the given Signer
func Sign(s Signer, r io.Reader) (Signature, error) {
return s.sign(r)
// SignBytes uses the Signer to generate a Signature for the given []bytes
func SignBytes(s Signer, b []byte) Signature {
sig, err := s.sign(bytes.NewBuffer(b))
if err != nil {
return sig
// SignString uses the Signer to generate a Signature for the given string
func SignString(s Signer, in string) Signature {
return SignBytes(s, []byte(in))
// Verify reads all data from the io.Reader and uses the Verifier to verify that
// the Signature is for that data.
// Returns any errors from io.Reader, or ErrInvalidSig (use merr.Equal(err,
// mcrypto.ErrInvalidSig) to check).
func Verify(v Verifier, s Signature, r io.Reader) error {
return v.verify(s, r)
// VerifyBytes uses the Verifier to verify that the Signature is for the given
// []bytes.
// Returns ErrInvalidSig (use merr.Equal(err, mcrypto.ErrInvalidSig) to check).
func VerifyBytes(v Verifier, s Signature, b []byte) error {
return v.verify(s, bytes.NewBuffer(b))
// VerifyString uses the Verifier to verify that the Signature is for the given
// string.
// Returns ErrInvalidSig (use merr.Equal(err, mcrypto.ErrInvalidSig) to check).
func VerifyString(v Verifier, s Signature, in string) error {
return VerifyBytes(v, s, []byte(in))

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
package mcrypto
import (
. "testing"
func TestSignerVerifier(t *T) {
secret := NewSecret(mrand.Bytes(16))
var prevStr string
var prevSig Signature
for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
now := time.Now().Round(0)
secret.testNow = now
thisStr := mrand.Hex(512)
thisSig := SignString(secret, thisStr)
thisSigStr := thisSig.String()
// sanity checks
assert.NotEmpty(t, thisSigStr)
assert.Equal(t, now, thisSig.Time())
assert.NoError(t, VerifyString(secret, thisSig, thisStr))
// marshaling/unmarshaling
var thisSig2 Signature
assert.NoError(t, thisSig2.UnmarshalText([]byte(thisSigStr)))
assert.Equal(t, thisSigStr, thisSig2.String())
assert.Equal(t, now, thisSig2.Time())
assert.NoError(t, VerifyString(secret, thisSig2, thisStr))
if prevStr != "" {
assert.NotEqual(t, prevSig.String(), thisSigStr)
err := VerifyString(secret, prevSig, thisStr)
assert.True(t, merr.Equal(err, ErrInvalidSig))
prevStr = thisStr
prevSig = thisSig

@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
package mcrypto
import (
var errMalformedUUID = errors.New("malformed UUID string")
// UUID is a universally unique identifier which embeds within it a timestamp.
// Only Unmarshal methods should be called on the zero UUID value.
// Comparing the equality of two UUID's should always be done using the Equal
// method, or by comparing their string forms.
// The string form of UUIDs (returned by String or MarshalText) are
// lexigraphically order-able by their embedded timestamp.
type UUID struct {
b []byte
// NewUUID populates and returns a new UUID instance which embeds the given time
func NewUUID(t time.Time) UUID {
b := make([]byte, 16)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(b[:8], uint64(t.UnixNano()))
if _, err := rand.Read(b[8:]); err != nil {
return UUID{b: b}
func (u UUID) String() string {
return uuidV0 + hex.EncodeToString(u.b)
// Equal returns whether or not the two UUID's are the same value
func (u UUID) Equal(u2 UUID) bool {
return bytes.Equal(u.b, u2.b)
// Time unpacks and returns the timestamp embedded in the UUID
func (u UUID) Time() time.Time {
unixNano := int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(u.b[:8]))
return time.Unix(0, unixNano).Local()
// KV implements the method for the mlog.KVer interface
func (u UUID) KV() map[string]interface{} {
return map[string]interface{}{"uuid": u.String()}
// MarshalText implements the method for the encoding.TextMarshaler interface
func (u UUID) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(u.String()), nil
// UnmarshalText implements the method for the encoding.TextUnmarshaler
// interface
func (u *UUID) UnmarshalText(b []byte) error {
str := string(b)
strEnc, ok := stripPrefix(str, uuidV0)
if !ok || len(strEnc) != hex.EncodedLen(16) {
ctx := mctx.Annotate(context.Background(), "uuidStr", str)
return merr.Wrap(errMalformedUUID, ctx)
b, err := hex.DecodeString(strEnc)
if err != nil {
ctx := mctx.Annotate(context.Background(), "uuidStr", str)
return merr.Wrap(errMalformedUUID, ctx)
u.b = b
return nil
// MarshalJSON implements the method for the json.Marshaler interface
func (u UUID) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(u.String())
// UnmarshalJSON implements the method for the json.Unmarshaler interface
func (u *UUID) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var s string
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &s); err != nil {
return err
return u.UnmarshalText([]byte(s))

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
package mcrypto
import (
. "testing"
func TestUUID(t *T) {
var prevT time.Time
var prev UUID
for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
thisT := time.Now().Round(0) // strip monotonic clock
require.True(t, thisT.After(prevT)) // sanity check
this := NewUUID(thisT)
// basic
assert.True(t, strings.HasPrefix(this.String(), uuidV0))
// comparisons with prev
assert.False(t, prev.Equal(this))
assert.NotEqual(t, prev.String(), this.String())
assert.True(t, this.String() > prev.String())
prev = this
// check time unpacking
assert.Equal(t, thisT, this.Time())
// check marshal/unmarshal
thisStr, err := this.MarshalText()
require.NoError(t, err)
var this2 UUID
require.NoError(t, this2.UnmarshalText(thisStr))
assert.True(t, this.Equal(this2), "this:%q this2:%q", this, this2)

@ -136,7 +136,15 @@ func (aa Annotations) StringSlice(sorted bool) [][2]string {
// via Annotate(With) on this Context and its ancestors, and sets those
// key/values on the given Annotations. If a key was set twice then only the
// most recent value is included.
func EvaluateAnnotations(ctx context.Context, aa Annotations) {
// For convenience the passed in Annotations is returned from this function, and
// if nil is given as the Annotations value then an Annotations will be
// allocated and returned.
func EvaluateAnnotations(ctx context.Context, aa Annotations) Annotations {
if aa == nil {
aa = Annotations{}
tmp := Annotations{}
for el, _ := ctx.Value(ctxKeyAnnotation(0)).(*el); el != nil; el = el.prev {
@ -148,6 +156,7 @@ func EvaluateAnnotations(ctx context.Context, aa Annotations) {
delete(tmp, k)
return aa

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import (
. "testing"
type testAnnotator [2]string

@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
// Package mbigquery implements connecting to Google's BigQuery service and
// simplifying a number of interactions with it.
package mbigquery
import (
// TODO this file needs tests
func isErrAlreadyExists(err error) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
if gerr, ok := err.(*googleapi.Error); ok && gerr.Code == 409 {
return true
return false
// BigQuery is a wrapper around a bigquery client providing more functionality.
type BigQuery struct {
gce *mdb.GCE
ctx context.Context
// key is dataset/tableName
tablesL sync.Mutex
tables map[[2]string]*bigquery.Table
tableUploaders map[[2]string]*bigquery.Uploader
// WithBigQuery returns a BigQuery instance which will be initialized and
// configured when the start event is triggered on the returned (see
// mrun.Start). The BigQuery instance will have Close called on it when the stop
// event is triggered on the returned Context (see mrun.Stop).
// gce is optional and can be passed in if there's an existing gce object which
// should be used, otherwise a new one will be created with mdb.MGCE.
func WithBigQuery(parent context.Context, gce *mdb.GCE) (context.Context, *BigQuery) {
ctx := mctx.NewChild(parent, "mbigquery")
if gce == nil {
ctx, gce = mdb.WithGCE(ctx, "")
bq := &BigQuery{
gce: gce,
tables: map[[2]string]*bigquery.Table{},
tableUploaders: map[[2]string]*bigquery.Uploader{},
ctx = mrun.WithStartHook(ctx, func(innerCtx context.Context) error {
bq.ctx = mctx.MergeAnnotations(bq.ctx, bq.gce.Context())
mlog.Info("connecting to bigquery", bq.ctx)
var err error
bq.Client, err = bigquery.NewClient(innerCtx, bq.gce.Project, bq.gce.ClientOptions()...)
return merr.Wrap(err, bq.ctx)
ctx = mrun.WithStopHook(ctx, func(context.Context) error {
return bq.Client.Close()
bq.ctx = ctx
return mctx.WithChild(parent, ctx), bq
// Table initializes and returns the table instance with the given dataset and
// schema information. This method caches the Table/Uploader instances it
// returns, so multiple calls with the same dataset/tableName will only actually
// create those instances on the first call.
func (bq *BigQuery) Table(
ctx context.Context,
dataset, tableName string,
schemaObj interface{},
) (
*bigquery.Table, *bigquery.Uploader, error,
) {
defer bq.tablesL.Unlock()
key := [2]string{dataset, tableName}
if table, ok := bq.tables[key]; ok {
return table, bq.tableUploaders[key], nil
ctx = mctx.MergeAnnotations(ctx, bq.ctx)
ctx = mctx.Annotate(ctx, "dataset", dataset, "table", tableName)
mlog.Debug("creating/grabbing table", bq.ctx)
schema, err := bigquery.InferSchema(schemaObj)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, merr.Wrap(err, ctx)
ds := bq.Dataset(dataset)
if err := ds.Create(ctx, nil); err != nil && !isErrAlreadyExists(err) {
return nil, nil, merr.Wrap(err, ctx)
table := ds.Table(tableName)
meta := &bigquery.TableMetadata{
Name: tableName,
Schema: schema,
if err := table.Create(ctx, meta); err != nil && !isErrAlreadyExists(err) {
return nil, nil, merr.Wrap(err, ctx)
uploader := table.Uploader()
bq.tables[key] = table
bq.tableUploaders[key] = uploader
return table, uploader, nil
const timeFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05 MST"
// Time wraps a time.Time object and provides marshaling/unmarshaling for
// bigquery's time format.
type Time struct {
// MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.
func (t Time) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
str := t.Time.Format(timeFormat)
return []byte(str), nil
// UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.
func (t *Time) UnmarshalText(b []byte) error {
tt, err := time.Parse(timeFormat, string(b))
if err != nil {
return err
t.Time = tt
return nil
// MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface.
func (t *Time) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
b, err := t.MarshalText()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return json.Marshal(string(b))
// UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface.
func (t *Time) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var str string
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &str); err != nil {
return err
return t.UnmarshalText([]byte(str))

@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
// Package mbigtable implements connecting to Google's Bigtable service and
// simplifying a number of interactions with it.
package mbigtable
import (
func isErrAlreadyExists(err error) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
return strings.HasSuffix(err.Error(), " already exists")
// Bigtable is a wrapper around a bigtable client providing more functionality.
type Bigtable struct {
Instance string
gce *mdb.GCE
ctx context.Context
// WithBigTable returns a Bigtable instance which will be initialized and
// configured when the start event is triggered on the returned Context (see
// mrun.Start). The Bigtable instance will have Close called on it when the
// stop event is triggered on the returned Context (see mrun.Stop).
// gce is optional and can be passed in if there's an existing gce object which
// should be used, otherwise a new one will be created with mdb.MGCE.
// defaultInstance can be given as the instance name to use as the default
// parameter value. If empty the parameter will be required to be set.
func WithBigTable(parent context.Context, gce *mdb.GCE, defaultInstance string) (context.Context, *Bigtable) {
ctx := mctx.NewChild(parent, "bigtable")
if gce == nil {
ctx, gce = mdb.WithGCE(ctx, "")
bt := &Bigtable{
gce: gce,
var inst *string
const name, descr = "instance", "name of the bigtable instance in the project to connect to"
if defaultInstance != "" {
ctx, inst = mcfg.WithString(ctx, name, defaultInstance, descr)
} else {
ctx, inst = mcfg.WithRequiredString(ctx, name, descr)
ctx = mrun.WithStartHook(ctx, func(innerCtx context.Context) error {
bt.Instance = *inst
bt.ctx = mctx.MergeAnnotations(bt.ctx, bt.gce.Context())
bt.ctx = mctx.Annotate(bt.ctx, "instance", bt.Instance)
mlog.Info("connecting to bigtable", bt.ctx)
var err error
bt.Client, err = bigtable.NewClient(
bt.gce.Project, bt.Instance,
return merr.Wrap(err, bt.ctx)
ctx = mrun.WithStopHook(ctx, func(context.Context) error {
return bt.Client.Close()
bt.ctx = ctx
return mctx.WithChild(parent, ctx), bt
// EnsureTable ensures that the given table exists and has (at least) the given
// column families.
// This method requires admin privileges on the bigtable instance.
func (bt *Bigtable) EnsureTable(ctx context.Context, name string, colFams ...string) error {
ctx = mctx.MergeAnnotations(ctx, bt.ctx)
ctx = mctx.Annotate(ctx, "table", name)
mlog.Info("ensuring table", ctx)
mlog.Debug("creating admin client", ctx)
adminClient, err := bigtable.NewAdminClient(ctx, bt.gce.Project, bt.Instance)
if err != nil {
return merr.Wrap(err, ctx)
defer adminClient.Close()
mlog.Debug("creating bigtable table (if needed)", ctx)
err = adminClient.CreateTable(ctx, name)
if err != nil && !isErrAlreadyExists(err) {
return merr.Wrap(err, ctx)
for _, colFam := range colFams {
ctx := mctx.Annotate(ctx, "family", colFam)
mlog.Debug("creating bigtable column family (if needed)", ctx)
err := adminClient.CreateColumnFamily(ctx, name, colFam)
if err != nil && !isErrAlreadyExists(err) {
return merr.Wrap(err, ctx)
return nil
// Table returns the bigtable.Table instance which can be used to write/query
// the given table.
func (bt *Bigtable) Table(tableName string) *bigtable.Table {
return bt.Open(tableName)

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
package mbigtable
import (
. "testing"
func TestBasic(t *T) {
ctx := mtest.Context()
ctx = mtest.WithEnv(ctx, "BIGTABLE_GCE_PROJECT", "testProject")
ctx, bt := WithBigTable(ctx, nil, "testInstance")
mtest.Run(ctx, t, func() {
tableName := "test-" + mrand.Hex(8)
colFam := "colFam-" + mrand.Hex(8)
if err := bt.EnsureTable(ctx, tableName, colFam); err != nil {
table := bt.Table(tableName)
row := "row-" + mrand.Hex(8)
mut := bigtable.NewMutation()
mut.Set(colFam, "col", bigtable.Time(time.Now()), []byte("bar"))
if err := table.Apply(ctx, row, mut); err != nil {
readRow, err := table.ReadRow(ctx, row)
if err != nil {
readColFam := readRow[colFam]
massert.Length(readColFam, 1),
massert.Equal(colFam+":col", readColFam[0].Column),
massert.Equal([]byte("bar"), readColFam[0].Value),

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
// Package mdatastore implements connecting to Google's Datastore service and
// simplifying a number of interactions with it.
package mdatastore
import (
// Datastore is a wrapper around a datastore client providing more
// functionality.
type Datastore struct {
gce *mdb.GCE
ctx context.Context
// WithDatastore returns a Datastore instance which will be initialized and
// configured when the start event is triggered on the returned Context (see
// mrun.Start). The Datastore instance will have Close called on it when the
// stop event is triggered on the returned Context (see mrun.Stop).
// gce is optional and can be passed in if there's an existing gce object which
// should be used, otherwise a new one will be created with mdb.MGCE.
func WithDatastore(parent context.Context, gce *mdb.GCE) (context.Context, *Datastore) {
ctx := mctx.NewChild(parent, "datastore")
if gce == nil {
ctx, gce = mdb.WithGCE(ctx, "")
ds := &Datastore{
gce: gce,
ctx = mrun.WithStartHook(ctx, func(innerCtx context.Context) error {
ds.ctx = mctx.MergeAnnotations(ds.ctx, ds.gce.Context())
mlog.Info("connecting to datastore", ds.ctx)
var err error
ds.Client, err = datastore.NewClient(innerCtx, ds.gce.Project, ds.gce.ClientOptions()...)
return merr.Wrap(err, ds.ctx)
ctx = mrun.WithStopHook(ctx, func(context.Context) error {
return ds.Client.Close()
ds.ctx = ctx
return mctx.WithChild(parent, ctx), ds

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
package mdatastore
import (
. "testing"
// Requires datastore emulator to be running
func TestBasic(t *T) {
ctx := mtest.Context()
ctx = mtest.WithEnv(ctx, "DATASTORE_GCE_PROJECT", "test")
ctx, ds := WithDatastore(ctx, nil)
mtest.Run(ctx, t, func() {
name := mrand.Hex(8)
key := datastore.NameKey("testKind", name, nil)
key.Namespace = "TestBasic_" + mrand.Hex(8)
type valType struct {
A, B int
val := valType{
A: mrand.Int(),
B: mrand.Int(),
if _, err := ds.Put(ctx, key, &val); err != nil {
var val2 valType
if err := ds.Get(ctx, key, &val2); err != nil {
massert.Require(t, massert.Equal(val, val2))

@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
// Package mdb contains a number of database wrappers for databases I commonly
// use
package mdb
import (
// GCE wraps configuration parameters commonly used for interacting with GCE
// services.
type GCE struct {
cmp *mcmp.Component
Project string
CredFile string
type gceOpts struct {
defaultProject string
// GCEOption is a value which adjusts the behavior of InstGCE.
type GCEOption func(*gceOpts)
// GCEDefaultProject sets the given string to be the default project of the GCE
// instance. The default project will still be configurable via mcfg regardless
// of what this is set to.
func GCEDefaultProject(defaultProject string) GCEOption {
return func(opts *gceOpts) {
opts.defaultProject = defaultProject
// InstGCE instantiates a GCE which will be initialized when the Init event is
// triggered on the given Component. defaultProject is used as the default value
// for the mcfg parameter this function creates.
func InstGCE(cmp *mcmp.Component, options ...GCEOption) *GCE {
var opts gceOpts
for _, opt := range options {
gce := GCE{cmp: cmp.Child("gce")}
credFile := mcfg.String(gce.cmp, "cred-file",
mcfg.ParamUsage("Path to GCE credientials JSON file, if any"))
project := mcfg.String(gce.cmp, "project",
mcfg.ParamUsage("Name of GCE project to use"))
mrun.InitHook(gce.cmp, func(ctx context.Context) error {
gce.Project = *project
gce.CredFile = *credFile
gce.cmp.Annotate("project", gce.Project)
mlog.From(gce.cmp).Info("GCE config initialized", ctx)
return nil
return &gce
// ClientOptions generates and returns the ClientOption instances which can be
// passed into most GCE client drivers.
func (gce *GCE) ClientOptions() []option.ClientOption {
var opts []option.ClientOption
if gce.CredFile != "" {
opts = append(opts, option.WithCredentialsFile(gce.CredFile))
return opts
// Context returns the annotated Context from this instance's initialization.
func (gce *GCE) Context() context.Context {
return gce.cmp.Context()

@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
// Package mpubsub implements connecting to Google's PubSub service and
// simplifying a number of interactions with it.
package mpubsub
import (
// TODO Consume (and probably BatchConsume) don't properly handle the Client
// being closed.
func isErrAlreadyExists(err error) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
s, ok := status.FromError(err)
return ok && s.Code() == codes.AlreadyExists
// Message aliases the type in the official driver
type Message = pubsub.Message
// PubSub is a wrapper around a pubsub client providing more functionality.
type PubSub struct {
gce *mdb.GCE
cmp *mcmp.Component
type pubsubOpts struct {
gce *mdb.GCE
// PubSubOpt is a value which adjusts the behavior of InstPubSub.
type PubSubOpt func(*pubsubOpts)
// PubSubGCE indicates that InstPubSub should use the given GCE instance rather
// than instantiate its own.
func PubSubGCE(gce *mdb.GCE) PubSubOpt {
return func(opts *pubsubOpts) {
opts.gce = gce
// InstPubSub instantiates a PubSub which will be initialized when the Init
// event is triggered on the given Component. The PubSub instance will have
// Close called on it when the Shutdown event is triggered on the given
// Component.
func InstPubSub(cmp *mcmp.Component, options ...PubSubOpt) *PubSub {
var opts pubsubOpts
for _, opt := range options {
ps := PubSub{
gce: opts.gce,
cmp: cmp.Child("pubsub"),
if ps.gce == nil {
ps.gce = mdb.InstGCE(ps.cmp)
mrun.InitHook(ps.cmp, func(ctx context.Context) error {
mlog.From(ps.cmp).Info("connecting to pubsub", ctx)
var err error
ps.Client, err = pubsub.NewClient(ctx, ps.gce.Project, ps.gce.ClientOptions()...)
return merr.Wrap(err, ps.cmp.Context(), ctx)
mrun.ShutdownHook(ps.cmp, func(ctx context.Context) error {
mlog.From(ps.cmp).Info("closing pubsub", ctx)
return ps.Client.Close()
return &ps
// Topic provides methods around a particular topic in PubSub
type Topic struct {
Name string
ctx context.Context
topic *pubsub.Topic
// Topic returns, after potentially creating, a topic of the given name
func (ps *PubSub) Topic(ctx context.Context, name string, create bool) (*Topic, error) {
t := &Topic{
PubSub: ps,
ctx: mctx.Annotate(ps.cmp.Context(), "topicName", name),
Name: name,
var err error
if create {
t.topic, err = ps.Client.CreateTopic(ctx, name)
if isErrAlreadyExists(err) {
t.topic = ps.Client.Topic(name)
} else if err != nil {
return nil, merr.Wrap(err, t.ctx, ctx)
} else {
t.topic = ps.Client.Topic(name)
if exists, err := t.topic.Exists(t.ctx); err != nil {
return nil, merr.Wrap(err, t.ctx, ctx)
} else if !exists {
return nil, merr.New("topic dne", t.ctx, ctx)
return t, nil
// Publish publishes a message with the given data as its body to the Topic
func (t *Topic) Publish(ctx context.Context, data []byte) error {
_, err := t.topic.Publish(ctx, &Message{Data: data}).Get(ctx)
if err != nil {
return merr.Wrap(err, t.ctx, ctx)
return nil
// Subscription provides methods around a subscription to a topic in PubSub
type Subscription struct {
Name string
ctx context.Context
sub *pubsub.Subscription
// only used in tests to trigger batch processing
batchTestTrigger chan bool
// Subscription returns a Subscription instance, after potentially creating it,
// for the Topic
func (t *Topic) Subscription(ctx context.Context, name string, create bool) (*Subscription, error) {
name = t.Name + "_" + name
s := &Subscription{
Topic: t,
Name: name,
ctx: mctx.Annotate(t.ctx, "subName", name),
var err error
if create {
s.sub, err = s.CreateSubscription(ctx, name, pubsub.SubscriptionConfig{
Topic: t.topic,
if isErrAlreadyExists(err) {
s.sub = s.PubSub.Subscription(s.Name)
} else if err != nil {
return nil, merr.Wrap(err, s.ctx, ctx)
} else {
s.sub = s.PubSub.Subscription(s.Name)
if exists, err := s.sub.Exists(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, merr.Wrap(err, s.ctx, ctx)
} else if !exists {
return nil, merr.New("sub dne", s.ctx, ctx)
return s, nil
// ConsumerFunc is a function which messages being consumed will be passed. The
// returned boolean and returned error are independent. If the bool is false the
// message will be returned to the queue for retrying later. If an error is
// returned it will be logged.
// The Context will be canceled once the deadline has been reached (as set when
// Consume is called).
type ConsumerFunc func(context.Context, *Message) (bool, error)
// ConsumerOpts are options which effect the behavior of a Consume method call
type ConsumerOpts struct {
// Default 30s. The timeout each message has to complete before its context
// is cancelled and the server re-publishes it
Timeout time.Duration
// Default 1. Number of concurrent messages to consume at a time
Concurrent int
// TODO DisableBatchAutoTrigger
// Currently there is no auto-trigger behavior, batches only get processed
// on a dumb ticker. This is necessary for the way I plan to have the
// datastore writing, but it's not the expected behavior of a batch getting
// triggered everytime <Concurrent> messages come in.
func (co ConsumerOpts) withDefaults() ConsumerOpts {
if co.Timeout == 0 {
co.Timeout = 30 * time.Second
if co.Concurrent == 0 {
co.Concurrent = 1
return co
// Consume uses the given ConsumerFunc and ConsumerOpts to process messages off
// the Subscription
func (s *Subscription) Consume(ctx context.Context, fn ConsumerFunc, opts ConsumerOpts) {
opts = opts.withDefaults()
s.sub.ReceiveSettings.MaxExtension = opts.Timeout
s.sub.ReceiveSettings.MaxOutstandingMessages = opts.Concurrent
for {
err := s.sub.Receive(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, msg *Message) {
innerCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, opts.Timeout)
defer cancel()
ok, err := fn(innerCtx, msg)
if err != nil {
mlog.From(s.cmp).Warn("error consuming pubsub message",
s.ctx, ctx, innerCtx, merr.Context(err))
if ok {
} else {
if ctx.Err() == context.Canceled || err == nil {
} else if err != nil {
mlog.From(s.cmp).Warn("error consuming from pubsub",
s.ctx, ctx, merr.Context(err))
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
// BatchConsumerFunc is similar to ConsumerFunc, except it takes in a batch of
// multiple messages at once. If the boolean returned will apply to every
// message in the batch.
type BatchConsumerFunc func(context.Context, []*Message) (bool, error)
// BatchGroupFunc is an optional param to BatchConsume which allows for grouping
// messages into separate groups. Each message received is attempted to be
// placed in a group. Grouping is done by calling this function with the
// received message and a random message from a group, and if this function
// returns true then the received message is placed into that group. If this
// returns false for all groups then a new group is created.
// This function should be a pure function.
type BatchGroupFunc func(a, b *Message) bool
// BatchConsume is like Consume, except it groups incoming messages together,
// allowing them to be processed in batches instead of individually.
// BatchConsume first collects messages internally for half the
// ConsumerOpts.Timeout value. Once that time has passed it will group all
// messages based on the BatchGroupFunc (if nil then all collected messages form
// one big group). The BatchConsumerFunc is called for each group, with the
// context passed in having a timeout of ConsumerOpts.Timeout/2.
// The ConsumerOpts.Concurrent value determines the maximum number of messages
// collected during the first section of the process (before BatchConsumerFn is
// called).
func (s *Subscription) BatchConsume(
ctx context.Context,
fn BatchConsumerFunc, gfn BatchGroupFunc,
opts ConsumerOpts,
) {
opts = opts.withDefaults()
type promise struct {
msg *Message
retCh chan bool // must be buffered by one
var groups [][]promise
var groupsL sync.Mutex
groupProm := func(prom promise) {
defer groupsL.Unlock()
for i := range groups {
if gfn == nil || gfn(groups[i][0].msg, prom.msg) {
groups[i] = append(groups[i], prom)
groups = append(groups, []promise{prom})
wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
defer wg.Wait()
processGroups := func() {
thisGroups := groups
groups = nil
// we do a waitgroup chain so as to properly handle the cancel
// function. We hold wg (by adding one) until all routines spawned
// here have finished, and once they have release wg and cancel
thisCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, opts.Timeout/2)
thisWG := new(sync.WaitGroup)
go func() {
for i := range thisGroups {
thisGroup := thisGroups[i]
go func() {
defer thisWG.Done()
msgs := make([]*Message, len(thisGroup))
for i := range thisGroup {
msgs[i] = thisGroup[i].msg
ret, err := fn(thisCtx, msgs)
if err != nil {
mlog.From(s.cmp).Warn("error consuming pubsub batch messages",
s.ctx, thisCtx, merr.Context(err))
for i := range thisGroup {
thisGroup[i].retCh <- ret // retCh is buffered
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
tick := time.NewTicker(opts.Timeout / 2)
defer tick.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-tick.C:
case <-s.batchTestTrigger:
case <-ctx.Done():
s.Consume(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, msg *Message) (bool, error) {
retCh := make(chan bool, 1)
groupProm(promise{msg: msg, retCh: retCh})
select {
case ret := <-retCh:
return ret, nil
case <-ctx.Done():
return false, merr.New("reading from batch grouping process timed out", s.ctx, ctx)
}, opts)

@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
package mpubsub
import (
. "testing"
// this requires the pubsub emulator to be running
func TestPubSub(t *T) {
cmp := mtest.Component()
mtest.Env(cmp, "PUBSUB_GCE_PROJECT", "test")
ps := InstPubSub(cmp)
mtest.Run(cmp, t, func() {
topicName := "testTopic_" + mrand.Hex(8)
ctx := context.Background()
// Topic shouldn't exist yet
_, err := ps.Topic(ctx, topicName, false)
require.Error(t, err)
// ...so create it
topic, err := ps.Topic(ctx, topicName, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create a subscription and consumer
sub, err := topic.Subscription(ctx, "testSub", true)
require.NoError(t, err)
msgCh := make(chan *Message)
go sub.Consume(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, m *Message) (bool, error) {
msgCh <- m
return true, nil
}, ConsumerOpts{})
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) // give consumer time to actually start
// publish a message and make sure it gets consumed
assert.NoError(t, topic.Publish(ctx, []byte("foo")))
msg := <-msgCh
assert.Equal(t, []byte("foo"), msg.Data)
func TestBatchPubSub(t *T) {
cmp := mtest.Component()
mtest.Env(cmp, "PUBSUB_GCE_PROJECT", "test")
ps := InstPubSub(cmp)
mtest.Run(cmp, t, func() {
topicName := "testBatchTopic_" + mrand.Hex(8)
ctx := context.Background()
topic, err := ps.Topic(ctx, topicName, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
readBatch := func(ch chan []*Message) map[byte]int {
select {
case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
assert.Fail(t, "waited too long to read batch")
return nil
case mm := <-ch:
ret := map[byte]int{}
for _, m := range mm {
return ret
// we use the same sub across the next two sections to ensure that cleanup
// also works
sub, err := topic.Subscription(ctx, "testSub", true)
require.NoError(t, err)
sub.batchTestTrigger = make(chan bool)
{ // no grouping
// Create a subscription and consumer
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
ch := make(chan []*Message)
go func() {
func(ctx context.Context, mm []*Message) (bool, error) {
ch <- mm
return true, nil
ConsumerOpts{Concurrent: 5},
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) // give consumer time to actually start
exp := map[byte]int{}
for i := byte(0); i <= 9; i++ {
require.NoError(t, topic.Publish(ctx, []byte{i}))
exp[i] = 1
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
sub.batchTestTrigger <- true
gotA := readBatch(ch)
assert.Len(t, gotA, 5)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
sub.batchTestTrigger <- true
gotB := readBatch(ch)
assert.Len(t, gotB, 5)
for i, c := range gotB {
gotA[i] += c
assert.Equal(t, exp, gotA)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) // give time to ack before cancelling
{ // with grouping
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
ch := make(chan []*Message)
go func() {
func(ctx context.Context, mm []*Message) (bool, error) {
ch <- mm
return true, nil
func(a, b *Message) bool { return a.Data[0]%2 == b.Data[0]%2 },
ConsumerOpts{Concurrent: 10},
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) // give consumer time to actually start
exp := map[byte]int{}
for i := byte(0); i <= 9; i++ {
require.NoError(t, topic.Publish(ctx, []byte{i}))
exp[i] = 1
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
sub.batchTestTrigger <- true
gotA := readBatch(ch)
assert.Len(t, gotA, 5)
gotB := readBatch(ch)
assert.Len(t, gotB, 5)
assertGotGrouped := func(got map[byte]int) {
prev := byte(255)
for i := range got {
if prev != 255 {
assert.Equal(t, prev%2, i%2)
prev = i
for i, c := range gotB {
gotA[i] += c
assert.Equal(t, exp, gotA)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) // give time to ack before cancelling

@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
// Package mredis implements connecting to a redis instance.
package mredis
import (
// Redis is a wrapper around a redis client which provides more functionality.
type Redis struct {
cmp *mcmp.Component
type redisOpts struct {
dialOpts []radix.DialOpt
// RedisOption is a value which adjusts the behavior of InstRedis.
type RedisOption func(*redisOpts)
// RedisDialOpts specifies that the given set of DialOpts should be used when
// creating any new connections.
func RedisDialOpts(dialOpts ...radix.DialOpt) RedisOption {
return func(opts *redisOpts) {
opts.dialOpts = dialOpts
// InstRedis instantiates a Redis instance which will be initialized when the
// Init event is triggered on the given Component. The redis client will have
// Close called on it when the Shutdown event is triggered on the given
// Component.
func InstRedis(parent *mcmp.Component, options ...RedisOption) *Redis {
var opts redisOpts
for _, opt := range options {
cmp := parent.Child("redis")
client := new(struct{ radix.Client })
addr := mcfg.String(cmp, "addr",
mcfg.ParamUsage("Address redis is listening on"))
poolSize := mcfg.Int(cmp, "pool-size",
mcfg.ParamUsage("Number of connections in pool"))
mrun.InitHook(cmp, func(ctx context.Context) error {
cmp.Annotate("addr", *addr, "poolSize", *poolSize)
mlog.From(cmp).Info("connecting to redis", ctx)
var err error
client.Client, err = radix.NewPool(
"tcp", *addr, *poolSize,
radix.PoolConnFunc(func(network, addr string) (radix.Conn, error) {
return radix.Dial(network, addr, opts.dialOpts...)
return err
mrun.ShutdownHook(cmp, func(ctx context.Context) error {
mlog.From(cmp).Info("shutting down redis", ctx)
return client.Close()
return &Redis{
Client: client,
cmp: cmp,

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
package mredis
import (
. "testing"
func TestRedis(t *T) {
cmp := mtest.Component()
redis := InstRedis(cmp)
mtest.Run(cmp, t, func() {
var info string
if err := redis.Do(radix.Cmd(&info, "INFO")); err != nil {
} else if len(info) < 0 {
t.Fatal("empty info return")

@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
package mredis
import (
// borrowed from radix
type streamReaderEntry struct {
stream []byte
entries []radix.StreamEntry
func (s *streamReaderEntry) UnmarshalRESP(br *bufio.Reader) error {
var ah resp2.ArrayHeader
if err := ah.UnmarshalRESP(br); err != nil {
return err
if ah.N != 2 {
return errors.New("invalid xread[group] response")
var stream resp2.BulkStringBytes
stream.B = s.stream[:0]
if err := stream.UnmarshalRESP(br); err != nil {
return err
s.stream = stream.B
return (resp2.Any{I: &s.entries}).UnmarshalRESP(br)
// StreamEntry wraps radix's StreamEntry type in order to provde some extra
// functionality.
type StreamEntry struct {
// Ack is used in order to acknowledge that a stream message has been
// successfully consumed and should not be consumed again.
Ack func() error
// Nack is used to declare that a stream message was not successfully
// consumed and it needs to be consumed again.
Nack func()
// StreamOpts are options used to initialize a Stream instance. Fields are
// required unless otherwise noted.
type StreamOpts struct {
// Key is the redis key at which the redis stream resides.
Key string
// Group is the name of the consumer group which will consume from Key.
Group string
// Consumer is the name of this particular consumer. This value should
// remain the same across restarts of the process.
Consumer string
// (Optional) InitialCursor is only used when the consumer group is first
// being created, and indicates where in the stream the consumer group
// should start consuming from.
// "0" indicates the group should consume from the start of the stream. "$"
// indicates the group should not consume any old messages, only those added
// after the group is initialized. A specific message id can be given to
// consume only those messages with greater ids.
// Defaults to "$".
InitialCursor string
// (Optional) ReadCount indicates the max number of messages which should be
// read on every XREADGROUP call. 0 indicates no limit.
ReadCount int
// (Optional) Block indicates what BLOCK value is sent to XREADGROUP calls.
// This value _must_ be less than the ReadtTimeout the redis client is
// using.
// Defaults to 5 * time.Second
Block time.Duration
func (opts *StreamOpts) fillDefaults() {
if opts.InitialCursor == "" {
opts.InitialCursor = "$"
if opts.Block == 0 {
opts.Block = 5 * time.Second
// Stream wraps a Redis instance in order to provide an abstraction over
// consuming messages from a single redis stream. Stream is intended to be used
// in a single-threaded manner, and doesn't spawn any go-routines.
// See https://redis.io/topics/streams-intro
type Stream struct {
client *Redis
opts StreamOpts
// entries are stored to buf in id decreasing order, and then read from it
// from back-to-front. This allows us to not have to re-allocate the buffer
// during runtime.
buf []StreamEntry
hasInit bool
numPending int64
// NewStream initializes and returns a Stream instance using the given options.
func NewStream(r *Redis, opts StreamOpts) *Stream {
return &Stream{
client: r,
opts: opts,
buf: make([]StreamEntry, 0, opts.ReadCount),
func (s *Stream) getNumPending() (int64, error) {
var res []interface{}
err := s.client.Do(radix.Cmd(&res, "XPENDING", s.opts.Key, s.opts.Group))
if err != nil {
return 0, merr.Wrap(err, s.client.cmp.Context())
return res[0].(int64), nil
func (s *Stream) init() error {
// MKSTREAM is not documented, but will make the stream if it doesn't
// already exist. Only the most elite redis gurus know of it's
// existence, don't tell anyone.
err := s.client.Do(radix.Cmd(nil, "XGROUP", "CREATE", s.opts.Key, s.opts.Group, s.opts.InitialCursor, "MKSTREAM"))
if err == nil {
// cool
} else if errStr := err.Error(); !strings.HasPrefix(errStr, `BUSYGROUP Consumer Group name already exists`) {
return merr.Wrap(err, s.client.cmp.Context())
numPending, err := s.getNumPending()
if err != nil {
return err
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.numPending, numPending)
// if we're here it means init succeeded, mark as such and gtfo
s.hasInit = true
return nil
func (s *Stream) wrapEntry(entry radix.StreamEntry) StreamEntry {
return StreamEntry{
StreamEntry: entry,
Ack: func() error {
return s.client.Do(radix.Cmd(nil, "XACK", s.opts.Key, s.opts.Group, entry.ID.String()))
Nack: func() { atomic.AddInt64(&s.numPending, 1) },
func (s *Stream) fillBufFrom(id string) error {
args := []string{"GROUP", s.opts.Group, s.opts.Consumer}
if s.opts.ReadCount > 0 {
args = append(args, "COUNT", strconv.Itoa(s.opts.ReadCount))
blockMS := int(s.opts.Block / time.Millisecond)
args = append(args, "BLOCK", strconv.Itoa(blockMS))
args = append(args, "STREAMS", s.opts.Key, id)
var srEntries []streamReaderEntry
err := s.client.Do(radix.Cmd(&srEntries, "XREADGROUP", args...))
if err != nil {
return merr.Wrap(err, s.client.cmp.Context())
} else if len(srEntries) == 0 {
return nil // no messages
} else if len(srEntries) != 1 || string(srEntries[0].stream) != s.opts.Key {
return merr.New("malformed return from XREADGROUP",
mctx.Annotate(s.client.cmp.Context(), "srEntries", srEntries))
entries := srEntries[0].entries
for i := len(entries) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
s.buf = append(s.buf, s.wrapEntry(entries[i]))
return nil
func (s *Stream) fillBuf() error {
if len(s.buf) > 0 {
return nil
} else if !s.hasInit {
if err := s.init(); err != nil {
return err
} else if !s.hasInit {
return nil
numPending := atomic.LoadInt64(&s.numPending)
if numPending > 0 {
if err := s.fillBufFrom("0"); err != nil {
return err
} else if len(s.buf) > 0 {
return nil
// no pending entries, we can mark Stream as such and continue. This
// _might_ fail if another routine called Nack in between originally
// loading numPending and now, in which case we should leave the buffer
// alone and let it get filled again later.
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64(&s.numPending, numPending, 0) {
return nil
return s.fillBufFrom(">")
// Next returns the next StreamEntry which needs processing, or false. This
// method is expected to block for up to the value of the Block field in
// StreamOpts.
// If an error is returned it's up to the caller whether or not they want to
// keep retrying.
func (s *Stream) Next() (StreamEntry, bool, error) {
if err := s.fillBuf(); err != nil {
return StreamEntry{}, false, err
} else if len(s.buf) == 0 {
return StreamEntry{}, false, nil
l := len(s.buf)
entry := s.buf[l-1]
s.buf = s.buf[:l-1]
return entry, true, nil

@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
package mredis
import (
. "testing"
func TestStream(t *T) {
cmp := mtest.Component()
redis := InstRedis(cmp)
streamKey := "stream-" + mrand.Hex(8)
group := "group-" + mrand.Hex(8)
stream := NewStream(redis, StreamOpts{
Key: streamKey,
Group: group,
Consumer: "consumer-" + mrand.Hex(8),
InitialCursor: "0",
mtest.Run(cmp, t, func() {
// once the test is ready to be finished up this will be closed
finishUpCh := make(chan struct{})
// continually publish messages, adding them to the expEntries
t.Log("creating publisher")
pubDone := make(chan struct{})
expEntries := map[radix.StreamEntryID]radix.StreamEntry{}
go func() {
defer close(pubDone)
tick := time.NewTicker(50 * time.Millisecond)
defer tick.Stop()
for {
var id radix.StreamEntryID
key, val := mrand.Hex(8), mrand.Hex(8)
if err := redis.Do(radix.Cmd(&id, "XADD", streamKey, "*", key, val)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error XADDing: %v", err)
expEntries[id] = radix.StreamEntry{
ID: id,
Fields: map[string]string{key: val},
select {
case <-tick.C:
case <-finishUpCh:
gotEntriesL := new(sync.Mutex)
gotEntries := map[radix.StreamEntryID]radix.StreamEntry{}
// spawn some workers which will process the StreamEntry's. We do this
// to try and suss out any race conditions with Nack'ing. Each worker
// will have a random chance of Nack'ing, until finishUpCh is closed and
// then they will Ack everything.
t.Log("creating workers")
const numWorkers = 5
wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
entryCh := make(chan StreamEntry, numWorkers*10)
for i := 0; i < numWorkers; i++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for entry := range entryCh {
select {
case <-finishUpCh:
if mrand.Intn(10) == 0 {
if err := entry.Ack(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error calling Ack: %v", err)
gotEntries[entry.ID] = entry.StreamEntry
waitTimer := time.After(5 * time.Second)
for {
select {
case <-waitTimer:
break loop
entry, ok, err := stream.Next()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error calling Next (1): %v", err)
} else if ok {
entryCh <- entry
// after 5 seconds we declare that it's time to finish up
t.Log("finishing up...")
// Keep consuming until all messages have come in, then tell the workers
// to clean themselves up.
t.Log("consuming last of the entries")
for {
entry, ok, err := stream.Next()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error calling Next (2): %v", err)
} else if ok {
entryCh <- entry
} else {
break // must be empty
t.Log("all workers cleaned up")
// call XPENDING to see if anything comes back, nothing should.
t.Log("checking for leftover pending entries")
numPending, err := stream.getNumPending()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error calling XPENDING: %v", err)
} else if numPending > 0 {
t.Fatalf("XPENDING says there's %v pending msgs, there should be 0", numPending)
if len(expEntries) != len(gotEntries) {
t.Errorf("len(expEntries):%d != len(gotEntries):%d", len(expEntries), len(gotEntries))
for id, expEntry := range expEntries {
gotEntry, ok := gotEntries[id]
if !ok {
t.Errorf("did not consume entry %s", id)
} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotEntry, expEntry) {
t.Errorf("expEntry:%#v != gotEntry:%#v", expEntry, gotEntry)

@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
// Package msql implements connecting to a MySQL/MariaDB instance (and possibly
// others) and simplifies a number of interactions with it.
package msql
import (
// If something is importing msql it must need mysql, because that's all
// that is implemented at the moment
_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
// SQL is a wrapper around a sqlx client which provides more functionality.
type SQL struct {
cmp *mcmp.Component
// InstMySQL returns a SQL instance which will be initialized when the Init
// event is triggered on the given Component. The SQL instance will have Close
// called on it when the Shutdown event is triggered on the given Component.
// defaultDB indicates the name of the database in MySQL to use by default,
// though it will be overwritable in the config.
func InstMySQL(cmp *mcmp.Component, defaultDB string) *SQL {
sql := SQL{cmp: cmp.Child("mysql")}
addr := mcfg.String(sql.cmp, "addr",
mcfg.ParamUsage("Address where MySQL server can be found"))
user := mcfg.String(sql.cmp, "user",
mcfg.ParamUsage("User to authenticate to MySQL server as"))
pass := mcfg.String(sql.cmp, "password",
mcfg.ParamUsage("Password to authenticate to MySQL server with"))
db := mcfg.String(sql.cmp, "database",
mcfg.ParamUsage("MySQL database to use"))
mrun.InitHook(sql.cmp, func(ctx context.Context) error {
sql.cmp.Annotate("addr", *addr, "user", *user)
dsn := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@tcp(%s)/%s", *user, *pass, *addr, *db)
mlog.From(sql.cmp).Debug("constructed dsn", mctx.Annotate(ctx, "dsn", dsn))
mlog.From(sql.cmp).Info("connecting to MySQL server", ctx)
var err error
sql.DB, err = sqlx.ConnectContext(ctx, "mysql", dsn)
return merr.Wrap(err, sql.cmp.Context(), ctx)
mrun.ShutdownHook(sql.cmp, func(ctx context.Context) error {
mlog.From(sql.cmp).Info("closing connection to MySQL server", ctx)
return merr.Wrap(sql.Close(), sql.cmp.Context(), ctx)
return &sql
// Context returns the annotated Context from this instance's initialization.
func (sql *SQL) Context() context.Context {
return sql.cmp.Context()

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
package msql
import (
. "testing"
func TestMySQL(t *T) {
cmp := mtest.Component()
sql := InstMySQL(cmp, "test")
mtest.Run(cmp, t, func() {
_, err := sql.Exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS msql_test (id INT);")
if err != nil {

@ -3,9 +3,10 @@
// merr functions takes in generic errors of the built-in type. The returned
// errors are wrapped by a type internal to merr, and appear to also be of the
// generic error type. This means that equality checking will not work, unless
// the Base function is used. If any functions are given nil they will also
// return nil.
// generic error type.
// As is generally recommended for go projects, errors.Is and errors.As should
// be used for equality checking.
package merr
import (
@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ import (
var strBuilderPool = sync.Pool{
@ -28,183 +29,84 @@ func putStrBuilder(sb *strings.Builder) {
type err struct {
err error
attr map[interface{}]interface{}
type annotateKey string
// Error wraps an error such that contextual and stacktrace information is
// captured alongside that error.
type Error struct {
Err error
Ctx context.Context
Stacktrace Stacktrace
// attr keys internal to this package
type attrKey int
// Error implements the method for the error interface.
func (e Error) Error() string {
sb := strBuilderPool.Get().(*strings.Builder)
defer putStrBuilder(sb)
const (
attrKeyCtx attrKey = iota
annotations := make(mctx.Annotations)
mctx.EvaluateAnnotations(e.Ctx, annotations)
func wrap(e error, cp bool) *err {
if e == nil {
return nil
annotations[annotateKey("line")] = e.Stacktrace.String()
er, ok := e.(*err)
if !ok {
return &err{
err: e,
attr: make(map[interface{}]interface{}, 1),
} else if !cp {
return er
er2 := &err{
err: er.err,
attr: make(map[interface{}]interface{}, len(er.attr)+1),
for k, v := range er.attr {
er2.attr[k] = v
for _, kve := range annotations.StringSlice(true) {
k, v := strings.TrimSpace(kve[0]), strings.TrimSpace(kve[1])
sb.WriteString("\n\t* ")
sb.WriteString(": ")
return er2
// if there's no newlines then print v inline with k
if strings.Index(v, "\n") < 0 {
// Base takes in an error and checks if it is merr's internal error type. If it
// is then the underlying error which is being wrapped is returned. If it's not
// then the passed in error is returned as-is.
func Base(e error) error {
if er, ok := e.(*err); ok {
return er.err
for _, vLine := range strings.Split(v, "\n") {
return e
// WithValue returns a copy of the original error, automatically wrapping it if
// the error is not from merr (see Wrap). The returned error has an attribute
// value set on it for the given key.
func WithValue(e error, k, v interface{}) error {
if e == nil {
return nil
er := wrap(e, true)
if er.attr == nil {
er.attr = map[interface{}]interface{}{}
er.attr[k] = v
return er
return sb.String()
// Value returns the value embedded in the error for the given key, or nil if
// the error isn't from this package or doesn't have that key embedded.
func Value(e error, k interface{}) interface{} {
if e == nil {
return nil
return wrap(e, false).attr[k]
// Unwrap implements the method for the errors package.
func (e Error) Unwrap() error {
return e.Err
// WrapSkip is like Wrap but also allows for skipping extra stack frames when
// embedding the stack into the error.
func WrapSkip(e error, skip int, ctxs ...context.Context) error {
if e == nil {
func WrapSkip(ctx context.Context, err error, skip int) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
er := wrap(e, true)
if _, ok := getStack(er); !ok {
setStack(er, skip+1)
if e := (Error{}); errors.As(err, &e) {
e.Err = err
e.Ctx = mctx.MergeAnnotations(e.Ctx, ctx)
return e
ctx, _ := er.attr[attrKeyCtx].(context.Context)
if ctx != nil {
ctx = mctx.MergeAnnotationsInto(ctx, ctxs...)
} else if len(ctxs) > 0 {
ctx = mctx.MergeAnnotations(ctxs...)
return Error{
Err: err,
Ctx: ctx,
Stacktrace: newStacktrace(skip + 1),
er.attr[attrKeyCtx] = ctx
return er
// Wrap returns a copy of the given error wrapped in merr's inner type. It will
// perform an mctx.MergeAnnotations on the given Contexts to create a new
// Context, and embed that in the returned error. If the given error already has
// an embedded Context then ctxs will be merged into that.
// This function automatically embeds stack information into the error as it's
// being stored, using WithStack, unless the error already has stack information
// in it.
// Wrap returns a copy of the given error wrapped in an Error. If the given
// error is already wrapped in an *Error then the given context is merged into
// that one with mctx.MergeAnnotations instead.
// Wrapping nil returns nil.
func Wrap(e error, ctx ...context.Context) error {
return WrapSkip(e, 1, ctx...)
func Wrap(ctx context.Context, err error) error {
return WrapSkip(ctx, err, 1)
// New is a shortcut for:
// merr.Wrap(errors.New(str), ctxs...)
func New(str string, ctxs ...context.Context) error {
return WrapSkip(errors.New(str), 1, ctxs...)
type annotateKey string
func ctx(e error) context.Context {
ctx, _ := Value(e, attrKeyCtx).(context.Context)
if ctx == nil {
ctx = context.Background()
if stack, ok := Stack(e); ok {
ctx = mctx.Annotate(ctx, annotateKey("errLoc"), stack.String())
return ctx
// Context returns the Context embedded in this error from the last call to Wrap
// or New. If none is embedded this uses context.Background().
// The returned Context will have annotated on it (see mctx.Annotate) the
// underlying error's string (as returned by Error()) and the error's stack
// location. Stack locations are automatically added by New and Wrap via
// WithStack.
// If this error is nil this returns context.Background().
func Context(e error) context.Context {
if e == nil {
return context.Background()
ctx := ctx(e)
ctx = mctx.Annotate(ctx, annotateKey("err"), Base(e).Error())
return ctx
func (er *err) Error() string {
ctx := ctx(er)
sb := strBuilderPool.Get().(*strings.Builder)
defer putStrBuilder(sb)
annotations := mctx.Annotations(ctx).StringSlice(true)
for _, kve := range annotations {
k, v := strings.TrimSpace(kve[0]), strings.TrimSpace(kve[1])
sb.WriteString("\n\t* ")
sb.WriteString(": ")
// if there's no newlines then print v inline with k
if strings.Index(v, "\n") < 0 {
for _, vLine := range strings.Split(v, "\n") {
return sb.String()
// Equal is a shortcut for Base(e1) == Base(e2).
func Equal(e1, e2 error) bool {
return Base(e1) == Base(e2)
// merr.WrapSkip(ctx, errors.New(str), 1)
func New(ctx context.Context, str string) error {
return WrapSkip(ctx, errors.New(str), 1)

@ -3,14 +3,15 @@ package merr
import (
. "testing"
func TestError(t *T) {
massert.Require(t, massert.Nil(Wrap(nil)))
func TestError(t *testing.T) {
massert.Require(t, massert.Nil(Wrap(context.Background(), nil)))
ctx := mctx.Annotate(context.Background(),
"a", "aaa aaa\n",
@ -18,87 +19,142 @@ func TestError(t *T) {
"d\t", "weird key but ok")
e := New("foo", ctx)
e := New(ctx, "foo")
exp := `foo
* a: aaa aaa
* c:
* d: weird key but ok
* errLoc: merr/merr_test.go:21`
* line: merr/merr_test.go:22`
massert.Require(t, massert.Equal(exp, e.Error()))
e := Wrap(errors.New("foo"), ctx)
e := Wrap(ctx, errors.New("foo"))
exp := `foo
* a: aaa aaa
* c:
* d: weird key but ok
* errLoc: merr/merr_test.go:33`
* line: merr/merr_test.go:34`
massert.Require(t, massert.Equal(exp, e.Error()))
func TestBase(t *T) {
errFoo, errBar := errors.New("foo"), errors.New("bar")
erFoo := Wrap(errFoo)
massert.Equal(errFoo, Base(erFoo)),
massert.Equal(errBar, Base(errBar)),
massert.Not(massert.Equal(errFoo, erFoo)),
massert.Not(massert.Equal(errBar, Base(erFoo))),
massert.Equal(true, Equal(errFoo, erFoo)),
massert.Equal(false, Equal(errBar, erFoo)),
func TestAs(t *testing.T) {
ctxA := mctx.Annotate(context.Background(), "a", "1")
ctxB := mctx.Annotate(context.Background(), "b", "2")
errFoo := errors.New("foo")
type test struct {
in error
expAs error
expIs error
func TestValue(t *T) {
massert.Nil(WithValue(nil, "foo", "bar")),
massert.Nil(Value(nil, "foo")),
tests := []test{
in: nil,
expAs: nil,
expIs: nil,
in: errors.New("bar"),
expAs: nil,
in: Error{
Err: errFoo,
Ctx: ctxA,
Stacktrace: Stacktrace{frames: []uintptr{666}},
expAs: Error{
Err: errFoo,
Ctx: ctxA,
Stacktrace: Stacktrace{frames: []uintptr{666}},
expIs: errFoo,
in: fmt.Errorf("bar: %w", Error{
Err: errFoo,
Ctx: ctxA,
Stacktrace: Stacktrace{frames: []uintptr{666}},
expAs: Error{
Err: errFoo,
Ctx: ctxA,
Stacktrace: Stacktrace{frames: []uintptr{666}},
expIs: errFoo,
in: Wrap(ctxB, Error{
Err: errFoo,
Ctx: ctxA,
Stacktrace: Stacktrace{frames: []uintptr{666}},
expAs: Error{
Err: Error{
Err: errFoo,
Ctx: ctxA,
Stacktrace: Stacktrace{frames: []uintptr{666}},
Ctx: mctx.MergeAnnotations(ctxA, ctxB),
Stacktrace: Stacktrace{frames: []uintptr{666}},
expIs: errFoo,
in: Wrap(ctxB, fmt.Errorf("%w", Error{
Err: errFoo,
Ctx: ctxA,
Stacktrace: Stacktrace{frames: []uintptr{666}},
expAs: Error{
Err: fmt.Errorf("%w", Error{
Err: errFoo,
Ctx: ctxA,
Stacktrace: Stacktrace{frames: []uintptr{666}},
Ctx: mctx.MergeAnnotations(ctxA, ctxB),
Stacktrace: Stacktrace{frames: []uintptr{666}},
expIs: errFoo,
e1 := New("foo")
e1 = WithValue(e1, "a", "A")
e2 := WithValue(errors.New("bar"), "a", "A")
massert.Equal("A", Value(e1, "a")),
massert.Equal("A", Value(e2, "a")),
for i, test := range tests {
t.Run(fmt.Sprint(i), func(t *testing.T) {
var in Error
ok := errors.As(test.in, &in)
e3 := WithValue(e2, "a", "AAA")
massert.Equal("A", Value(e1, "a")),
massert.Equal("A", Value(e2, "a")),
massert.Equal("AAA", Value(e3, "a")),
massert.Require(t, massert.Comment(
massert.Equal(test.expAs != nil, ok),
"test.in:%#v ok:%v", test.in, ok,
func mkErr(ctx context.Context, err error) error {
return Wrap(err, ctx)
if test.expAs == nil {
func TestCtx(t *T) {
ctxA := mctx.Annotate(context.Background(), "0", "ZERO", "1", "one")
ctxB := mctx.Annotate(context.Background(), "1", "ONE", "2", "TWO")
expAs := test.expAs.(Error)
// use mkErr so that it's easy to test that the stack info isn't overwritten
// when Wrap is called with ctxB.
e := mkErr(ctxA, errors.New("hello"))
e = Wrap(e, ctxB)
inAA := mctx.EvaluateAnnotations(in.Ctx, nil)
expAsAA := mctx.EvaluateAnnotations(expAs.Ctx, nil)
in.Ctx = nil
expAs.Ctx = nil
err := massert.Equal(map[string]string{
"0": "ZERO",
"1": "ONE",
"2": "TWO",
"err": "hello",
"errLoc": "merr/merr_test.go:82",
}, mctx.Annotations(Context(e)).StringMap()).Assert()
if err != nil {
massert.Equal(expAsAA, inAA),
massert.Equal(expAs, in),
massert.Equal(true, errors.Is(test.in, test.expIs)),
"errors.Is(\ntest.in:%#v,\ntest.expIs:%#v,\n)", test.in, test.expIs,

@ -12,13 +12,18 @@ import (
// stored when embedding stack traces in errors.
var MaxStackSize = 50
type stackKey int
// Stacktrace represents a stack trace at a particular point in execution.
type Stacktrace struct {
frames []uintptr
func newStacktrace(skip int) Stacktrace {
stackSlice := make([]uintptr, MaxStackSize+skip)
// incr skip once for newStacktrace, and once for runtime.Callers
l := runtime.Callers(skip+2, stackSlice)
return Stacktrace{frames: stackSlice[:l]}
// Frame returns the first frame in the stack.
func (s Stacktrace) Frame() runtime.Frame {
if len(s.frames) == 0 {
@ -71,35 +76,3 @@ func (s Stacktrace) FullString() string {
return sb.String()
func setStack(er *err, skip int) {
stackSlice := make([]uintptr, MaxStackSize+skip)
// incr skip once for WithStack, and once for runtime.Callers
l := runtime.Callers(skip+2, stackSlice)
er.attr[stackKey(0)] = Stacktrace{frames: stackSlice[:l]}
// WithStack returns an error with the current stacktrace embedded in it (as a
// Stacktrace type). If skip is non-zero it will skip that many frames from the
// top of the stack. The frame containing the WithStack call itself is always
// excluded.
// This call always overwrites any previously existing stack information on the
// error, as opposed to Wrap which only does so if the error didn't already have
// any.
func WithStack(e error, skip int) error {
er := wrap(e, true)
setStack(er, skip+1)
return er
func getStack(er *err) (Stacktrace, bool) {
stack, ok := er.attr[stackKey(0)].(Stacktrace)
return stack, ok
// Stack returns the Stacktrace instance which was embedded by Wrap/WrapSkip, or
// false if none ever was.
func Stack(e error) (Stacktrace, bool) {
return getStack(wrap(e, false))

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
package merr
import (
. "testing"
func TestStack(t *T) {
foo := New("test")
fooStack, ok := Stack(foo)
massert.Require(t, massert.Equal(true, ok))
// test Frame
frame := fooStack.Frame()
massert.Equal(true, strings.Contains(frame.File, "stack_test.go")),
massert.Equal(true, strings.Contains(frame.Function, "TestStack")),
frames := fooStack.Frames()
massert.Require(t, massert.Comment(
massert.Equal(true, len(frames) >= 2),
massert.Equal(true, strings.Contains(frames[0].File, "stack_test.go")),
massert.Equal(true, strings.Contains(frames[0].Function, "TestStack")),
"fooStack.FullString():\n%s", fooStack.FullString(),
// test that WithStack works and can be used to skip frames
inner := func() {
bar := WithStack(foo, 1)
barStack, _ := Stack(bar)
frames := barStack.Frames()
massert.Require(t, massert.Comment(
massert.Equal(true, len(frames) >= 2),
massert.Equal(true, strings.Contains(frames[0].File, "stack_test.go")),
massert.Equal(true, strings.Contains(frames[0].Function, "TestStack")),
"barStack.FullString():\n%s", barStack.FullString(),

@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
// Package mhttp extends the standard package with extra functionality which is
// commonly useful
package mhttp
import (
// Server is returned by WithListeningServer and simply wraps an *http.Server.
type Server struct {
cmp *mcmp.Component
// InstListeningServer returns a *Server which will be initialized and have
// ListenAndServe called on it (asynchronously) when the Init event is triggered
// on the Component. The Server will have Shutdown called on it when the
// Shutdown event is triggered on the Component.
// This function automatically handles setting up configuration parameters via
// mcfg. The default listen address is ":0".
func InstListeningServer(cmp *mcmp.Component, h http.Handler) *Server {
srv := &Server{
Server: &http.Server{Handler: h},
cmp: cmp.Child("http"),
listener := mnet.InstListener(srv.cmp,
// http.Server.Shutdown will handle this
threadCtx := context.Background()
mrun.InitHook(srv.cmp, func(ctx context.Context) error {
srv.Addr = listener.Addr().String()
threadCtx = mrun.WithThreads(threadCtx, 1, func() error {
mlog.From(srv.cmp).Info("serving requests", ctx)
if err := srv.Serve(listener); !merr.Equal(err, http.ErrServerClosed) {
mlog.From(srv.cmp).Error("error serving listener", ctx, merr.Context(err))
return merr.Wrap(err, srv.cmp.Context(), ctx)
return nil
return nil
mrun.ShutdownHook(srv.cmp, func(ctx context.Context) error {
mlog.From(srv.cmp).Info("shutting down server", ctx)
if err := srv.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil {
return merr.Wrap(err, srv.cmp.Context(), ctx)
err := mrun.Wait(threadCtx, ctx.Done())
return merr.Wrap(err, srv.cmp.Context(), ctx)
return srv
// AddXForwardedFor populates the X-Forwarded-For header on the Request to
// convey that the request is being proxied for IP.
// If the IP is invalid, loopback, or otherwise part of a reserved range, this
// does nothing.
func AddXForwardedFor(r *http.Request, ipStr string) {
const xff = "X-Forwarded-For"
ip := net.ParseIP(ipStr)
if ip == nil || mnet.IsReservedIP(ip) { // IsReservedIP includes loopback
prev, _ := r.Header[xff]
r.Header.Set(xff, strings.Join(append(prev, ip.String()), ", "))
// ReverseProxy returns an httputil.ReverseProxy which will send requests to the
// given URL and copy their responses back without modification.
// Only the Scheme and Host of the given URL are used.
// Any http.ResponseWriters passed into the ServeHTTP call of the returned
// instance should not be modified afterwards.
func ReverseProxy(u *url.URL) *httputil.ReverseProxy {
rp := new(httputil.ReverseProxy)
rp.Director = func(req *http.Request) {
if ipStr, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(req.RemoteAddr); err != nil {
AddXForwardedFor(req, ipStr)
req.URL.Scheme = u.Scheme
req.URL.Host = u.Host
// TODO when this package has a function for creating a Client use that for
// the default here
return rp

@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
package mhttp
import (
. "testing"
func TestMListenAndServe(t *T) {
cmp := mtest.Component()
srv := InstListeningServer(cmp, http.HandlerFunc(func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
io.Copy(rw, r.Body)
mtest.Run(cmp, t, func() {
body := bytes.NewBufferString("HELLO")
resp, err := http.Post("http://"+srv.Addr, "text/plain", body)
if err != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()
respBody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
} else if string(respBody) != "HELLO" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected respBody: %q", respBody)
func TestAddXForwardedFor(t *T) {
assertXFF := func(prev []string, ipStr, expected string) massert.Assertion {
r := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil)
for i := range prev {
r.Header.Add("X-Forwarded-For", prev[i])
AddXForwardedFor(r, ipStr)
var a massert.Assertion
if expected == "" {
a = massert.Length(r.Header["X-Forwarded-For"], 0)
} else {
a = massert.All(
massert.Length(r.Header["X-Forwarded-For"], 1),
massert.Equal(expected, r.Header["X-Forwarded-For"][0]),
return massert.Comment(a, "prev:%#v ipStr:%q", prev, ipStr)
assertXFF(nil, "invalid", ""),
assertXFF(nil, "::1", ""),
assertXFF([]string{""}, "invalid", ""),
assertXFF([]string{""}, "::1", ""),
assertXFF(nil, "", ""),
assertXFF([]string{""}, "", ","),
assertXFF([]string{","}, "", ",,"),
assertXFF([]string{",", ""}, "",

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ package mlog
import (
@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ import (
// Null is an instance of Logger which will write all Messages to /dev/null.
@ -98,7 +99,6 @@ type Message struct {
Context context.Context
Description string
Annotators []mctx.Annotator
// FullMessage extends Message to contain loggable properties not provided
@ -159,11 +159,6 @@ func (h *messageHandler) Handle(msg FullMessage) error {
defer h.l.Unlock()
mctx.EvaluateAnnotations(msg.Context, h.aa)
for _, annotator := range msg.Annotators {
msgJSON := messageJSON{
TimeDate: msg.Time.UTC().Format(msgTimeFormat),
Timestamp: msg.Time.UnixNano(),
@ -171,7 +166,7 @@ func (h *messageHandler) Handle(msg FullMessage) error {
LevelInt: msg.Level.Int(),
Namespace: msg.Namespace,
Description: msg.Description,
Annotations: h.aa.StringMap(),
Annotations: mctx.EvaluateAnnotations(msg.Context, h.aa).StringMap(),
for k := range h.aa {
@ -294,8 +289,7 @@ func (l *Logger) Log(msg Message) {
if err := l.opts.MessageHandler.Handle(fullMsg); err != nil {
// TODO log the error
go l.Error(context.Background(), "MessageHandler.Handle returned error")
go l.Error(context.Background(), "MessageHandler.Handle returned error", err)
@ -310,32 +304,41 @@ func mkMsg(ctx context.Context, lvl Level, descr string, annotators ...mctx.Anno
Context: ctx,
Level: lvl,
Description: descr,
Annotators: annotators,
// Debug logs a LevelDebug message.
func (l *Logger) Debug(ctx context.Context, descr string, annotators ...mctx.Annotator) {
l.Log(mkMsg(ctx, LevelDebug, descr, annotators...))
func (l *Logger) Debug(ctx context.Context, descr string) {
l.Log(mkMsg(ctx, LevelDebug, descr))
// Info logs a LevelInfo message.
func (l *Logger) Info(ctx context.Context, descr string, annotators ...mctx.Annotator) {
l.Log(mkMsg(ctx, LevelInfo, descr, annotators...))
func (l *Logger) Info(ctx context.Context, descr string) {
l.Log(mkMsg(ctx, LevelInfo, descr))
// WarnString logs a LevelWarn message which is only a string.
func (l *Logger) WarnString(ctx context.Context, descr string) {
l.Log(mkMsg(ctx, LevelWarn, descr))
// Warn logs a LevelWarn message, including information from the given error.
func (l *Logger) Warn(ctx context.Context, descr string, err error) {
l.Log(mkMsg(ctx, LevelWarn, fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", descr, err)))
// Warn logs a LevelWarn message.
func (l *Logger) Warn(ctx context.Context, descr string, annotators ...mctx.Annotator) {
l.Log(mkMsg(ctx, LevelWarn, descr, annotators...))
// ErrorString logs a LevelError message which is only a string.
func (l *Logger) ErrorString(ctx context.Context, descr string) {
l.Log(mkMsg(ctx, LevelError, descr))
// Error logs a LevelError message.
func (l *Logger) Error(ctx context.Context, descr string, annotators ...mctx.Annotator) {
l.Log(mkMsg(ctx, LevelError, descr, annotators...))
// Error logs a LevelError message, including information from the given error.
func (l *Logger) Error(ctx context.Context, descr string, err error) {
l.Log(mkMsg(ctx, LevelError, fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", descr, err)))
// Fatal logs a LevelFatal message. A Fatal message automatically stops the
// process with an os.Exit(1) if the default MessageHandler is used.
func (l *Logger) Fatal(ctx context.Context, descr string, annotators ...mctx.Annotator) {
l.Log(mkMsg(ctx, LevelFatal, descr, annotators...))
func (l *Logger) Fatal(ctx context.Context, descr string) {
l.Log(mkMsg(ctx, LevelFatal, descr))

@ -3,13 +3,14 @@ package mlog
import (
. "testing"
func TestTruncate(t *T) {
@ -45,12 +46,12 @@ func TestLogger(t *T) {
// Default max level should be INFO
l.Debug(ctx, "foo")
l.Info(ctx, "bar")
l.Warn(ctx, "baz")
l.Error(ctx, "buz")
l.Warn(ctx, "baz", errors.New("ERR"))
l.Error(ctx, "buz", errors.New("ERR"))
assertOut(`{"td":"<TD>","ts":<TS>,"level":"WARN","descr":"baz: ERR","level_int":20}`),
assertOut(`{"td":"<TD>","ts":<TS>,"level":"ERROR","descr":"buz: ERR","level_int":10}`),
// annotate context
@ -60,14 +61,6 @@ func TestLogger(t *T) {
// add other annotations
l.Info(ctx, "bar", mctx.Annotations{
"foo": "BAR",
// add namespace
l = l.WithNamespace("ns")
l.Info(ctx, "bar")

@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
// Package mnet extends the standard package with extra functionality which is
// commonly useful
package mnet
import (
// Listener is returned by InstListener and simply wraps a net.Listener.
type Listener struct {
// One of these will be populated during the start hook, depending on the
// protocol configured.
cmp *mcmp.Component
type listenerOpts struct {
proto string
defaultAddr string
closeOnShutdown bool
func (lOpts listenerOpts) isPacketConn() bool {
proto := strings.ToLower(lOpts.proto)
return strings.HasPrefix(proto, "udp") ||
proto == "unixgram" ||
strings.HasPrefix(proto, "ip")
// ListenerOpt is a value which adjusts the behavior of InstListener.
type ListenerOpt func(*listenerOpts)
// ListenerProtocol adjusts the protocol which the Listener uses. The default is
// "tcp".
func ListenerProtocol(proto string) ListenerOpt {
return func(opts *listenerOpts) {
opts.proto = proto
// ListenerCloseOnShutdown sets the Listener's behavior when mrun's Shutdown
// event is triggered on its Component. If true the Listener will call Close on
// itself, if false it will do nothing.
// Defaults to true.
func ListenerCloseOnShutdown(closeOnShutdown bool) ListenerOpt {
return func(opts *listenerOpts) {
opts.closeOnShutdown = closeOnShutdown
// ListenerDefaultAddr adjusts the defaultAddr which the Listener will use. The
// addr will still be configurable via mcfg regardless of what this is set to.
// The default is ":0".
func ListenerDefaultAddr(defaultAddr string) ListenerOpt {
return func(opts *listenerOpts) {
opts.defaultAddr = defaultAddr
// InstListener instantiates a Listener which will be initialized when the Init
// event is triggered on the given Component, and closed when the Shutdown event
// is triggered on the returned Component.
func InstListener(cmp *mcmp.Component, opts ...ListenerOpt) *Listener {
lOpts := listenerOpts{
proto: "tcp",
defaultAddr: ":0",
closeOnShutdown: true,
for _, opt := range opts {
cmp = cmp.Child("net")
l := &Listener{cmp: cmp}
addr := mcfg.String(cmp, "listen-addr",
strings.ToUpper(lOpts.proto)+" address to listen on in format "+
"[host]:port. If port is 0 then a random one will be chosen",
mrun.InitHook(cmp, func(ctx context.Context) error {
cmp.Annotate("proto", lOpts.proto, "addr", *addr)
var err error
if lOpts.isPacketConn() {
if l.PacketConn, err = net.ListenPacket(lOpts.proto, *addr); err != nil {
return merr.Wrap(err, cmp.Context(), ctx)
cmp.Annotate("addr", l.PacketConn.LocalAddr().String())
} else {
if l.Listener, err = net.Listen(lOpts.proto, *addr); err != nil {
return merr.Wrap(err, cmp.Context(), ctx)
cmp.Annotate("addr", l.Listener.Addr().String())
return nil
// TODO track connections and wait for them to complete before shutting
// down?
mrun.ShutdownHook(cmp, func(context.Context) error {
if !lOpts.closeOnShutdown {
return nil
mlog.From(cmp).Info("shutting down listener")
return l.Close()
return l
// Accept wraps a call to Accept on the underlying net.Listener, providing debug
// logging.
func (l *Listener) Accept() (net.Conn, error) {
conn, err := l.Listener.Accept()
if err != nil {
return conn, err
mlog.From(l.cmp).Debug("connection accepted",
mctx.Annotated("remoteAddr", conn.RemoteAddr().String()))
return conn, nil
// Close wraps a call to Close on the underlying net.Listener, providing debug
// logging.
func (l *Listener) Close() error {
mlog.From(l.cmp).Info("listener closing")
if l.Listener != nil {
return l.Listener.Close()
return l.PacketConn.Close()
func mustGetCIDRNetwork(cidr string) *net.IPNet {
_, n, err := net.ParseCIDR(cidr)
if err != nil {
return n
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reserved_IP_addresses
var reservedCIDRs4 = []*net.IPNet{
mustGetCIDRNetwork(""), // current network
mustGetCIDRNetwork(""), // private network
mustGetCIDRNetwork(""), // private network
mustGetCIDRNetwork(""), // localhost
mustGetCIDRNetwork(""), // link-local
mustGetCIDRNetwork(""), // private network
mustGetCIDRNetwork(""), // IETF protocol assignments
mustGetCIDRNetwork(""), // documentation and examples
mustGetCIDRNetwork(""), // 6to4 Relay
mustGetCIDRNetwork(""), // private network
mustGetCIDRNetwork(""), // private network
mustGetCIDRNetwork(""), // documentation and examples
mustGetCIDRNetwork(""), // documentation and examples
mustGetCIDRNetwork(""), // IP multicast
mustGetCIDRNetwork(""), // reserved
mustGetCIDRNetwork(""), // limited broadcast address
var reservedCIDRs6 = []*net.IPNet{
mustGetCIDRNetwork("::/128"), // unspecified address
mustGetCIDRNetwork("::1/128"), // loopback address
mustGetCIDRNetwork("100::/64"), // discard prefix
mustGetCIDRNetwork("2001::/32"), // Teredo tunneling
mustGetCIDRNetwork("2001:20::/28"), // ORCHID v2
mustGetCIDRNetwork("2001:db8::/32"), // documentation and examples
mustGetCIDRNetwork("2002::/16"), // 6to4 addressing
mustGetCIDRNetwork("fc00::/7"), // unique local
mustGetCIDRNetwork("fe80::/10"), // link local
mustGetCIDRNetwork("ff00::/8"), // multicast
// IsReservedIP returns true if the given valid IP is part of a reserved IP
// range.
func IsReservedIP(ip net.IP) bool {
containedBy := func(cidrs []*net.IPNet) bool {
for _, cidr := range cidrs {
if cidr.Contains(ip) {
return true
return false
if ip.To4() != nil {
return containedBy(reservedCIDRs4)
return containedBy(reservedCIDRs6)

@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
package mnet
import (
. "testing"
func TestIsReservedIP(t *T) {
assertReserved := func(ipStr string) massert.Assertion {
ip := net.ParseIP(ipStr)
if ip == nil {
panic("ip:" + ipStr + " not valid")
return massert.Comment(massert.Equal(true, IsReservedIP(ip)),
"ip:%q", ipStr)
massert.Require(t, massert.None(
func TestWithListener(t *T) {
cmp := mtest.Component()
l := InstListener(cmp)
mtest.Run(cmp, t, func() {
go func() {
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", l.Addr().String())
if err != nil {
} else if _, err = fmt.Fprint(conn, "hello world"); err != nil {
conn, err := l.Accept()
if err != nil {
} else if b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(conn); err != nil {
} else if string(b) != "hello world" {
t.Fatalf("read %q from conn", b)

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
package mrand
import (
// Everything in this file is taken from the math/rand package, which really
// ought to expose lockedSource publicly.
func read(p []byte, int63 func() int64, readVal *int64, readPos *int8) (n int, err error) {
pos := *readPos
val := *readVal
for n = 0; n < len(p); n++ {
if pos == 0 {
val = int63()
pos = 7
p[n] = byte(val)
val >>= 8
*readPos = pos
*readVal = val
type lockedSource struct {
lk sync.Mutex
src rand.Source64
func (r *lockedSource) Int63() (n int64) {
n = r.src.Int63()
func (r *lockedSource) Uint64() (n uint64) {
n = r.src.Uint64()
func (r *lockedSource) Seed(seed int64) {
// seedPos implements Seed for a lockedSource without a race condition.
func (r *lockedSource) seedPos(seed int64, readPos *int8) {
*readPos = 0
// read implements Read for a lockedSource without a race condition.
func (r *lockedSource) read(p []byte, readVal *int64, readPos *int8) (n int, err error) {
n, err = read(p, r.src.Int63, readVal, readPos)

@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
// Package mrand implements extensions and conveniences for using the default
// math/rand package.
package mrand
import (
// Rand extends the default rand.Rand type with extra functionality.
type Rand struct {
// NewSyncRand initializes and returns a new Rand instance using the given
// Source. The returned Rand will be safe for concurrent use.
// This will panic if the given Source doesn't implement rand.Source64.
func NewSyncRand(src rand.Source) Rand {
return Rand{
Rand: rand.New(&lockedSource{src: src.(rand.Source64)}),
// Bytes returns n random bytes.
func (r Rand) Bytes(n int) []byte {
b := make([]byte, n)
if _, err := r.Read(b); err != nil {
return b
// Hex returns a random hex string which is n characters long.
func (r Rand) Hex(n int) string {
origN := n
if n%2 == 1 {
b := r.Bytes(hex.DecodedLen(n))
return hex.EncodeToString(b)[:origN]
// Element returns a random element from the given slice.
// If a weighting function is given then that function is used to weight each
// element of the slice relative to the others, based on whatever metric and
// scale is desired. The weight function must be able to be called more than
// once on each element.
func (r Rand) Element(slice interface{}, weight func(i int) uint64) interface{} {
v := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
l := v.Len()
if weight == nil {
return v.Index(r.Intn(l)).Interface()
var totalWeight uint64
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
totalWeight += weight(i)
target := r.Int63n(int64(totalWeight))
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
w := int64(weight(i))
target -= w
if target < 0 {
return v.Index(i).Interface()
panic("should never get here, perhaps the weighting function is inconsistent?")
// DefaultRand is an instance off Rand whose methods are directly exported by
// this package for convenience.
var DefaultRand = NewSyncRand(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
// Methods off DefaultRand exported to the top level of this package.
var (
ExpFloat64 = DefaultRand.ExpFloat64
Float32 = DefaultRand.Float32
Float64 = DefaultRand.Float64
Int = DefaultRand.Int
Int31 = DefaultRand.Int31
Int31n = DefaultRand.Int31n
Int63 = DefaultRand.Int63
Int63n = DefaultRand.Int63n
Intn = DefaultRand.Intn
NormFloat64 = DefaultRand.NormFloat64
Perm = DefaultRand.Perm
Read = DefaultRand.Read
Seed = DefaultRand.Seed
Shuffle = DefaultRand.Shuffle
Uint32 = DefaultRand.Uint32
Uint64 = DefaultRand.Uint64
// extended methods
Bytes = DefaultRand.Bytes
Hex = DefaultRand.Hex
Element = DefaultRand.Element

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
package mrand
import (
. "testing"
func TestRandBytes(t *T) {
var prev []byte
for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
curr := Bytes(16)
assert.Len(t, curr, 16)
assert.NotEqual(t, prev, curr)
prev = curr
func TestRandHex(t *T) {
// RandHex is basically a wrapper of RandBytes, so we don't have to test it
// much
assert.Len(t, Hex(16), 16)
func TestRandElement(t *T) {
slice := []uint64{1, 2, 3} // values are also each value's weight
total := func() uint64 {
var t uint64
for i := range slice {
t += slice[i]
return t
m := map[uint64]uint64{}
iterations := 100000
for i := 0; i < iterations; i++ {
el := Element(slice, func(i int) uint64 { return slice[i] }).(uint64)
for i := range slice {
t.Logf("%d -> %d (%f)", slice[i], m[slice[i]], float64(m[slice[i]])/float64(iterations))
assertEl := func(i int) {
el, elF := slice[i], float64(slice[i])
gotRatio := float64(m[el]) / float64(iterations)
expRatio := elF / float64(total)
diff := (gotRatio - expRatio) / expRatio
if diff > 0.1 || diff < -0.1 {
t.Fatalf("ratio of element %d is off: got %f, expected %f (diff:%f)", el, gotRatio, expRatio, diff)
for i := range slice {

@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
// Package mrpc contains types and functionality to facilitate creating RPC
// interfaces and for making calls against those same interfaces
// This package contains a few fundamental types: Handler, Call, and
// Client. Together these form the components needed to implement nearly any RPC
// system.
// TODO an example of an implementation of these interfaces can be found in the
// m package
package mrpc
import (
// Handler is a type which serves RPC calls. For each incoming Call the ServeRPC
// method is called, and the return from the method is used as the response. If
// an error is returned the response return is ignored.
type Handler interface {
ServeRPC(Call) (interface{}, error)
// HandlerFunc can be used to wrap an individual function which fits the
// ServeRPC signature, and use that function as a Handler
type HandlerFunc func(Call) (interface{}, error)
// ServeRPC implements the method for the Handler interface by calling the
// underlying function
func (hf HandlerFunc) ServeRPC(c Call) (interface{}, error) {
return hf(c)
// Call is passed into the ServeRPC method and contains all information about
// the incoming RPC call which is being made
type Call interface {
Context() context.Context
// Method returns the name of the RPC method being called
Method() string
// UnmarshalArgs takes in a pointer and unmarshals the RPC call's arguments
// into it. The properties of the unmarshaling are dependent on the
// underlying implementation of the codec types.
UnmarshalArgs(interface{}) error
type call struct {
ctx context.Context
method string
unmarshalArgs func(interface{}) error
func (c call) Context() context.Context {
return c.ctx
func (c call) Method() string {
return c.method
func (c call) UnmarshalArgs(i interface{}) error {
return c.unmarshalArgs(i)
// WithContext returns the same Call it's given, but the new Call will return
// the given context when Context() is called
func WithContext(c Call, ctx context.Context) Call {
return call{ctx: ctx, method: c.Method(), unmarshalArgs: c.UnmarshalArgs}
// WithMethod returns the same Call it's given, but the new Call will return the
// given method name when Method() is called
func WithMethod(c Call, method string) Call {
return call{ctx: c.Context(), method: method, unmarshalArgs: c.UnmarshalArgs}
// Client is an entity which can perform RPC calls against a remote endpoint.
// res should be a pointer into which the result of the RPC call will be
// unmarshaled according to Client's implementation. args will be marshaled and
// sent to the remote endpoint according to Client's implementation.
type Client interface {
CallRPC(ctx context.Context, res interface{}, method string, args interface{}) error
// ClientFunc can be used to wrap an individual function which fits the CallRPC
// signature, and use that function as a Client
type ClientFunc func(context.Context, interface{}, string, interface{}) error
// CallRPC implements the method for the Client interface by calling the
// underlying function
func (cf ClientFunc) CallRPC(
ctx context.Context,
res interface{},
method string,
args interface{},
) error {
return cf(ctx, res, method, args)
// ReflectClient returns a Client whose CallRPC method will use reflection to
// call the given Handler's ServeRPC method directly, using reflect.Value's Set
// method to copy CallRPC's args parameter into UnmarshalArgs' receiver
// parameter, and similarly to copy the result from ServeRPC into CallRPC's
// receiver parameter.
func ReflectClient(h Handler) Client {
into := func(dst, src interface{}) error {
dstV, srcV := reflect.ValueOf(dst), reflect.ValueOf(src)
dstVi, srcVi := reflect.Indirect(dstV), reflect.Indirect(srcV)
if !dstVi.CanSet() || dstVi.Type() != srcVi.Type() {
return fmt.Errorf("can't set value of type %v into type %v", srcV.Type(), dstV.Type())
return nil
return ClientFunc(func(
ctx context.Context,
resInto interface{},
method string,
args interface{},
) error {
c := call{
ctx: ctx,
method: method,
unmarshalArgs: func(i interface{}) error { return into(i, args) },
res, err := h.ServeRPC(c)
if err != nil {
return err
return into(resInto, res)

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
package mrpc
import (
. "testing"
func TestReflectClient(t *T) {
type argT struct {
In string
type resT struct {
Out string
ctx := context.Background()
{ // test with handler returning non-pointer
client := ReflectClient(HandlerFunc(func(c Call) (interface{}, error) {
var args argT
assert.NoError(t, c.UnmarshalArgs(&args))
assert.Equal(t, "foo", c.Method())
return resT{Out: args.In}, nil
{ // test with arg being non-pointer
in := mrand.Hex(8)
var res resT
assert.NoError(t, client.CallRPC(ctx, &res, "foo", argT{In: in}))
assert.Equal(t, in, res.Out)
{ // test with arg being pointer
in := mrand.Hex(8)
var res resT
assert.NoError(t, client.CallRPC(ctx, &res, "foo", &argT{In: in}))
assert.Equal(t, in, res.Out)
{ // test with handler returning pointer
client := ReflectClient(HandlerFunc(func(c Call) (interface{}, error) {
var args argT
assert.NoError(t, c.UnmarshalArgs(&args))
assert.Equal(t, "foo", c.Method())
return &resT{Out: args.In}, nil
{ // test with arg being non-pointer
in := mrand.Hex(8)
var res resT
assert.NoError(t, client.CallRPC(ctx, &res, "foo", argT{In: in}))
assert.Equal(t, in, res.Out)
{ // test with arg being pointer
in := mrand.Hex(8)
var res resT
assert.NoError(t, client.CallRPC(ctx, &res, "foo", &argT{In: in}))
assert.Equal(t, in, res.Out)

@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
// Package mchk implements a framework for writing property checker tests, where
// test cases are generated randomly and performed, and failing test cases are
// output in a way so as to easily be able to rerun them. In addition failing
// test cases are minimized so the smallest possible case is returned.
// The central type of the package is Checker. For every Run call on Checker a
// new initial State is generated, and then an Action is generated off of that.
// The Action is applied to the State to obtain a new State, and a new Action is
// generated from there, and so on. If any Action fails it is output along with
// all of the Actions leading up to it.
package mchk
import (
// RunErr represents an test case error which was returned by a Checker Run.
// The string form of RunErr includes the sequence of Params which can be
// copy-pasted directly into Checker's RunCase method's arguments.
type RunErr struct {
// The sequence of Action Params which generated the error
Params []Params
// The error returned by the final Action
Err error
func (ce RunErr) Error() string {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "Test case: []mtest.Params{\n")
for _, p := range ce.Params {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\t%#v,\n", p)
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "}\n")
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "Generated error: %s\n", ce.Err)
return buf.String()
// State represents the current state of a Checker run. It can be any value
// convenient and useful to the test.
type State interface{}
// Params represent the parameters to an Action used during a Checker run. It
// should be a static value, meaning no pointers or channels.
type Params interface{}
// Action describes a change which can take place on a state.
type Action struct {
// Params are defined by the test and affect the behavior of the Action.
Params Params
// Incomplete can be set to true to indicate that this Action should never
// be the last Action applied, even if that means the length of the Run goes
// over MaxLength.
Incomplete bool
// Terminate can be set to true to indicate that this Action should always
// be the last Action applied, even if the Run's length hasn't reached
// MaxLength yet.
Terminate bool
// Checker implements a very basic property checker. It generates random test
// cases, attempting to find and print out failing ones.
type Checker struct {
// Init returns the initial state of the test. It should always return the
// exact same value.
Init func() State
// Next returns a new Action which can be Apply'd to the given State. This
// function should not modify the State in any way.
Next func(State) Action
// Apply performs the Action's changes to a State, returning the new State.
// After modifying the State this function should also assert that the new
// State is what it's expected to be, returning an error if it's not.
Apply func(State, Action) (State, error)
// Cleanup is an optional function which can perform any necessary cleanup
// operations on the State. This is called even on error.
Cleanup func(State)
// MaxLength indicates the maximum number of Actions which can be strung
// together in a single Run. Defaults to 10 if not set.
MaxLength int
// If true the Run and RunFor methods will return the first erroring Action
// sequence, without trying to remove extraneous Actions from it first.
DontMinimize bool
func (c Checker) withDefaults() Checker {
if c.MaxLength == 0 {
c.MaxLength = 10
return c
// RunFor performs Runs in a loop until maxDuration has elapsed.
func (c Checker) RunFor(maxDuration time.Duration) error {
doneTimer := time.After(maxDuration)
for {
select {
case <-doneTimer:
return nil
if err := c.Run(); err != nil {
return err
// Run generates a single sequence of Actions and applies them in order,
// returning nil once the number of Actions performed has reached MaxLength or a
// CheckErr if an error is returned. If an error is to be returned this will
// attempt to minimize the Actions sequence in order to find the smallest
// reproducible test case.
func (c Checker) Run() error {
c = c.withDefaults()
s := c.Init()
params := make([]Params, 0, c.MaxLength)
for {
action := c.Next(s)
var err error
s, err = c.Apply(s, action)
params = append(params, action.Params)
if err != nil && c.DontMinimize {
return RunErr{
Params: params,
Err: err,
} else if err != nil {
minParams := c.MinimizeCase(params...)
if minErr := c.RunCase(minParams...); minErr != nil {
// RunCase already wraps errs in RunErrs, so that's not
// necessary here
return minErr
// if the minParams didn't return an error here it means the test
// case isn't consistent, as a fallback return the original which
// definitely errored
return RunErr{
Params: params,
Err: err,
} else if action.Incomplete {
} else if action.Terminate || len(params) >= c.MaxLength {
return nil
// MinimizeCase repeatedly randomly picks a Param from the set and performs
// RunCase without that Param. It does this until it can't remove a single Param
// without the error ceasing, and returns that minimized set.
func (c Checker) MinimizeCase(params ...Params) []Params {
for {
if len(params) == 1 {
return params
tried := map[int]bool{}
for {
if len(tried) == len(params) {
return params
i := mrand.Intn(len(params))
if tried[i] {
newParams := make([]Params, 0, len(params)-1)
newParams = append(newParams, params[:i]...)
newParams = append(newParams, params[i+1:]...)
if err := c.RunCase(newParams...); err == nil {
tried[i] = true
params = newParams
continue outer
// RunCase performs a single sequence of Actions with the given Params.
func (c Checker) RunCase(params ...Params) error {
s := c.Init()
if c.Cleanup != nil {
// wrap in a function so we don't capture the value of s right here
defer func() {
for i := range params {
var err error
if s, err = c.Apply(s, Action{Params: params[i]}); err != nil {
return RunErr{
Params: params[:i+1],
Err: err,
return nil

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
package mchk
import (
. "testing"
func TestCheckerRun(t *T) {
c := Checker{
Init: func() State { return 0 },
Next: func(State) Action {
if mrand.Intn(3) == 0 {
return Action{Params: -1}
return Action{Params: 1}
Apply: func(s State, a Action) (State, error) {
si := s.(int) + a.Params.(int)
if si > 5 {
return nil, errors.New("went over 5")
return si, nil
MaxLength: 4,
// 4 Actions should never be able to go over 5
if err := c.RunFor(time.Second); err != nil {
// 20 should always go over 5 eventually
c.MaxLength = 20
err := c.RunFor(time.Second)
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("expected error when maxDepth is 20")
} else if len(err.(RunErr).Params) < 6 {
t.Fatalf("strange RunErr when maxDepth is 20: %s", err)
t.Logf("got expected error with large maxDepth:\n%s", err)
caseErr := c.RunCase(err.(RunErr).Params...)
if caseErr == nil || err.Error() != caseErr.Error() {
t.Fatalf("unexpected caseErr: %v", caseErr)

@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
// Package mtest implements functionality useful for testing.
package mtest
import (
type envCmpKey int
// Component creates and returns a root Component suitable for testing.
func Component() *mcmp.Component {
cmp := new(mcmp.Component)
logger := mlog.NewLogger()
mlog.SetLogger(cmp, logger)
mrun.InitHook(cmp, func(context.Context) error {
envVals := mcmp.SeriesValues(cmp, envCmpKey(0))
env := make([]string, 0, len(envVals))
for _, val := range envVals {
tup := val.([2]string)
env = append(env, tup[0]+"="+tup[1])
return mcfg.Populate(cmp, &mcfg.SourceEnv{Env: env})
return cmp
// Env sets the given environment variable on the given Component, such that it
// will be used as if it was a real environment variable when the Run function
// from this package is called.
// This function will panic if not called on the root Component.
func Env(cmp *mcmp.Component, key, val string) {
if len(cmp.Path()) != 0 {
panic("Env should only be called on the root Component")
mcmp.AddSeriesValue(cmp, envCmpKey(0), [2]string{key, val})
// Run performs the following using the given Component:
// - Calls mrun.Init, which calls mcfg.Populate using any variables set by Env.
// - Calls the passed in body callback.
// - Calls mrun.Shutdown
// The intention is that Run is used within a test on a Component created via
// this package's Component function, after any instantiation functions have
// been called (e.g. mnet.InstListener).
func Run(cmp *mcmp.Component, t *testing.T, body func()) {
if err := mrun.Init(context.Background(), cmp); err != nil {
if err := mrun.Shutdown(context.Background(), cmp); err != nil {

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
package mtest
import (
. "testing"
func TestRun(t *T) {
cmp := Component()
Env(cmp, "ARG", "foo")
arg := mcfg.String(cmp, "arg", mcfg.ParamRequired())
Run(cmp, t, func() {
if *arg != "foo" {
t.Fatalf(`arg not set to "foo", is set to %q`, *arg)

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
package mtime
import (
// Duration wraps time.Duration to implement marshaling and unmarshaling methods
type Duration struct {
// MarshalText implements the text.Marshaler interface
func (d Duration) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(d.Duration.String()), nil
// UnmarshalText implements the text.Unmarshaler interface
func (d *Duration) UnmarshalText(b []byte) error {
var err error
d.Duration, err = time.ParseDuration(string(b))
return err
// MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface, marshaling the Duration
// as a json string via Duration's String method
func (d Duration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(d.String())
// UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface, unmarshaling the
// Duration as a JSON string and using the time.ParseDuration function on that
func (d *Duration) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var s string
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &s)
if err != nil {
return err
d.Duration, err = time.ParseDuration(s)
return err

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
package mtime
import (
. "testing"
func TestDuration(t *T) {
b, err := Duration{5 * time.Second}.MarshalText()
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, []byte("5s"), b)
var d Duration
assert.NoError(t, d.UnmarshalText(b))
assert.Equal(t, 5*time.Second, d.Duration)
b, err := Duration{5 * time.Second}.MarshalJSON()
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, []byte(`"5s"`), b)
var d Duration
assert.NoError(t, d.UnmarshalJSON(b))
assert.Equal(t, 5*time.Second, d.Duration)

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
// Package mtime extends the standard time package with extra functionality
package mtime

@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
package mtime
// Code based off the timeutil package in github.com/levenlabs/golib
// Changes performed:
// - Renamed Timestamp to TS for brevity
// - Added NewTS function
// - Moved Float64 method
// - Moved initialization methods to top
// - Made MarshalJSON use String method
// - TSNow -> NowTS, make it use NewTS
import (
var unixZero = time.Unix(0, 0)
func timeToFloat(t time.Time) float64 {
// If time.Time is the empty value, UnixNano will return the farthest back
// timestamp a float can represent, which is some large negative value. We
// compromise and call it zero
if t.IsZero() {
return 0
return float64(t.UnixNano()) / 1e9
// TS is a wrapper around time.Time which adds methods to marshal and
// unmarshal the value as a unix timestamp instead of a formatted string
type TS struct {
// NewTS returns a new TS instance wrapping the given time.Time, which will
// possibly be truncated a certain amount to account for floating point
// precision.
func NewTS(t time.Time) TS {
return TSFromFloat64(timeToFloat(t))
// NowTS is a wrapper around time.Now which returns a TS.
func NowTS() TS {
return NewTS(time.Now())
// TSFromInt64 returns a TS equal to the given int64, assuming it too is a unix
// timestamp
func TSFromInt64(ts int64) TS {
return TS{time.Unix(ts, 0)}
// TSFromFloat64 returns a TS equal to the given float64, assuming it too is a
// unix timestamp. The float64 is interpreted as number of seconds, with
// everything after the decimal indicating milliseconds, microseconds, and
// nanoseconds
func TSFromFloat64(ts float64) TS {
secs := int64(ts)
nsecs := int64((ts - float64(secs)) * 1e9)
return TS{time.Unix(secs, nsecs)}
// TSFromString attempts to parse the string as a float64, and then passes that
// into TSFromFloat64, returning the result
func TSFromString(ts string) (TS, error) {
f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(ts, 64)
if err != nil {
return TS{}, err
return TSFromFloat64(f), nil
// String returns the string representation of the TS, in the form of a floating
// point form of the time as a unix timestamp
func (t TS) String() string {
ts := timeToFloat(t.Time)
return strconv.FormatFloat(ts, 'f', -1, 64)
// Float64 returns the float representation of the timestamp in seconds.
func (t TS) Float64() float64 {
return timeToFloat(t.Time)
var jsonNull = []byte("null")
// MarshalJSON returns the JSON representation of the TS as an integer. It
// never returns an error
func (t TS) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
if t.IsZero() {
return jsonNull, nil
return []byte(t.String()), nil
// UnmarshalJSON takes a JSON integer and converts it into a TS, or
// returns an error if this can't be done
func (t *TS) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
// since 0 is a valid timestamp we can't use that to mean "unset", so we
// take null to mean unset instead
if bytes.Equal(b, jsonNull) {
t.Time = time.Time{}
return nil
var err error
*t, err = TSFromString(string(b))
return err
// IsUnixZero returns true if the timestamp is equal to the unix zero timestamp,
// representing 1/1/1970. This is different than checking if the timestamp is
// the empty value (which should be done with IsZero)
func (t TS) IsUnixZero() bool {
return t.Equal(unixZero)

@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
package mtime
import (
. "testing"
func TestTS(t *T) {
ts := NowTS()
tsJ, err := json.Marshal(&ts)
require.Nil(t, err)
// tsJ should basically be an integer
tsF, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(tsJ), 64)
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.True(t, tsF > 0)
ts2 := TSFromFloat64(tsF)
assert.Equal(t, ts, ts2)
var ts3 TS
err = json.Unmarshal(tsJ, &ts3)
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, ts, ts3)
// Make sure that we can take in a non-float from json
func TestTSMarshalInt(t *T) {
now := time.Now()
tsJ := []byte(strconv.FormatInt(now.Unix(), 10))
var ts TS
err := json.Unmarshal(tsJ, &ts)
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, ts.Float64(), float64(now.Unix()))
type Foo struct {
T TS `json:"timestamp" bson:"t"`
func TestTSJSON(t *T) {
now := NowTS()
in := Foo{now}
b, err := json.Marshal(in)
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.NotEmpty(t, b)
var out Foo
err = json.Unmarshal(b, &out)
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, in, out)
func TestTSJSONNull(t *T) {
var foo Foo
timestampNull := []byte(`{"timestamp":null}`)
fooJSON, err := json.Marshal(foo)
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, timestampNull, fooJSON)
require.Nil(t, json.Unmarshal(timestampNull, &foo))
assert.True(t, foo.T.IsZero())
assert.False(t, foo.T.IsUnixZero())
var foo Foo
foo.T = TS{Time: unixZero}
timestampZero := []byte(`{"timestamp":0}`)
fooJSON, err := json.Marshal(foo)
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, timestampZero, fooJSON)
require.Nil(t, json.Unmarshal(timestampZero, &foo))
assert.False(t, foo.T.IsZero())
assert.True(t, foo.T.IsUnixZero())
func TestTSZero(t *T) {
var ts TS
assert.True(t, ts.IsZero())
assert.False(t, ts.IsUnixZero())
tsf := timeToFloat(ts.Time)
assert.Zero(t, tsf)
ts = TSFromFloat64(0)
assert.False(t, ts.IsZero())
assert.True(t, ts.IsUnixZero())
tsf = timeToFloat(ts.Time)
assert.Zero(t, tsf)
func TestTSBSON(t *T) {
// BSON only supports up to millisecond precision, but even if we keep that
// many it kinda gets messed up due to rounding errors. So we just give it
// one with second precision
now := TSFromInt64(time.Now().Unix())
in := Foo{now}
b, err := bson.Marshal(in)
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.NotEmpty(t, b)
var out Foo
err = bson.Unmarshal(b, &out)
require.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, in, out)